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  1. #61
    MOG is offline
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    Re: p009: Strip 2

    Quote Originally Posted by laxxy

    Cute Sakaki.
    1.1.1. 女子高生 #1: ねー榊さんかっこいいよねぇ
    Vow, Sakaki-san looks so cool!
    Q.: (Is て a contraction of って here?)

    1.1.2. 女子高生 #2: ちょっと怖そうだけどその辺の男子よりいいよね
    Even though she must be scary, she's better than the guys around here (??)
    What's the problem?

    1.2.1. 女子高生 #2: 無口なとこがまた渋いのよね
    Although she's quiet and all, she's also very tasteful

    1.3.a. 猫: にゃーーん
    Cat: Meow!

    1.4.1. 女子高生 #1: 「...い 今すごくかわいいパンツが見えた様な...」
    [...Vow she has such cute pants...]
    Q.: (Not sure what 様な means here).
    It seems we took a sight of a very cute pants..

  2. #62
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    Re: p008.Strip 2

    Спасибо за исправления!!

    Quote Originally Posted by MOG
    Since we had school lunch in the elementary school, I enjoy bento with different atmosphere. or something like that imo.
    Got it, thanks.

    [quote:2lvc9nkk][quote:2lvc9nkk]2.4.1. 女子学生: 自分で作つてるのかこのガキ?!
    2.4.2. 女子学生: こいつ完璧超人か!?

    ученица: Эта озорница (сама) себе (бэнто) делает?
    (このガキ не знал как перевести но увидел в ветке у Mog-сана. Но все как то странно немного звучмит ).
    Я немного выше переводил ガキ как "малолетка", по-моему тут тоже годится: rikaichan даёт "brat", что имхо в данном контексте все-таки определяет ее возраст.[/quote:2lvc9nkk]ガキ не только определяет ее возраст, но также имеет презирательное отношение к ней. "Brat" имеет такое отношение, но не знаю насчет слова малолетка.[/quote:2lvc9nkk]

    It sort of does, it has a similar flavor imo.

    Quote Originally Posted by MOG
    Quote Originally Posted by laxxy
    Page 009: Strip 1, こわいかな?
    1.1.1. ちよちゃん: あ 進路希望の紙あつめなくちゃ
    1.1.1. Чиё: Я собираю анкеты о том кем кто хочет стать после окончания школы
    Ага, мне нужно собирать анкеты о будущей професcии
    Why shouldn't it be literal?
    Edict did not have a specific entry for 進路希望, so I just translated it in two ways in two different places...
    "мне нужно собирать" does not sound quite right here; "я должна собрать/мне нужно собрать/мне будет нужно собирать(собрать)" would be OK if she, for example, were talking to her friend explaining that she can't go somewhere because she still has to collect the forms.

    [quote:2lvc9nkk]1.3.2. 榊: ん (gives a paper to Chiyo)
    1.3.2. Угу.
    Does "Угу" used when you noticed something? I'm just not sure how it's used... [/quote:2lvc9nkk]
    I thought ん was like a contraction of うん. "Угу" is a confirmation -- it can answer a question, or in this case it could just mean smth like "yes, I filled the questionnaire, here you go".

  3. #63
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    Re: p009: Strip 2

    Quote Originally Posted by MOG
    1.1.2. 女子高生 #2: ちょっと怖そうだけどその辺の男子よりいいよね
    Even though she must be scary, she's better than the guys around here (??)
    What's the problem?
    I guess there is no problem, it just somehow seemed strange to me.

    [quote:60zasg2s]1.4.1. 女子高生 #1: 「...い 今すごくかわいいパンツが見えた様な...」
    [...Vow she has such cute pants...]
    Q.: (Not sure what 様な means here).
    It seems we took a sight of a very cute pants..[/quote:60zasg2s]
    Ah now I got it, thanks! I haven't seen よう written with kanji too often.

    As a future reference for me and STさん:

  4. #64
    ST is offline
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    ага, это полезно...

    А вообще интересно, что это за анкета? просто "фо фан", или что то важное?
    И почему интересно старшие классы не кормят нормально? А если не бесплатно...пойти в столовую и заплатить денег, то покормят? А те кто с собой принес еду, едят прям в классе, за партой? Сойдет ли cup ramen за о-бэнто?
    The bear looked at the car, and reflections of fire danced in his eyes. He knew what to do.

