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Thread: Need translate

  1. #121
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    Quote Originally Posted by ST
    知らないです。 コミックを読みませんでした。 しかし、私はIRCを使い分けますことができ ます。   何をおすすめしますか?

    日本語を話しますは面白いです。 しかし、私は御粗末な(lame)です。  So I prefer to read, rather then speak.
    [UR]DAN は日本語のコミックのボットです。

    The channel is #lurk on, [UR]DAN is the XDCC bot with the RAWs. Pack 1 on the bot is the list of new releases. There are other places too of course.

    I've got samples of pretty much all the stuff they have on that bot and some more, I've looked through a large fraction of these (not all of them though) so I have some idea of what many of them are about and what they look like, e.g. whether they have furigana, etc. So if you are interested, maybe we can pick something easy and interesting (although there is definitely a tradeoff there).

    Oh, and the best thing to read these on your PC is of course CDisplay,
    it's good, free, and does not require you to unpack the archives or anything.
    For printing, I usually use a shareware called Vallen Jpegger.

  2. #122
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    I don't have my "big list" at hand, but I remember that there were quite a few titles that I thought could be interesting, I'll check it. What kind of stuff (in books/anime/etc) are you interested in?

  3. #123
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    Cool, I should check it.
    What kind of stuff (in books/anime/etc) are you interested in?
    I don`t know..something simple and funny

    The bear looked at the car, and reflections of fire danced in his eyes. He knew what to do.

  4. #124
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    Quote Originally Posted by ST
    Cool, I should check it.
    What kind of stuff (in books/anime/etc) are you interested in?
    I don`t know..something simple and funny

    That's good, it's a popular genre
    Let me put together a few sample pages and upload to smth like rapidshare. У тебя как со скоростью выкачки?

  5. #125
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    Это хорошо, таких как раз много
    навскидку, из того что я видел:

    Сначала наиболее популярные:
    1. School Rumble
    2. Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu
    (Школьные комедии, вторая с примесью sci-fi/мистики). По обоим историям есть очень популярное аниме, я и то и другое смотрел. Что, с одной стороны, немного снижает интерес в начале, с другой стороны так читать, конечно, намного легче что не факт что хорошо, конечно, но процесс быстрее пойдет. SchR манга идет намного дальше аниме.
    По Сузумии есть еще серия книжек, но пока что я наверное комикс бы предпочел, с книжками тяжелее. Хотя если загнать в браузер и рикайчаном, то наверное можно -- парочка у меня есть выкачанных OCR'd, но там тоже надо разбираться, чтобы нормально разбивало строки, а я в html не силён.

    3. Ichigo Mashomaro:
    комедия про девочек cute и достаточно просто написана, но без фуриганы, имхо все-таки с ней лучше, так как, во первых, она предохраняет от неправильного прочтения слов, и во вторых, незнакомые слова все-таки проще искать по произношению. Тоже есть аниме, но я его не смотрел. Все это относится и популярнейшей Azumanga Daioh, но ее на первый взгляд тяжелее читать, больше текста и больше незнакомых слов.

    B начале под описание вполне подходит Higurashi no Naku koro ni,
    но потом там такое начинается... совсем не комедия то есть. It's good though

    Вот еще что-то странное: sayonara zetsubou sensei, "The very negative comedy of a very depressed teacher who attempts suicide constantly and his 32(!!) troubled students."

    Еще вот немного с фуриганой, выглядит как комедии:
    Ai Kora
    History Strongest Disciple Ken'ichi
    Girls bravo
    Noo bura
    also (part furigana):
    addicted to curry ... hp?id=4373
    (edit: apparently I have only vol.18 atm)

    Ну да хватит, наверное -- давай я теперь повыбираю по 2-3 страницы, а ты посмотришь.
    Надо наверное отдельный пост написать, может еще кто заинтересуется.

  6. #126
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    круто! А как кандзи без фуриганы читать? По ключам пробивать? Это наверно не один час на страницу уйдет...
    The bear looked at the car, and reflections of fire danced in his eyes. He knew what to do.

