My nephew -- now 6-and-a-half -- loves his construction vehicles, trains, and absolutely everything Lego-related. But when he was a few years younger, one of his favorite toys was a "play kitchen" that his grandmother gave him -- he would spend hours taking pretend food out of the refrigerator, stirring it in a big pot with a wooden spoon, or cooking it in the microwave. (His favorite recipe: "Суп из футбэгов", or "Hacky-sack soup" -- after his dad brought home a large bag full of corporate-branded hacky-sacks from a business convention!)

So anyway, he enjoyed playing with the "girly" kitchen for a year or two, but then he just decided that trucks, trains, and Legos were more fun.

You can see a selection of images from the Swedish toy-catalog here, and honestly they don't look that strange or radical to me -- perhaps because most of the children are quite young. (I admit that, to me, it might seem like "forced political correctness" if the catalog showed a 10-year-old boy playing with a Barbie doll. But a 3-year-old boy playing with a toy vacuum cleaner is no big deal.)