  5. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by ST
    А вообще интересно, что это за анкета? просто "фо фан", или что то важное?
    I don't know.. I didn't like it. Who knows who I become after more than 10 years? But school boards are curious, want to make up statistics who want to become who and who actually became what he or she wanted in the school days..
    И почему интересно старшие классы не кормят нормально? А если не бесплатно...пойти в столовую и заплатить денег, то покормят? А те кто с собой принес еду, едят прям в классе, за партой? Сойдет ли cup ramen за о-бэнто?
    Because elemantary school and junior high school are compulsory educations, while high school is not. We have 給食 in the first two school and don't have canteen. In high school, the situation is exactly what you think. But ramen for bento is a bit strange and difficult for practical reason.. We have to boil water but there are few kettles in the school.

    Private schools have different practices, though. They have their own rules. How about in Russia?

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by MOG
    Quote Originally Posted by ST
    А вообще интересно, что это за анкета? просто "фо фан", или что то важное?
    I don't know.. I didn't like it. Who knows who I become after more than 10 years? But school boards are curious, want to make up statistics who want to become who and who actually became what he or she wanted in the school days..
    И почему интересно старшие классы не кормят нормально? А если не бесплатно...пойти в столовую и заплатить денег, то покормят? А те кто с собой принес еду, едят прям в классе, за партой? Сойдет ли cup ramen за о-бэнто?
    Because elemantary school and junior high school are compulsory educations, while high school is not. We have 給食 in the first two school and don't have canteen. In high school, the situation is exactly what you think. But ramen for bento is a bit strange and difficult for practical reason.. We have to boil water but there are few kettles in the school.

    Private schools have different practices, though. They have their own rules. How about in Russia?
    I think we had a similar system at my last school, if I remember correctly (which is not guaranteed), first 3 grades had free lunches, and after that you had to pay, but most ppl didn't. (unlike the US, not sure about Japan, the vast majority of schools in Russia and Ukraine have all 11 grades in the same building). The high school (last 2 grades) is optional though.

    There definitely was a canteen, and once or twice a quarter a whole class would have 日直, and instead of going to classes we'd go there and help out feed the ガキ It was only in middle school though (up to grade 9).
    I particularly liked manning the dishwashing machine. I recall trying to persuade another student to get on the conveyor belt and go through the machine (it looked like the luggage scanner at an airport, only ~5x bigger) but he never did.

    The school would normally be over by early afternoon like 1:30-2pm, and most ppl would eat lunch at home, and would just take smth small like a small sandwich or an apple or two with them to school.

  7. #67
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    hmm, i`m not sure...cuz I finished school in the early 90-s, when it was "communism"... We had a dining-hall, and where was a special long "lunch" break, in the same time for all classes, so about 700 kids was rushing in this dining-hall after bell was ringing. But food where was already at tables (it was layed at the tables by special "persons on duty", dragged from the schoolboys by schedule) so it didn’t takes alot of time to sit at your class table, take a plate, eat food and go have some free time.

    Now I guess it`s pretty same (but may be for money) because in the middle school and above, classes didn`t having their own "permanent" room...I mean, if your class is 5-A, and today you will have math, russian and physics, you must go first in the math room, second in the russian room, and third in the physics room, and during breaks you must wait in the corridor...And in corridor it`s not so comfortable to eat something...
    (Home i write this clear )
    The bear looked at the car, and reflections of fire danced in his eyes. He knew what to do.

  8. #68
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    LOL, у нас такого аппарата небыло
    The bear looked at the car, and reflections of fire danced in his eyes. He knew what to do.

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by ST
    hmm, i`m not sure...cuz I finished school in the early 90-s, when it was "communism"... We had a dining-hall, and where was a special long "lunch" break, in the same time for all classes, so about 700 kids was rushing in this dining-hall after bell was ringing. But food where was already at tables (it was layed at the tables by special "persons on duty", dragged from the schoolboys by schedule) so it didn’t takes alot of time to sit at your class table, take a plate, eat food and go have some free time.
    Probably communism held out in Novosibirsk a bit longer than in Kiev I graduated in '91.

    Now I guess it`s pretty same (but may be for money) because in the middle school and above, classes didn`t having their own "permanent" room...I mean, if your class is 5-A, and today you will have math, russian and physics, you must go first in the math room, second in the russian room, and third in the physics room, and during breaks you must wait in the corridor...And in corridor it`s not so comfortable to eat something...
    (Home i write this clear )
    true. But if you are eating a small snack, you can just do it in class before it starts, usually there is at least one larger break.