  7. #127
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    Quote Originally Posted by ST
    круто! А как кандзи без фуриганы читать? По ключам пробивать? Это наверно не один час на страницу уйдет...
    Я обычно пользуюсь или PADict (on Palm), там или по элементам или просто рисуем и распознаем, или JWPCe (on PC), там по элементам.
    По элементам это не то же самое, что по ключам, это гораздо проще -- просто отмечаешь несколько видимых элементов и получаешь список вариантов.

    Есть специализированные kanji dictionaries, там еще лучше все это работает, но там принцип другой -- ищешь kanji а потом смотришь нет ли слова в списке примеров. Электронный yarxi очень хорош искать иероглифы, но примеров там мало. из бумажных я бы советовал основанные на SKIP методе -- я когда-то тестировал NTC vs PADict, и результаты были только совсем немножко в пользу PADict.

  8. #128
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    Can you DL ~35M?

  9. #129
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    yeah, I can.
    The bear looked at the car, and reflections of fire danced in his eyes. He knew what to do.

  10. #130
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    OK here you go then. ...

    and forgot to add azumanga so here it is separately: ...

    actually this time it seemed better than when I first looked at it, perhaps I have progressed a little But Ichigo Mashimaro is still easier imo.

  11. #131
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    Download-session invalid. Please click here.

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    The bear looked at the car, and reflections of fire danced in his eyes. He knew what to do.

  12. #132
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    Quote Originally Posted by ST

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    Download-session expired. Direct-links last a few minutes for free users and a few days for premium-users.
    You requested this download-session from a different IP than yours. If you use AOL, try a different browser.
    Just checked, it seems to work fine. But you do have to initiate download once the countdown reaches 0 and the button appears, otherwise it'll expire and you'll have to wait again...

  13. #133
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    Actually, here's yet another option: ...

    A few ppl actually recommended this one to me before, and it seems to have furigana; I haven't looked it yet though, even though I had it on my HD, so it has not come up earlier. But I think it should be quite good.

    Other than that, I think Higurashi or Ichigo Mashimaro must be good, and School Rumble of course... This last one would surely have been my pick if I had not watched the anime, but since I have, I feel like cheating a little bit when reading it, as I am probably guessing what phrases I otherwise wouldn't have understood mean.

  14. #134
    ST is offline
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    фуф, половину слил...сегодня вечером буду читать...точнее попытаюсь Спасибо.

    Хм, в виндовом IME-PAD тоже можно рисовать кандзи...но толи из меня калиграф никакой, толи IME-PAD корявый...но он у меня узнает только самые простые иероглифы...
    The bear looked at the car, and reflections of fire danced in his eyes. He knew what to do.

  15. #135
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    Quote Originally Posted by ST
    фуф, половину слил...сегодня вечером буду читать...точнее попытаюсь
    Good luck Tell me what you think.

    Хм, в виндовом IME-PAD тоже можно рисовать кандзи...но толи из меня калиграф никакой, толи IME-PAD корявый...но он у меня узнает только самые простые иероглифы...
    I can't draw kanji without a pen... not with the mouse for sure, not with a trackpoint, not even with a touchpad. Perhaps if I had a tablet PC... But as it is, IME-pad is useless for me as well.
    But PADict is pretty good. Some of the less common characters are not yet defined in the recognition part, but they keep adding them. Of course you need a Palm OS device to run it, but most old palms would do just fine.

  16. #136
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    Quote Originally Posted by laxxy
    Actually, here's yet another option: ...

    A few ppl actually recommended this one to me before, and it seems to have furigana; I haven't looked it yet though, even though I had it on my HD, so it has not come up earlier. But I think it should be quite good.

