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Thread: Sochi Olympics and the Law against Gays in Russia +

  1. #301
    Почтенный гражданин DrBaldhead's Avatar
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    Has anyone heard of or seen this notice? Honest answers, please.
    I've heard of it. That Nikolai Alexeev you speak of is one of the main activists of the gay movement in Russia. He is well known for leading several gay pride organizations and struggling for the legalization of all kinds of gay rights - propaganda, marriage and, unfortunately, much more.
    It should be noted that this guy is not just an ordinary deviant. He was taken by the police several times and even tried to sue Russian Federation in ECtHR. Almost every month he tries (and fails) to organize a gay parade in different cities across Russia thus making people quite angry. Even other gay organizations dislike him sometimes because his activities tend to cause more hate rather than admiration towards the sexual minorities. He is the type who struggles for the idea more than for people.
    I would say even more - most of the modern "antigay" laws are actually the consequences of his actions too.
    As for me, I don't like him. I wouldn't mind if this crazy man was removed from the society - it could make the life of both normal and deviant people much more peaceful.

  2. #302
    Moderator Lampada's Avatar
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  3. #303
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    Раньше наши люди, чтобы уехать, прикидывались евреями (доставали справки из синагоги?). Теперь будут прикидываться геями. Поди проверь.
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  4. #304
    Moderator Lampada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Юрка View Post
    Раньше наши люди, чтобы уехать, прикидывались евреями (доставали справки из синагоги?). Теперь будут прикидываться геями. Поди проверь.
    Отправляйте всех своих геев и не заморачивайтесь! Пусть себе спокойно делают, что хотят, целуются, женятся, усыновляют детей, рисуют картины, пишут музыку, танцуют и т.д. Представляю, как их будет радостно встречать в Америке ЛГБТ-сообщество.
    Этот антигейский закон может оказаться благословлением для всех, особенно для гомофобов.

    "Give me your tired, your poor,
    Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
    The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
    Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
    I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

    "The New Colossus" is a sonnet by American poet Emma Lazarus (1849–87), written in 1883. In 1903, the poem was engraved on a bronze plaque and mounted inside the lower level of the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty.
    Deborski likes this.

  5. #305
    Paul G.
    (Deleted. L.)
    В Америке в большей части штатов законодательно запрещены браки между геями, а в некоторых не только всякая пропаганда такого образа жизни, но и присутствует уголовная ответственность за половые контакты с лицом другого пола (что в России отменено больше 20 лет назад). Калифорния, которая является "землей обетованной" для геев - банкрот. А геям предлагается ехать в США, где их будут дискриминировать и поселять в гетто, ведь только там они могут реализовать свои права человека.

    Особенно показательно в этом плане выступление эталонного полезного идиота в радужных подтяжках на Russia Today (на самом деле, страдающего какими-то нарушениями психики). Его так волновали "права геев" в России, что он напрочь забыл о дискриминации геев в США.
    Last edited by Paul G.; August 29th, 2013 at 10:32 AM. Reason: Disrespect, insults
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  6. #306
    Moderator Lampada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paul G. View Post
    (Deleted. L.)
    В Америке в большей части штатов законодательно запрещены браки между геями, а в некоторых не только всякая пропаганда такого образа жизни, но и уголовная ответственность за половые контакты с лицом другого пола (что в России отменено больше 20 лет назад). Калифорния, которая является "землей обетованной" для геев - банкрот. А геям предлагается ехать в США, где их будут дискриминировать и поселять в гетто, ведь только там они могут реализовать свои права человека.

    Особенно показательно в этом плане выступление эталонного полезного идиота в радужных подтяжках на Russia Today (на самом деле, страдающего какими-то нарушениями психики). Его так волновали "права геев" в России, что он напрочь забыл о дискриминации геев в США.
    Disinformation and wishful thinking.

    But anyway, not to worry, just let them go!