  10. #70
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    p010.Strip 1

    On to the next page...

    p010.Strip 1: ねこさん...

    1.2.1. 女子高生: あ 榊さーん! なに? ゲームしてたの?
    1.2.2. 榊さん: あ ああ

    1.3.1. 女子高生: 榊さんだとあれ? 格闘ゲームとかレースゲームとかしたりするの?
    1.3.2. 榊さん: ま まーな...

    1.4.1. 女子高生: へー 私そーゆーの全然ダメなんだーー

    Not much text, but...
    I can't figure out the last line here... "Was it wrong of me to ask?" or smth like that?
    Perhaps the first question in 1.3.1. too -- looks like we have some of those tricky shortened/omitted expressions there... I could probably take a guess from the context, but I have no real idea what "とあれ" means here...

  11. #71
    MOG is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by laxxy
    I think we had a similar system at my last school, if I remember correctly (which is not guaranteed), first 3 grades had free lunches, and after that you had to pay, but most ppl didn't. (unlike the US, not sure about Japan, the vast majority of schools in Russia and Ukraine have all 11 grades in the same building). The high school (last 2 grades) is optional though.
    We have 12 grades in total and usually have separate buildings. Usually we have to go, from our houses, about 5~20 minutes to elemantary school, 10~30 minutes to junior high school, 15~40 minutes to high school by walking, bus, or train.

    There definitely was a canteen, and once or twice a quarter a whole class would have 日直, and instead of going to classes we'd go there and help out feed the ガキ It was only in middle school though (up to grade 9).
    I particularly liked manning the dishwashing machine. I recall trying to persuade another student to get on the conveyor belt and go through the machine (it looked like the luggage scanner at an airport, only ~5x bigger) but he never did.
    日直 didn't do anything particular for lunch. We had 給食係り, a group of 4 - 6 pupils and went to bring 給食 from the kitchen. There was a woman we called 給食のおばちゃん and handed us 給食.
    We didn’t wash dishes by ourselves. There were some necessities of keeping sanitary conditions, so that no one should come down with something like O-157.

  12. #72
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    Re: p010.Strip 1

    Quote Originally Posted by laxxy

    1.3.1. 女子高生: 榊さんだとあれ? 格闘ゲームとかレースゲーとかしたりするの?

  13. #73
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    Re: p010.Strip 1

    Quote Originally Posted by laxxy
    1.3.1. 女子高生: 榊さんだとあれ? 格闘ゲームとかレースゲームとかしたりするの?
    1.4.1. 女子高生: へー 私そーゆーの全然ダメなんだーー

    Not much text, but...
    I can't figure out the last line here... "Was it wrong of me to ask?" or smth like that?
    Perhaps the first question in 1.3.1. too -- looks like we have some of those tricky shortened/omitted expressions there... I could probably take a guess from the context, but I have no real idea what "とあれ" means here...
    榊さん + だと + あれ?
    そーゆーの = 格闘ゲームとかレースゲームとか
    You probably guess what they are.

  14. #74
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    here is my try:

    надпись сверху: Нэко-сан (г-н Кот? )

    1.2.1. 女子高生: あ 榊さーん! なに? ゲームしてたの?
    ученица: Сакаки-сан! что, играли в (игровые автоматы)?

    1.2.2. 榊さん: あ ああ
    Сакаки-сан: э...ээээ

    1.3.1. 女子高生: 榊さんだとあれ? 格闘ゲームとかレースゲーマとかしたりするの?
    ученица: Сакаки-сан, что там? файтинги и гонки?

    1.3.2. 榊さん: ま まーな...
    Сакаки-сан: ма..

    1.4.1. 女子高生: へー 私そーゆーの全然ダメなんだーー
    ученица: хех, мне такие игры совсем не подходят.
    The bear looked at the car, and reflections of fire danced in his eyes. He knew what to do.

  15. #75
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    надпись: одиночество
    2.1.1.女子高生: 榊さんクラブ入ってるの?

    2.2.1.女子高生: 私天文部なんだけどどう?榊さんも
    榊さん: ! (злобно смотрит)

    2.3.1.女子高生: なんてね ウンウン 榊さんてそーゆーの興味ないよね
    надпись: пока пока!

    2.4.1. надпись: 誘つて欲しかつた・・・
    The bear looked at the car, and reflections of fire danced in his eyes. He knew what to do.

