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Thread: Sochi Olympics and the Law against Gays in Russia +

  1. #101
    Завсегдатай maxmixiv's Avatar
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    Judging from the litany of hateful comments on the photo
    This is how we comment on EVERYTHING. I guess it is purely of boredom.
    Also, I could not find rainbows on her nails.
    Also, rainbows is a beautiful nature's phenomenon and we will not farm out it to neither NATO nor OPEC
    Marcus and Deborski like this.
    "Невозможно передать смысл иностранной фразы, не разрушив при этом её первоначальную структуру."

  2. #102
    Властелин Deborski's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maxmixiv View Post
    This is how we comment on EVERYTHING. I guess it is purely of boredom.
    Also, I could not find rainbows on her nails.
    Also, rainbows is a beautiful nature's phenomenon and we will not farm out it to neither NATO nor OPEC
    Вот потому, что вы говорите то, что не думаете, и думаете то, что не думаете, вот в клетках и сидите. И вообще, весь этот горький катаклизм, который я здесь наблюдаю, и Владимир Николаевич тоже…

  3. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eric C. View Post
    I would consider it huge disrespect for myself if I was spoken for in such a manner. Is anyone entitled to manipulating other people's opinions which they don't even have a clue of? (speaking "for the nation" is really a bright example of this) How do you Russian people even put up with things like that?
    Agree 100% here, Eric. I've read what this Russian athlete said here Isinbayeva says Green Tregaro's gesture was disrespectful to Russia | Sport | and I do consider it disrespect because she is speaking 'for the nation' as if she is convinced that 'the nation' should think the way she does, and that 'the nation' should have a single opinion which coincides with hers. Speaking for the nation in such a way makes one look stupid.

    As for the rainbow looking nails on the Swede's hands, does it look like 'promotion of something' ?- the word promotion is used by The Guardian to translate the Russian word пропаганда.
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  4. #104
    Властелин Deborski's Avatar
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    Каспаров: "Бойкотируйте Путина, не игры в Сочи"

    From this article:

    Бойкот Сочи, который нужен, – это бойкот Игр мировыми лидерами, знаменитостями и спонсорами. Не приезжайте в Сочи сидеть рядом с Путиным, делая вид, что этот мир отделен от созданного им полицейского государства. Пусть места на стадионах останутся свободными, особенно VIP-секции, которые, как надеется Путин, будут заполнены президентами и премьер-министрами...

    ...Политикам нельзя позволить использовать атлетов как щит для собственной трусости. Мир будет наблюдать".
    Lampada likes this.
    Вот потому, что вы говорите то, что не думаете, и думаете то, что не думаете, вот в клетках и сидите. И вообще, весь этот горький катаклизм, который я здесь наблюдаю, и Владимир Николаевич тоже…

  5. #105
    Властелин iCake's Avatar
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    Everything will be okay with that. Don't worry No gay persecutions, apparantly
    I do not claim that my opinion is absolutely true.
    If you've spotted any mistake in my English, please, correct it. I want to be aware of any mistakes to efficiently eliminate them before they become a habit.

  6. #106
    Paul G.
    Homophobic Men Most Aroused by Gay Male Porn | Psychology Today
    Definitely, the research was realized by 'the British scientists' (tm# in the interests of gay lobby. (Deleted. L.)
    Last edited by Lampada; August 16th, 2013 at 11:59 AM. Reason: Homophobic insult
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  7. #107
    Moderator Lampada's Avatar
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  8. #108
    Moderator Lampada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paul G. View Post
    Definitely, the research was realized by 'the British scientists' (tm# in the interests of gay lobby. #Deleted. L.#
    Some the most fervent anti-gays may turned out to be gays themselves.

    Anti-Gay Homophobic pastors/politicians who turn out to be gay

    (Close Captured)
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  9. #109
    Moderator Lampada's Avatar
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    Anti-Gay Christian Lives 'Undercover' As Gay For a Year (close captured)
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  10. #110
    Moderator Lampada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paul G. View Post
    I've no doubt, my sudden appearance in this thread will close it for sure.
    No, it won't be. You can keep trolling and I'll keep deleting it.
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  11. #111
    Почтенный гражданин 14Russian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lampada View Post
    No, it won't be. You can keep trolling and I'll keep deleting it.
    That's no surprise. 'Don't agree with it and it's deleted.... and allowing certain people to have the last word before closing threads, too. Also, you're really Russian... lol

    Certain forum categories here are useless to participate in unless you share the mod's p.o.v. Don't waste your time, Paul.

