Продолжим. Page 007 Strip 1, 私は93点:
all said by ゆかり先生:
1.1.1. こないだのテストを返しまーす
1.2.1. はい大山くーーん 百点でーーす
1.3.1. いい気になるんじゃないわよ
1.4.1. はい次 長谷川くーん
Вроде все понятно.
-I am returning the test you wrote the other day
-Oyama: 100 pts
-But don't think too much about yourself
-Next: Sasegawa-kun(??)
Good words:
こないだ: (n-t, n-adv) the other day; lately; recently. こないだのテスト
Enamdict gives 5 readings for 長谷川, I took the first one. I'll check it in the anime if they have this episode.