  16. #76
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    надпись: одиночество
    2.1.1.女子高生: 榊さんクラブ入ってるの?
    Сакаки-сан, в клуб идёте?

    нет, не иду...

    2.2.1.女子高生: 私天文部なんだけどどう?榊さんも
    (хз, может: мой астрологический прогноз не советует?) Сакаки-сан тоже?
    榊さん: ! (злобно смотрит)

    2.3.1.女子高生: なんてね ウンウン 榊さんてそーゆーの興味ないよね
    Чтож, (угу-угу), Сакаки-сан такое не интересно, да...
    надпись: пока пока!

    2.4.1. надпись: 誘つて欲しかつた・・・
    хотела чтоб ее пригласили

    ЗЫ: Сакаки-сан жжот
    The bear looked at the car, and reflections of fire danced in his eyes. He knew what to do.

  17. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by MOG
    日直 didn't do anything particular for lunch. We had 給食係り, a group of 4 - 6 pupils and went to bring 給食 from the kitchen. There was a woman we called 給食のおばちゃん and handed us 給食.
    Was there a dining hall or did they bring it right back to class?

    We didn’t wash dishes by ourselves. There were some necessities of keeping sanitary conditions, so that no one should come down with something like O-157.
    I can imagine they would just use plastic dishes now...

    One-time use utensils were not really used in Soviet times, but after that they caught on. It sometimes led to amusing things happening at first.
    大学の時で、友達と一緒に大学のカフェへ行きました。軽食の後、何かのソフトドリンクを飲んで、プラスチッ クコップを手で壊れました。そのカフェの店員(уборщица, actually, not sure how that would be in Japanese) そんな行動を見て、すごく腹を立てました。洗えませんでしたから。

  18. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by ST
    надпись: одиночество
    2.1.1.女子高生: 榊さんクラブ入ってるの?

    - Sakaki-san, have you joined any clubs?
    - No, I haven't

    2.2.1.女子高生: 私天文部なんだけどどう?榊さんも
    榊さん: ! (злобно смотрит)

    What about joining me at the Heavenly Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology 「天 文部」?
    (j/k, she invites her to the astronomy club 「天文 部」).
    But, I am still not exactly sure what なんだけど means here...

    2.3.1.女子高生: なんてね ウンウン 榊さんてそーゆーの興味ないよね
    надпись: пока пока!
    what -- ah well then, Sakaki-san is not interested in such things

    2.4.1. надпись: 誘て欲しかつた・・・
    she wanted to be invited...
    How should we read 誘う here?
    (yes, it is confusing that they write small つ just like the big one... Well I'm sure the Japanese have even more trouble with е/ё...)

    Interesting words:
    部 「ぶ」-- suffix for clubs (often seen in anime, etc)
    興味 「きょうみ」 -- interest (in smth), sim. 趣味
    誘う -- to invite, there apparently are two verbs, さそう and いざなう, and I'm not sure which one is right here...
    And edict even gives a third one, そなう, but since IME does not recognize it I presume it must be quite rare.

  19. #79
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    ага, так больше смысла..
    大学の時で、友達と一緒に大学のカフェへ行きました。軽食の後、何かのソフトドリンクを飲んで、プラスチッ クコップを手で壊れました。そのカフェの店員(уборщица, actually, not sure how that would be in Japanese) そんな行動を見て、すごく腹を立てました。洗えませんでしたから。
    Я не понял, она ругалась потому что хотела эти стаканчики помыть, и еще раз использовать?

    天文部=Heavenly Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology? Ыыыы
    astronomy club 「天文 部」 это как то более менее понятно...
    The bear looked at the car, and reflections of fire danced in his eyes. He knew what to do.

  20. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by ST
    ага, так больше смысла..
    大学の時で、友達と一緒に大学のカフェへ行きました。軽食の後、何かのソフトドリンクを飲んで、プラスチッ クコップを手で壊れました。そのカフェの店員(уборщица, actually, not sure how that would be in Japanese) そんな行動を見て、すごく腹を立てました。洗えませんでしたから。
    Я не понял, она ругалась потому что хотела эти стаканчики помыть, и еще раз использовать?
    You got it right.

    Quote Originally Posted by ST
    天文部=Heavenly Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology? Ыыыы
    astronomy club 「天文 部」 это как то более менее понятно...
    Я с ужасом представляю, каково должно быть тем, кто учит китайский. Там же никакой каны нет, иероглифы не разделены, поди пойми как они объединяются

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