Там всё в кучу свалено.
Another month ends. All targets met. All systems working. All customers satisfied. All staff eagerly enthusiastic. All pigs fed and ready to fly.
My favourite holiday? It’s a tough question.
Well, it is certainly none of the political holidays such as Independence day or Constitution day. The more I can hardly understand the difference between them. What’s the use of independence without the constitution? The opposite makes even lesser sense to me. I have never celebrated them in any way and I even don’t know for sure when they are marked. For me, they are simply extra days off somewhere in summer. Perhaps I would honour them more if anybody could tell me by whom we were occupied before becoming independent. Who were those enemies? Were they the rulers of the USSR? But now we have our own rulers very similar to them. They only care about getting richer and, as it was mentioned at the Election thread today, to get re-elected. My attitude may sounds synical. Actually I myself would like to stop feeling like that. I would like to be proud not only with the beauty of Ukraine’s nature, but also with her economy and high living standards, while now we can only boast with taking the 90th place in the world by GDP per capita. I would also like to be proud by her constitution existing not only on the paper. I would like not to be ashamed for the bribery blossoming through all the institutions, beginning with maternity hospitals and ending with cemeteries.
I am also sceptical about Victory day. Perhaps I could be proud about our victory if the USSR were a merely victim of the war. Yet I know how meanly the Soviet Union and Germany, pretending to be friends, devided Poland. And besides, can a sober-minded person, having beaten up his neighbour even for a bad dead, keep celebrating his victory every year? Would you do that? I wouldn’t.
Well, let’s see if there is any other eye-candy in the calendar. Do I feel happy on Valentine’s day or on Women’s day? No. It would be demeaning to me if the man, who loves me, remembered about his love out of necessity, just because he is supposed to. Besides, I’ve always felt pity for the men puzzling over their Women’s day presents that they have to give to many women at one day.
Religious holidays? I’m not religious. Besides seeing other people’s intercourse with their heavenly father only on previously determined days reminds me their visiting a doctor or a beautician. Their eating special food at some particular time of the day only out of fear to be punished doesn’t make me respect them.
New Year’s Day? Well, maybe it’s really the most joyful holiday. A new page of life, summing up the last year’s results, making plans and cherishing hopes for the next one. Yes, I think I like it most of all. I only wish that the fireworks didn’t last non-stop from the 30th of December through the 2nd of January, day and night.
I guess there are lots of mistakes in my essay. Let alone it being overloaded with too-long sentences.
Don’t call my parents to school, please.![]()
It’s good that you asked me no questions about electronics. I've been puzzled about the trigger since the university.
So I would have to insert the manual to my hair-drier into my post instead.![]()
My favourite holiday? It’s a tough question.
Well, it is certainly not any of the political holidays such as Independence day or Constitution day. The more (omit The more) I can hardly understand the difference between them. What’s the use of independence without (a) constitution? The opposite makes even lesser(less) sense to me. I have never celebrated them in any way and I even don’t know for sure when they are marked. For me, they are simply extra days off somewhere in summer. Perhaps I would honour them more if anybody (someone) could tell me by whom we were occupied before becoming independent. Who were those enemies? Were they the rulers of the USSR? But now we have our own rulers very similar to them. They only care about getting richer and, as it was mentioned at the Election thread today, to get re-elected. My attitude may sounds synical (sound cynical). Actually I myself would like to stop feeling like that. I would like to be proud not only with the beauty of Ukraine’s nature, but also with her economy and high living standards(.) while(omit) now(Now) we can only boast with taking the 90th place in the world by GDP per capita. I would also like to be proud by her(of our) constitution existing not only on the(omit) paper. I would like not to be ashamed for the bribery blossoming through all the institutions, beginning with maternity hospitals and ending with cemeteries.
I am also skeptical (skeptical) about Victory day. Perhaps I could be proud about our victory if the USSR were a (omit) merely (a) victim of the war. Yet I know how meanly(cruelly) the Soviet Union and Germany, pretending to be friends, devided (divided) Poland. And besides, can a sober-minded person, having beaten up his neighbor(neighbor) even for a bad dead (deal), keep celebrating his victory every year? Would you do that? I wouldn’t.
Well, let’s see if there is any other eye-candy in the calendar. Do I feel happy on Valentine’s day or on Women’s day? No. It would be demeaning to me if the man(omit ,) who loves me (omit ,) remembered about his love (only) out of necessity (omit ,) just because he is supposed to. Besides, I’ve always felt pity for the men puzzling over their Women’s day presents that they have to give to many women at (on) one day.
