Originally Posted by
gRomoZeka Generally, pretty good. It was funny. I liked it.
- Good - it's OK, but it's out of date. No one is that gullible nowadays. Everybody is so smart.
- True. Who can you trick now? Only little girls. I for one can't be tricked.
- Hey! We're not so easy to trick anymore, either.
- Sure, Inna Andreevna, I understand, the classics are the classics, but what's that to us? It'd be better to stage something more up to date.
- Exactly.
- Well, I liked it. I'd like to play Khlestakov.
- So you think that this story is out of date?
- Exactly! Of course! Rather!
- Completely out of date.
- Here, imagine these likely circumstances. Summer. Holiday time. Young Pioneer camp. And let's suppose you're a camp monitor.
- Me?
- Vigorous, ambitious, relishing your authority.
- Me? Come on, I can't. It's not my role.
- It's ok. Let's try. So imagine that one fine summer day you were walking through the camp as usual, looking around for a nit to pick...
HOLIDAYS OF PETROV AND VASECHKIN - ordinary and extraordinary
Comic musical in two acts. Act one. Hooligan (almost on Gogol).
(sign) Meeting in Progress