    Again, it's not your problem? Just forget about it.
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  7. #307
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lampada View Post
    Again, it's not your problem?
    Кхе-кхе.. А нам можно так отвечать американцам, когда они заводят песнь о наших законах?

  8. #308
    Властелин Deborski's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrBaldhead View Post
    I've heard of it. That Nikolai Alexeev you speak of is one of the main activists of the gay movement in Russia. He is well known for leading several gay pride organizations and struggling for the legalization of all kinds of gay rights - propaganda, marriage and, unfortunately, much more.
    It should be noted that this guy is not just an ordinary deviant. He was taken by the police several times and even tried to sue Russian Federation in ECtHR. Almost every month he tries (and fails) to organize a gay parade in different cities across Russia thus making people quite angry. Even other gay organizations dislike him sometimes because his activities tend to cause more hate rather than admiration towards the sexual minorities. He is the type who struggles for the idea more than for people.
    I would say even more - most of the modern "antigay" laws are actually the consequences of his actions too.
    As for me, I don't like him. I wouldn't mind if this crazy man was removed from the society - it could make the life of both normal and deviant people much more peaceful.
    According to the article I posted, it isn't just Alexeev whose home was raided. Is it true that citizens have received notices advising them to report their gay neighbors?
    Вот потому, что вы говорите то, что не думаете, и думаете то, что не думаете, вот в клетках и сидите. И вообще, весь этот горький катаклизм, который я здесь наблюдаю, и Владимир Николаевич тоже…

  9. #309
    Moderator Lampada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrBaldhead View Post
    ... I wouldn't mind if this crazy man was removed from the society - it could make the life of both normal and deviant people much more peaceful.
    If you refer deviant to gay people, it mean that you just have not read that thread in its entirety. Being homosexual is not being deviant.

    Homosexuality is biologically natural, not deviant

    Вспомним Раневскую:
    "Лесбиянство, гомосексуализм, мазохизм, садизм - это не извращения. Извращений, собственно, только два: хоккей на траве и балет на льду."

    "Актеры обсуждают на собрании труппы товарища, который обвиняется в гомосексуализме: "Это растление молодежи, это преступление".
    "Боже мой, несчастная страна, где человек не может распорядиться своей ж....,"- вздохнула Раневская.

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  10. #310
    Почтенный гражданин DrBaldhead's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deborski View Post
    According to the article I posted, it isn't just Alexeev whose home was raided. Is it true that citizens have received notices advising them to report their gay neighbors?
    I haven't received anything.

    Actually, the police is not a threat to Alexeev. As I said earlier, such problems aren't new for him. But, suddenly, this has bombed him out instantly.
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  11. #311
    Властелин Deborski's Avatar
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    Meet the Russian gay teen fighting back against Putin | Gay Star News

    This article is about a gay teenager living in Russia, whose name is Kirill.

    Kirill said: ‘Life as an LGBT teenager in Russia is not sweet and pleasant. The adoption of this law has affected my life, I understand now we cannot live in this country. Prior to the adoption of the law I thought that everything can change.’

    While many countries continue to become more tolerant of homosexuality by introducing marriage equality, Russia has continued to regress its LGBT rights. Kirill agrees: ‘There is a growth of homophobia going on in Russian society, homosexuality is a taboo topic again.’

    Being openly gay in Russia has meant Kirill has lost all of his friends. ‘My environment is not tolerant towards gays. My mother pretends she does not know, she’s a homophobe.’

    Kirill only knows other gay people like him through social networking.

    ‘Using Facebook and Twitter has great significance for me, it’s free of Russian conspiracy. I’m happy that access to these social networks is unlocked in Russia,' he said.
    Вот потому, что вы говорите то, что не думаете, и думаете то, что не думаете, вот в клетках и сидите. И вообще, весь этот горький катаклизм, который я здесь наблюдаю, и Владимир Николаевич тоже…

  12. #312
    Moderator Lampada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Юрка View Post
    Кхе-кхе.. А нам можно так отвечать американцам, когда они заводят песнь о наших законах?
    It depends, and I think you know it by now. My post was not meant to be insulting, upsetting or disrespectful, was it?