Religious holidays? I’m not religious. Besides(,) seeing other people’s intercourse with their heavenly father only on previously determined days reminds me (of) their visiting a doctor or a beautician.(, or their) Their(omit) eating special food at some particular time of the day only out of fear to be punished (only out of fear of being punished.) (It) doesn’t make me respect them.
New Year’s Day? Well, maybe it’s really the most joyful holiday. A new page of life, summing up the last year’s results, making plans and cherishing hopes for the next one. Yes, I think I like it most of all. I only wish that the fireworks didn’t last non-stop from the 30th of December through the 2nd of January, day and night.
I guess there are lots of mistakes in my essay. Let alone it being overloaded with too-long sentences.
Don’t call my parents to school, please. (I won’t call your parents, but you could shorten your sentences a bit…ha ha)
Я догадаюсь вы слышали что Obama выигривал выбор вечера вечером. Он не безупречный, но лучше, чем альтернатива. У 2014 годы, он будит переставать эту воину в Афганистан, которое мне было бы нравится. Большой проблем, наш национального долга, который нужен исправить.
So I guess you’ve heard Obama won last night. He’s not perfect, but he was better than the alternative. He’ll stop the war in Afghanistan by 2014, which would please me. Our national debt is a big problem that needs to be solved.
---Давайте я вас спрошу sounds awquard (awkward).----
Сюда сейчас красивая осеная погода. Мой брат будит путешествовать в Disneyworld с своими семьей на отдых. Я помнаю там ездил когда моложее. Это дорогой, но такое волшебное место для ребёнка.
It’s beautiful fall weather here now. My brother is going to take a vacation and go with his family to Disneyworld. I remember going there when I was young. It’s expensive, but such a magical place for a child.
Есть ли, по-вашему, больше действия на форум в последнее время? Если больше человеков используют веб-сайт, это будит хорошее. Как мы скажем по-английски, “The more the merrier.”Конечно скажите мне если тебе нужен, что я вполне обяснить что я пишу. Можно меня иногда принимать на веру, что вы мне понимаете.
There has been more activity on the forum lately, hasn’t there? It would be a good thing if there were lots more people to get involved with the site. The more the merrier, as we say in EnglishBe sure and tell me if I ever need to explain more thoroughly something that I write. I may take it for granted sometimes that you do understand me.
Нет ли хорошее работали для того, что мы разберём языковой барьер? Я обязательно думал про своего язык и почему мы говорим как делаем. Один раз кто-то мне сказал, что это не нужин думать по-русски. Я не согласен. Наверное, это некого способ думать, который разный. Вы также чувствуете себя об ангийскем?
I think we’ve done a good job of breaking down the language barrier, haven’t we? It really has made me think about my own language, why we say things the way we do. Someone told me once that I didn’t really have to think Russian, but I don’t agree. It really is a certain way of thinking that is different. Do you feel that way about English?
About your correction.
It seems I insert “the more” wherever it is possible.
“Can a sober-minded person, having beaten up his neighbor even for a bad dead (deal), keep celebrating his victory every year?” Actually I meant deed instead of dead here. Whould this word be appropriate?
I think the problem of choosing the proper preposition in “to remind of” and ”to be proud of” is very much similar to one of choosing the proper case of a noun after a verb in Russian. I mean your question about using the instrumental instead of the accusative. The answer in both cases is “Just memorize and use this way.” Don’t you think?
Btw, you can use the dictionary I mentioned in post #93 beginnig with page 6.
So I guess you’ve heard Obama won last night.
Я догадаюсь вы слышали что Obama выигривал выбор вечера вечером.
Вы, наверное, слышали, что вчера Обама выиграл выборы.
Here to guess means to think with some degree of supposition. It could also be Я думаю, but it doesn’t stresses the fact that you are not certain whether I have heard or not. So I think наверное is the best. Here is an example with догадаться. As he spoke with her on the phone he heard a truck rumble and догадался that she was outside. Obama was not in the process of winning, he won.
The action is completed, so you should use the perfective verb выиграл.
He’s not perfect, but he was better than the alternative.
Он не безупречный, но лучше, чем альтернатива.
Он не идеальный, но лучше, чем его соперник.