  12. #112
    Властелин Deborski's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 14Russian View Post
    That's no surprise. 'Don't agree with it and it's deleted.... and allowing certain people to have the last word before closing threads, too. Also, you're really Russian... lol

    Certain forum categories here are useless to participate in unless you share the mod's p.o.v. Don't waste your time, Paul.
    It isn't about anyone's point of view. It's about keeping the discussion civil. Paul has personally attacked me in several other threads. I am glad that someone is moderating him and anyone else whose idea of "debate" includes badmouthing people personally, attacking their character and making rude, insulting comments.

    There are plenty of people on this thread who have expressed their opposition to gay rights in much more polite terms, and they have not been "censored" in any way.

    Lampada is doing an excellent job. I for one, applaud her.

    Also, I am not sure what the "you're really Russian" comment means. You're really Canadian. And so what?
    Lampada, Marcus and eisenherz like this.
    Вот потому, что вы говорите то, что не думаете, и думаете то, что не думаете, вот в клетках и сидите. И вообще, весь этот горький катаклизм, который я здесь наблюдаю, и Владимир Николаевич тоже…

  13. #113
    Властелин Deborski's Avatar
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    Really, Mr. Putin? HITLER suspended its anti-gay laws during the 1936 Olympics, but Russia won't do the same for next year | Mail Online

    From this article:

    As gays and lesbians express outrage that Russia's anti-gay laws will bring a disturbing level of intolerance to the 2014 Olympic Winter Games in the resort town of Sochi, it has emerged that Adolf Hitler, who instituted the most absolutist anti-homosexual laws in history, waived them for the 1936 Olympics in Berlin.

    In on online essay titled 'The Facade of Hospitality,' the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum reports that 'in preparation for the arrival of Olympic spectators, Nazi officials ordered that foreign visitors should not be subjected to the criminal strictures of the Nazi anti-homosexual laws.'

    Hitler has also promised the International Olympic Committee in 1935 that his government would take down anti-semitic signs and banners in Berlin during the summer games, and in Garmisch-Partenkirchen during the winter games, The New York Times reported then.
    Вот потому, что вы говорите то, что не думаете, и думаете то, что не думаете, вот в клетках и сидите. И вообще, весь этот горький катаклизм, который я здесь наблюдаю, и Владимир Николаевич тоже…

  14. #114
    Завсегдатай Throbert McGee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deborski View Post
    For those who have Facebook, this is a fascinating discussion about the Swedish athlete who dared to paint her nails in rainbow colors.

    Behold, the horror of these painted nails!

    As we can all see, it is clearly something to be outraged about! Judging from the litany of hateful comments on the photo, you would think that she publicly urinated on the Russian flag! In fact - worse than that! It's as if she is a terrorist blowing up buildings or something!
    When I read the phrase "rainbow nails", I was thinking of something more like this, with little tiny rainbow stripes on EACH nail:

    The "official" gay flag has exactly SIX colors: красный, оранжевый, жёлтый, зелёный, синий, фиолетовый. (Ironically, in the context of this thread, the colors розовый and голубой DO NOT APPEAR on the flag!) There are also "non-gay" rainbow flags with more than six colors (the "peace rainbow" flag sometimes has 7 or 8 stripes).

    If the athlete hadn't posted her picture with the tag #pride, I would never have guessed that this was some sort of gay propaganda, since her nails appear to have only three colors, and not a "whole rainbow". So, evidently, more than two colors + the word "pride" = insult to Russian feelings.
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    Говорит Бегемот: "Dear citizens of MR -- please correct my Russian mistakes!"

  15. #115
    Почтенный гражданин 14Russian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alexsms View Post
    Agree 100% here, Eric. I've read what this Russian athlete said here Isinbayeva says Green Tregaro's gesture was disrespectful to Russia | Sport | and I do consider it disrespect because she is speaking 'for the nation' as if she is convinced that 'the nation' should think the way she does, and that 'the nation' should have a single opinion which coincides with hers. Speaking for the nation in such a way makes one look stupid.

