don't cry over spilt milk
that's water under the bridge
- what's past is past

so and so won't do this for "all the tea in China"
- means that person's really not gonna do it

such and such is an "albatross around your neck"
- something that's dragging you down

always a bridesmaid, never a bride
close but no cigar
- always coming close but not quite getting there

any tom, dick, and harry
- any regular guy

she's the "apple of my eye"
- she's very special

you're "beating a dead horse"
- it's over, you've made your point, now shut up

she came to the tennis court in her "birthday suit" lol
- means she's naked

btw - my two cents (that's another idiom, means my little contribution to the discussion) parkways are scenic driveways through a park, but parkways can also mean pretty much a highway without any reference to any nearby parks.