- Meditation technic (urgent translation!)
- вроде, ведь
- прокрастинация
- перебить
- шепчу
- валить
- how is called this phenomenon
- study
- царапать
- cover all the bases
- unbiased
- арбитраж
- созвониться / позвонить
- shipping
- suggested solutions
- Political poster text
- flexible
- syndrom of inferiority, inferior, superior
- Marriage Proposal Translation
- Check my translations please - list of words and phrases
- Quote by Vladimir Nabokov
- impression
- Tattoo translation
- tennis terminology
- Don't let it go to your head.
- activity
- работать над
- Questions about Dostoevsky's Demons
- Advice
- Dostoevsky Quote
- The Stationmaster - "в оную свою"
- russian rap from slovenia
- lose the momentum
- "It was just luck"
- Крыльце- Porch?
- краматорчане meaning/root/connotation completely unfindable on internet so far
- Video about Coffee
- Help with transliteration
- legally binding
- fully furnished
- Tough word to find any sensible meaning for бугръ
- откат
- Translation of some Komsomol District committees - Handwritten
- feedback
- Урони пистолет! или Брось пистолет! ??
- бгоневичок Again can't find meaning/translation/understanding of this word
- elaborate on the meanings and usage of суржик
- Can you break down this to make sense? Какой крепости чаю прикажете подать
- whether + be
- How far off the mark is Google translate with this one?
- Can someone explain this?
- refer
- so much ... as ...
- within a period, should be expected
- Transliteration of a few russian names to western alphabet
- умолять и просить милость
- Just a word (name) for translation
- "Дружелюбный людоедушка"
- continous, unstoppable
- succeed
- upload (photos)
- like (Facebook)
- welcomed
- Per Capita Income
- а мульён баксов есть?
- провернуть
- Syriyka
- Could Someone Read What is Written
- I will pick you up by car
- get in conflict with smn
- сталкиваться
- Почему дательный падеж?
- it doesn't belong to the sphere of my expertise
- extrapolate these trends
- брать на себя ответственность (за что)
- deflated house price index (1 year % change)
- How would you translate this?
- mimic
- want
- financial products
- possible - possibility
- Сообщение для восьмого марта
- I wonder how you feel today
- Honey, take care of yourself well or i will get angry.
- Автомобильная заправочная станция
- assignment
- saving, investment
- Spiritual terminology 1
- Звёздно-снежный
- Help translate a sentence to Russian
- Котауси и Мауси
- Бутерброд
- Курочка Ряба
- идти к репету
- Check song lyrics translation
- на нет, то
- хоть
- Предложение сотрудничества
- Text to help translate
- Уважаемый/ая художественный руководитель?
- облажаться
- Saying (about empty words)
- Описание - Profile
- can anyone tranlate this?
- "fake" compliments (suck)
- Исправление перевода
- can anyone help me for this lyric translation in english
- С русского на английский
- A Short Line
- What is "u" in russian?
- ещё нет
- outsmart
- how, tension
- poem translation - check for errors please
- Bill Gates
- утверждение - подтверждение
- Random expressions for translation 5
- carats / проба
- пойду-ка брошусь
- делать что-то со вкусом
- urgent English to Russian translation needed
- Translating Southern/American Slang into Russian
- trick question
- not even, something tells me
- very short translation
- Exercise
- Wishes
- bargainable
- arrive
- asking time
- некоторые или какие-то
- stamp
- уголь
- и тому подобное
- unobstructed
- Translation for a project - Russian to english
- Солнце and Солнушко
- seaside
- Can someone tell me what "ё моё"
- Translation help
- "под девизом" и "на тему"
- Could Someone Please Tanslate This in to English please ?
- Russian surname into english
- since
- behave - treat
- with less than
- per person
- Is на ты an idiom meaning fluent?
- услшите - Is this even a correctly spelled word?
- "В соседнем подъезде"
- Difficult Translation
- Random Expressions for Translation 4
- Random expressions for translation 3
- "Россия в Маньчжурии" - Having problem understanding this phrase. Help, plz
- "Россия в Маньчжурии" - Объясняйте, пож., значение предложений
- Who needs who?
- a little bit
- Какая разница между возвратиться and вернуться?
- "Найти ходу" и "питательная ветвь"
- Random expressions for translation 2
- прет/прёт
- Contrasting Sets Excercise
- Anttwon's russian exercise help thread
- Collapse and Preserve/Conserve
- Could you correct my mistakes?
- turn smn on
- adopt
- per average / on average
- married
- suffer
- выступать
- проживание и пребывание
- sentence from article
- To give/adminster a test ( how to say this in russian )?
- very short sentence, some trouble.
- Russian homework, need help!
- A goodbye phrase I don't understand (audio file)
- Не понимаю ответ... немножко технический хоть короткий..помогите пожалуйста
- full-time and part-time
- loophole
- re- (for actions of repetition) and over-
- Ибо, присущи, рэкет
- Представляет собой
- "ukraina peremose"
- советские военные песни
- timing, see below, time-consuming, end up, convictions, consequently
- to date
- Цитата Кржижановского + немного о нём
- Description of the band
- refer
- emotionally attached
- become
- лучший и наилучший
- Перевод предложений (Террористические акты)
- playing hard to get?
- добиваться и достигать
- special birthday greeting
- Неслось
- Sentences
- Mathematics - Calculations
- Фейервегк (глаголы)
- как бы ни был
- Перевод
- Предложный или Винительный
- extend - network - intersts
- Знаю знаю у Аслана (песен Аслана)
- то ли
- Fix my poem?
- Town and Spacial Planning (?!?)
- To speak
- Quote translation please
- message translation to Russian please...
- I want to translate web site buttons to russian
- "Свяжите меня!"
- sophisticated, acquire, deep knowledge
- deserve and without stop
- Meaning of this sentence
- "тем временем" and "кстати"
- apply - application
- to be
- вода камень точит
- Dostoyevsky quote please
- Приступление/ Приступать
- похищать
- Some help with two sentences
- russian sentence translation
- Couple of simple questions
- message translation please...
- загадать
- достичь, разбираться, достичь, догнать
- Book
- соответствовать
- military terminology
- vote
- quote translation please...
- scroll down
- избоина What's the sense of this word? usage, frequency, popularity? Thanks
- Economic Terminology
- Russian cursive makes me cry sometimes...
- expression
- of his age
- General Translation
- Subtitle translation
- В споре рождается истина
- денежное поступление
- The car issue
- Russian wisdom - translation needed
- please help me with some old documents
- денежные средства
- ingredient