Hi, I promised one person to upload a Soviet kid's musical comedy "Каникулы Петрова и Васечкина" ("Holidays of Petrov and Vasechkin") (1984) to youtube (in a foreseeable future ), but I'd like to make English subs, so I'm going to translate it.
Please, help. I'll post dialogs and songs piece by piece, and I hope you'll check and correct my translation. Most of the characters are kids about 10-12 y/o, and I want them to speak naturally (in Russian their speech is not very slangish, but still it's very informal).

Here's the first part (it's an excerpt from the book, no need to check it):
- 01 -
"Явление последнее. Те же и жандарм.
Жандарм: Приехавший по именному повелению из Петербурга чиновник требует Вас сей же час к себе. Он остановился в гостинице.
Произнесенные слова как громом поражают всех. Звук изумления слетает с дамских уст. Вся группа, переменивши положение, остается в окаменении. Немая сцена."

LAST SCENE. The same and a Gendarme.
GENDARME. An official from St. Petersburg sent by imperial order has arrived, and wants to see you all at once. He is stopping at the inn.
All are struck as by a thunderbolt. A cry of amazement bursts from the ladies simultaneously. The whole group suddenly shifts positions and remains standing as if petrified.