I cannot think of anything closer.
He’ll stop the war in Afghanistan by 2014, which would please me.
У 2014 годы, он будит переставать эту воину в Афганистан, которое мне было бы нравится.
К 2014 году он прекратит войну в Афганистане, и я был бы очень рад этому.
Very much the same here. Obama will not be in the process of stopping the war. He will stop it. The war will be stopped. The action is completed. So you should use the perfective прекратит.
The word рад expresses a more intense emotion than the word доволен.
By 2014=к 2014.
Our national debt is a big problem that needs to be solved.
Большой проблем, наш национального долга, который нужен исправить.
Размер нашего национального долга является большой проблемой, которую нужно решить.
The subject and the predicate shouldn’t be separated with a comma. Otherwise I cannot detect them.
According to your original sentense it could be “Наш национальный долг – это большая проблема…”, where the linking verb “to be” in its present time form “есть” is omitted. I used the verb “является” instead which sounds not so “kitchen talk”.
Исправить means to make better of to fix, to repair. Problems are solved (решать).
It’s beautiful fall weather here now.
Сюда сейчас красивая осеная погода.
Сейчас здесь прекрасная осенняя погода.
Красивый means good-looking. A pond, a forest, a house, a horse, a girl, a landscape can be красивый.
The weather is a state of climate at a certain moment. We cannot see it. It cannot be красивый. It can only be прекрасный.
“Здесь” doesn’t imply any movement of the subject, but only being somewhere. We use “сюда” with the verbs of motion.
My brother is going to take a vacation and go with his family to Disneyworld.
Мой брат будит путешествовать в Disneyworld с своими семьей на отдых.
Мой брат собирается взять отпуск и поехать с семьей в Диснейленд.
To be going to do smth.=собираться сделать что-либо.
Путешествовать means going from place to place for quite a long time. Your brother is going to Disneyworld only.
I remember going there when I was young.
Я помнаю там ездил когда моложее.
Я помню, как я ездил тут в молодости.
It’s expensive, but such a magical place for a child.
Это дорогой, но это такое волшебное место для детей.
Туда дорого, но для ребенка это такое волшебное место.
I would emphasize для ребенка by putting it on the first place.
I would go with the plural дети because when I hear для ребенка I start wondering what child it can be.
There has been more activity on the forum lately, hasn’t there?
Есть ли, по-вашему, больше действия на форум в последнее время?
Вам не кажется, что на форуме общается все больше людей в последнее время?
It would be a good thing if there were lots more people to get involved with the site.
Если больше человеков используют веб-сайт, это будит хорошее.
Было бы неплохо, если бы на этом сайте было намного больше людей.
I would use the original clause order just because the first one is short while the second is extended. It would be difficult to find the end of this extended clause if it went first. There’s no need to rearrange.
The more the merrier, as we say in English.
Как мы скажем по-английски, “The more the merrier.”
Как мы говорим по-английски, “The more the merrier.”
In “as we say in English” say implies a repeated action. That’s why the imperfect should be used there.
Be sure and tell me if I ever need to explain more thoroughly something that I write.
Конечно скажите мне если тебе нужен, что я вполне обяснить что я пишу.
Обязательно скажите мне, если вам будет нужно, чтобы я подробнее объяснил вам то, что пишу.
I may take it for granted sometimes that you do understand me.
Можно меня иногда принимать на веру, что вы мне понимаете.
Иногда я считаю само собой разумеющимся то, что вы меня понимаете.
I think we’ve done a good job of breaking down the language barrier, haven’t we?
Нет ли хорошее работали для того, что мы разберём языковой барьер?
Я думаю, что мы сделали хорошую работу по разрушению языкового барьера.
There is the subject (we) in your original sentence. You omitted it in the Russian version. You broke the original sentence into two. It is possible. It shows how creative you are while translating. But even in this casw you shouldn’t omit the subject in the principal clause.
It really has made me think about my own language, why we say things the way we do.
Я обязательно думал про своего язык и почему мы говорим как делаем.
Это заставило меня задуматься о том, почему мы говорим так или иначе.
It has already made you think. The action is completed. Then it should be the perfective.
Someone told me once that I didn’t really have to think Russian, but I don’t agree.
Один раз кто-то мне сказал, что это не нужин думать по-русски. Я не согласен.
Кто-то мне сказал однажды, что мне не нужно думать по-русски, но я не согласен.