    Other than that, I think Higurashi or Ichigo Mashimaro must be good, and School Rumble of course... This last one would surely have been my pick if I had not watched the anime, but since I have, I feel like cheating a little bit when reading it, as I am probably guessing what phrases I otherwise wouldn't have understood mean.
    after looking at it once more, well, good it might be, but it does feel more difficult than the rest, furigana or no Lots and lots of unknown words for me on every page... Perhaps that's because the guy is crazy Just look at page 6 It looks almost like Chinese

  17. #137
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    да, манга жжот все же... с фуриганой более менее реально читать (я даже не ожидал что хоть что то пойму), без нее труднее на порядок...на первый лист азуманги пол часа убил, пока все кандзи не нашел...но правда смысла понял процентов 50 все равно

    Кандзи кстати по ней учить самое то....5 раз увидишь с фуриганой, или 1 раз найдешь по ключам-запомнишь на всю жизнь

    Графика просто супер все же...особенно на первых цветных страницах. Как они так делают, интересно? Странно, что в России такое не продают

    И прога для чтения довольно таки удобная...ACDsee и прочие гляделки картинок и рядом не валялись...

    ЗЫ: мне кстати больше всего понравилась school rumble и азуманга...больше даже по графике, чем по смыслу.
    The bear looked at the car, and reflections of fire danced in his eyes. He knew what to do.

  18. #138
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    Quote Originally Posted by ST
    да, манга жжот все же... с фуриганой более менее реально читать (я даже не ожидал что хоть что то пойму), без нее труднее на порядок...на первый лист азуманги пол часа убил, пока все кандзи не нашел...(
    I thought Azumanga is kinda harder than most others there... Although I think my Japanese has improved since I looked at it last
    But OTOH Ichigo Mashimaro seems one of the easiest of the bunch to me, just compare it to the NHK So it's not just furigana, it's also the word choice and style...

    но правда смысла понял процентов 50 все равно :
    That's why I think it may be a good idea to read something together and discuss... That is another thing about Japanese -- one really needs to have some practice guessing things from context right. You know, in cases when you see a whole sentence and it seems that almost every word is quite general, so you really have to guess what they mean...
    We have it in Russian too I think, much more than in English, but Japanese really takes the cake here
    Which is also why I, however I like School Rumble, would probably prefer trying something else -- it's too easy to guess what is being said when one has seen the anime (it's a very nice series btw, at least season 1).

    Кандзи кстати по ней учить самое то....5 раз увидишь с фуриганой, или 1 раз найдешь по ключам-запомнишь на всю жизнь
    yup Although I'd recommend you take a look at Heisig too if you plan to learn kanji.

    Графика просто супер все же...особенно на первых цветных страницах. Как они так делают, интересно? Странно, что в России такое не продают
    They don't? In America there are lots and lots of them, in English translation of course. In most bookstores they take like 3x more shelf space than regular American comics

    One thing I was actually always wondering about is why there is so little full-color manga... American/English/French comics are usually 100% full-color, and while it generally requires one more person to work on it, at least some major titles should be able to afford it... I'd gladly pay 2-3x for a full color book.

    ЗЫ: мне кстати больше всего понравилась school rumble и азуманга...больше даже по графике, чем по смыслу.
    Well if you feel up to the challenge and wish to try azumanga, let's do it. I think I'll just print it and write down "furigana" for the words I don't know on the margins with a pen.
    I guess we have to make a separate topic to discuss it.

  19. #139
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    Heh-heh, we can try...Although I can`t imagine how it will be...and my level of Japanese much more lower then your...
    Would you create a new topic?
    The bear looked at the car, and reflections of fire danced in his eyes. He knew what to do.

  20. #140
    MOG is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by laxxy
    One thing I was actually always wondering about is why there is so little full-color manga... American/English/French comics are usually 100% full-color, and while it generally requires one more person to work on it, at least some major titles should be able to afford it... I'd gladly pay 2-3x for a full color book.
    Really? I don’t see so much goodness for just being colored. They already look good enough.
    You may find some full color mangas which are made only for, e.g. taking films, I suppose. The one I have here costs less than twice than that of non-colored, though.

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