    As for the rainbow looking nails on the Swede's hands, does it look like 'promotion of something' ?- the word promotion is used by The Guardian to translate the Russian word пропаганда.
    Yes, it's sooooo horrible of her to say this?:
    "When we go to different countries, we try to follow their rules. We are not trying to set our rules over there. We are just trying to be respectful."

    She is overreacting about the fingernails, though. Let them all colour them pink, rainbow colours, whatever, who cares.
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  16. #116
    Завсегдатай Throbert McGee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deborski View Post
    In on online essay titled 'The Facade of Hospitality,' the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum reports that 'in preparation for the arrival of Olympic spectators, Nazi officials ordered that foreign visitors should not be subjected to the criminal strictures of the Nazi anti-homosexual laws.'
    Hmm... it's always been my understanding that the anti-homosexual laws of the Nazi regime were seldom applied to non-Germans. After all, persecuting Jewish and Romany gays for their sexuality would have been rather redundant, since the Master Plan was to kill ALL of them! And when it came to non-Nordic/Aryan groups who weren't scheduled for extermination, but only for occupation -- like the French, for example -- more gay Frenchmen = fewer French babies = fewer French resistance fighters in 20 years. Of course, there were gays who happened to be among the millions of Jews and Roms and Poles and Communists, but for the most part, they weren't arrested specifically for being homosexual. (I've seen estimates of approximately 50,000 Germans and Austrians who were thrown into Nazi concentration camps BECAUSE they were gay.)

    And, incidentally, while I think that Hanna has been dancing around and understating the damage that this new Russian law does to freedom of speech and the press, I also think that it's a gigantic exaggeration to bring up the Nazis in this thread. At this point, I would say the law is "worrisome", but it's far from being a human-rights disaster YET. And, while the law attacks freedom of speech, the "Insult to Religious Feelings" law ALSO attacks freedom of speech*, but it hasn't drawn a call for international boycotts.

    P.S. Hanna -- "You're allowed to publicly say anything you want about homosexuality as long as it's not too positive or supportive" is not far removed, in my opinion, from the Saudi policy that "You can publicly worship any God you want, as long as it's not the Christian God, or the Jewish God, or the Hindu pantheon..."

    P.P.S. I would add that the Russian law against religious insults -- bad as it may be -- is "content neutral" insofar as Christians are prohibited from insulting Islam, AND Muslims are prohibited from insulting Christianity -- so, in theory, everyone wears the same gag. But the "Homosexual Propaganda" law does not even make a pretense of banning propaganda AGAINST homosexuality -- only one side in this debate gets the duct tape:

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  17. #117
    Властелин Deborski's Avatar
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    Relax Throbert! I am not comparing Russia to Nazi Germany... yet... although I must say that the other day I was pounced on by a group of angry Russian homophobes and one of them said it is a комплимент to be called a Nazi. I reminded him that 11 million Red Army Soldiers died fighting Hitler. There is definitely a strong neo-Nazi presence in Russia right now, and I do not think it's going "too far" to express concerns that the persecution of gays may not be an end unto itself. It begins with gays, and who is next? Jews? Atheists? I think we are beholden to make historic parallels where we see them. The rise of nationalism and religious laws in Russia is grave cause for concern. Same goes for the religious conservatives trying to take over America as well!
    Вот потому, что вы говорите то, что не думаете, и думаете то, что не думаете, вот в клетках и сидите. И вообще, весь этот горький катаклизм, который я здесь наблюдаю, и Владимир Николаевич тоже…

  18. #118
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lampada View Post
    Ужасно коробит, когда в разговорах о геях сразу притаскивают секс, как вроде бы это самое главное и отличительное в их жизни.
    Thank you for making this point, Lampada! However, in my post, I wanted to emphasize that people who are attracted to the same sex can make a choice to be "celibate" (is безврачный the correct term, here?) and still be homosexual -- just as people can be celibate and heterosexual. And there are millions of teenagers who are VIRGINS and have never had sexual contact with a person of the same sex nor of the opposite sex -- yet they're still homosexual -- just as there are heterosexual virgins.

  19. #119
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    Jews are in power in Russia, as well as in the whole world.

  20. #120
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marcus View Post
    Jews are in power in Russia, as well as in the whole world.
    Yes, clearly Obama is a Jew.
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