It really is a certain way of thinking that is different.
Наверное, это некого способ думать, который разный.
Именно способ мышления и отличает наши языки.
The construction “именно... и” renders the English construction “It is ... that”. As in the following.
It is him whom I blame. Именно его я и виню.
Do you feel that way about English?
Вы также чувствуете себя об ангийскем?
Вы так же думаете об английском?
There is “также” and “так же” in Russian. The former is a conjunction with the meaning “and” and “besides”. The latter is an adverb with a particle with the meaning “in the same way”.
I agree. We think different ways.
But I was greatly surprised when I read somewhere about the biggest difference between our languages.
It lies in ways of expressing grammatical relations between words in sentences.
In Russian these relations are expressed by inflections: заглавие книги.
In English they are mainly expressed by word order and structural words: the title of the book.
English is called an analytical language therefore, while Russian is synthetical.
I sometimes caught myself thinking, “What a primitive language English is”.
No offence meant, though.
Helen - differently/in different ways, analytic, synthetic (no offence either)![]()
Another month ends. All targets met. All systems working. All customers satisfied. All staff eagerly enthusiastic. All pigs fed and ready to fly.
The ABBY Lingvo reads: analytical = analytic and synthetical синтетический.
Besides, I've just opened my grammar guide written in English. It reads the same. I mean analytical and synthetical.
I'm just seeing it with my own eyes at the moment.
I thought it was correct.
Thanks for "in different ways", anyhow. I've always been uncertain about it.
Oops, I just found out that Disneyworld is not Disneyland. I’m sorry.![]()
Лена, я считаю ваш ответа о празники интересно. Ваш идеи очень забавная. У вас есть в украине специальная условия, которая наверное любопитный способ жить. Я понимаю сравнение старого советского управления с вашей современним жизнью. Вы правильно об политике, даже мотивы на то, что не обычно. У нас есть в Америке все так же но то, что у большинство граждан достаточно независимость и веши для того, чтобы их довольное. Независимость самая важно. Вы хорошо изображаете ваш жизни. В каком способ я для вас печально. Я знаю вы хотела бы лучше жизнью.
I found your answer about holidays very interesting, Lena. Your ideas were very entertaining. You have a special situation there in the Ukraine, which I’m sure must be a curious way to live. I understand your comparison of old Soviet rule with what you have now. You’re right about politicians and their motives, but that’s not unusual. We have the same thing here, except that most citizens have enough freedom and possessions to keep them happy. The freedom is the most important thing. You describe your life well. In some ways I’m sad for you. I know you would like your life to be better.
Ваш изображения Дня Победы любопитно. Иногда я считаю Европейские политики удивительный. Может быть Америка в каком способе не отличит, но я чувствую себя нам важно независимость отличающий от европейского странов. Это мотив для наш действий и я чувствую себя мы искаем этого сокранять. Я любопытно для того, чтоб слышать ваш мысли на это тем.
Your description of Victory day is curious. Sometimes European politics amazes me. Maybe America is not different in some respects, but I feel we value freedom in a different way than European countries. It drives what we do, and we seek to preserve it, I feel. I’d be curious to hear your thoughts on this.
Религия странный тема. Много люди чувствуют себя так же как вы. Америка имеет это проблем, потому что много люди страстный об их веры. Это причина для мира и волнения. Живут вместе и представляют проблема для некоторые людей. У меня был своего сопротивления и приём религия.
Religion is a strange subject. Many people feel the way you do. Religion is also one problem that America has, because so many people are zealous about their faith. It is a cause for peace, as well as a cause for trouble. Both live side by side, and presents a difficult problem for some people. I have had my own resistance, as well as acceptance of religion.
Да, Новый год прятный праздник. Обычно я соблюдаю Новый год и Рождество как один протянутый праздник. Потому что его называет конец года, я вижу его мне как самый важно и вероятно своя любимая время годы. Это время когда всего семьи собирает. Мы обсуждаем наш жизней и вновь подтверждать наш связ. Иногда обязательно я думаю но то, что любил.
Yes, New Year’s day is a pleasant holiday. I usually see that and Christmas as one extended holiday. Since it marks the end of the year, I see those times as the most important to me, and probably my own favorite time of the year. It’s the time when the whole family comes together from wherever they are. We discuss our lives, and reaffirm our ties. Sometimes it can be obligatory, but it should be enjoyed, I think.
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