"У меня есть цветная открытка - "Псковские дали". И вот я оказался здесь. Мне хочется спросит - это дали?
В общем-то, дали, - говорю"
Как перевести "В общем-то" на английском
"У меня есть цветная открытка - "Псковские дали". И вот я оказался здесь. Мне хочется спросит - это дали?
В общем-то, дали, - говорю"
Как перевести "В общем-то" на английском
I'd say the closest translation is "actually" or "just about"
"Как раз" means "I was almost to say (to do, to buy, to wish, to see, and etc.) it now"
Какая разница между словами "простойный" и "простой"
I don't think простойный is a word. Never heard it.
It's better to use a wording like "период простоя" instead of "простойный период".
Another month ends. All targets met. All systems working. All customers satisfied. All staff eagerly enthusiastic. All pigs fed and ready to fly.
If only we would base our conclusions on our experience
lay day
Dictionaries contain much more clumsy words than one can ever imagine
«callipygian» в переводных словарях — Яндекс.Словари
Another month ends. All targets met. All systems working. All customers satisfied. All staff eagerly enthusiastic. All pigs fed and ready to fly.
"простой" has two meanings: as an adjective it means "simple", as a noun it means an interrupt in a work, time-out, idleness (from the same root as English "stay"). So "простойный" is an adjective of the second meaning of "простой", that is something related to idleness.
*"interrupt" is a verb you need "an interruption" here. I'm not sure but I think no "a" is needed before "work"
Heh-heh! Perhaps the strangest thing about "callipygian" (I doubt that more than 1 English speaker in 10,000 could define it) is that there isn't a more ordinary word for such a useful concept!
P.S. There's a related and equally rare word "steatopygian" (с жирными/толстыми ягодицами) -- presumably Sir Mix-A-Lot would argue that the two words are synonyms, but not everyone would agree...
Говорит Бегемот: "Dear citizens of MR -- please correct my Russian mistakes!"
When I see such English words I cannot guess what do they mean. Conversely the word in the question is easily understandable because it was produced with regular word-formation rules from a well-known stem.
I would also say there is no such a word in Russian like "простойный" if I had not read this topic
As to "простой", yes, we have two different words of different structure. That is a pure coincidence.
"простой" (simple): "прост-" is the root, and "-ой" is the adjective ending (nominative masculine singular), the ending is stressed. When declining this adjective, we have:
простой - простого - простому - простым - простом (masc); простая - простую - простой - простой - простой (простою) - простой (fem); простое (neut); простые - простых - простым - простыми - простых (pl).
"простой" (idle time, standing idle): "про-" is a prefix which expresses duration here, and "-стой-" is the root (as Anixx noted, it's of the same origin as English "stay"). Since this word is a masculine noun, it has the zero ending in Nominative Singular. When declinining this noun, we have:
простой - простоя - простою - простоем - простое (sing); простои - простоев - простоям - простоями - простоях (pl).
So, there are three coinciding forms:
простой: adjective (Nom.Masc. or Gen.Fem. or Dat.Fem. or Instr.Fem. or Prep.Fem) vs простой: noun (Nom.Sg);
простое: adjective (Nom.Neut) vs простое: noun (Prep.Sg);
простою: adjective (Instr.Fem), it's an alternative version of "простой" form; vs простою: noun (Dat.Sg).
Any other form is unambiguous, e.g.: простые - only adjective (Nom.Pl), or простоем - only noun (Instr.Sg) etc.
I think we should invent an English word "forstay"Or "forestay".
A forestay is a line on a sailing ship. It leads foreward from masthead down to attachment.
'forstall' = to hold off, stave off, stand idle...;
"Я сидел, облитый кровью, томатом и малофьей"
Что такое малофьей?
Ответы@Mail.Ru: что такое малофья
I don't think anyone should use this word. I, personally, have never heard it.
Малафья - сперма. Просторечное слово, часто считается обсценным.
"Россия для русских" - это неправильно. Остальные-то чем лучше?
"К чему это ведет, уже хорошо видно на примере Московской области, которой придется почти год жить с исполняющим обязанности губернатора."
Что это исполняющая обязанность?
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