  13. #313
    Властелин Deborski's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrBaldhead View Post
    I haven't received anything.

    Actually, the police is not a threat to Alexeev. As I said earlier, such problems aren't new for him. But, suddenly, this has bombed him out instantly.
    My main concern was whether there was any truth to the part about people receiving notices from the government to report their gay neighbors. Clearly Alexeev is a different case. But if the government starts knocking on people's doors just because they are gay, then that is outright intimidation and persecution. I hope it is not true.
    Вот потому, что вы говорите то, что не думаете, и думаете то, что не думаете, вот в клетках и сидите. И вообще, весь этот горький катаклизм, который я здесь наблюдаю, и Владимир Николаевич тоже…

  14. #314
    Властелин Deborski's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lampada View Post
    It depends, and I think you know it by now. My post was not meant to be insulting, upsetting or disrespectful, was it?
    I think the whole point here, is that we can have this discussion like mature adults, and we do not need to stoop to name calling, insulting each other, or making threatening comments. Criticizing something the Russian government does, is not the same thing as criticizing Lampada, or criticizing Dr. Baldhead, or any of the individuals posting on this thread. Everyone should have a right to their opinion, and the right to disagree. But when it becomes personal, and threats are made or there is character assassination going on, then it is right and correct that the moderator should step in. I think Lampada has done an excellent job of trying to keep this discussion civil!
    Вот потому, что вы говорите то, что не думаете, и думаете то, что не думаете, вот в клетках и сидите. И вообще, весь этот горький катаклизм, который я здесь наблюдаю, и Владимир Николаевич тоже…

  15. #315
    Завсегдатай Throbert McGee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deborski View Post
    But if the government starts knocking on people's doors just because they are gay, then that is outright intimidation and persecution. I hope it is not true.
    The notice explains that "propaganda of homosexuality" can take many forms -- among them, the wearing of яркая одежда, "bright clothing"! Also note the filled-in blank with the precise number of homosexuals in the building (1)!

    I would guess that this is some sort of malicious joke against a resident of the building who "looks gay", and that the notice wasn't posted in ANY other buildings in the city.
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  16. #316
    Завсегдатай Throbert McGee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrBaldhead View Post
    I haven't received anything.
    Actually, the police is not a threat to Alexeev. As I said earlier, such problems aren't new for him. But, suddenly, this has bombed him out instantly.
    WOW! Thank you very much for posting those links. I have heard of both Alekseev and Michael Lucas, but was not aware of Alekseev's recent bizarre change in behavior. (I've never seen Mr. Lucas's, um, "work," but I've read a few articles written by him for LGBT news media here in the States.)

  17. #317
    Завсегдатай Throbert McGee's Avatar
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    One comment: Roman Mamonov is very handsome! Russia's loss, America's gain...

  18. #318
    Moderator Lampada's Avatar
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    "Охота на ведьм". Средневековье, мрак.

    Безграмотно! "в течении многих лет".
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    "...Важно, чтобы форум оставался местом, объединяющим людей, для которых интересны русский язык и культура. ..." - MasterАdmin (из переписки)

  19. #319
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lampada View Post
    Breathing heavily after his tirade, he turned to Justice Clarence Thomas and said, “Except you, Clarence. Are you coming with me?”
    Justice Thomas said nothing in reply."
    That was the best part! (For Russians: Clarence Thomas is known for two things in his career as a Supreme Court Justice: always agreeing with Mr. Scalia, and almost never authoring written opinions of his own -- not even very short ones. (It's very common for SCOTUS Justices to attach brief thoughts or clarifications of their own as additions to the court's majority decision.)

  20. #320
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    "Охота на ведьм". Средневековье, мрак.
    I bet those Soviet morons hate "heterosexual propaganda" too. Ask them what they think of straight porn movies.
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