The Half Life of Timofey Berezin (2006)
Выпей vodka, tovarish - все мы знаем, что нам уже ничего не поможет, и оружейный плутоний в наших холодильниках давно просрочен.
"Пу 239" или "Полураспад Тимофея Березина"
Инженер-ядерщик Тимофей Березин 12 лет работает на заводе оружейного плутония в городе с простым и милым каждому русскому названием.
Welcome to Скотопригоньевск-16, tovarish. Ты ведь слышал о таком? Нет? Неудивительно - его же нет на карте (по словам самого Тимофея).
Работа его состоит в обычном героизме - своими руками он регулярно закрывает протечки в грязной камере с трубами, больше похожей на бойлерную в котельной.
Однажды схваченная доза оказывается больше обычной - и Тимофей почему-то не отращивает жабры и крылья,становясь зеленым мутантом на защиту демократии, а начинает умирать. Начальство завода, подменив его дозиметр и спрятав одежду, намекает - "иди-ка ты, Тимофей, домой - а мы тут все последствия на тебя, болезного, спишем..."
Новоявленный Гордон Фримен в чистом исподнем возвращается домой и понимает, что где-то его нае*али. Из брючного ремня и пружин от raskladushka он собирает "разгрузку" скрытого ношения и возвращается на родной завод.
Кстати, о заводе. Русские физики-ядерщики в принципе недалекие люди, а под гнетом проклятой KGB вообще тупеют. Чем еще можно объяснить необходимость на воротах писать крупными буквами "ВОРОТА"?
Но Тимофей не ишет легких путей - он ловко... перебирается через забор секретного завода. Дальше проще - на всем пути до хранилища ядерных материалов нет ни души. Ни охраны, ни коллег, ни шпионов ЦРУ - не иначе обед. Из хранилища Тимофей легко тырит склянку с плутонием.
Прижимая к чахлой груди колбу с изотопом (100 грамм, не хухры-мухры!), Тимофей прощается с женой и сыном (по-моему, единственный русскоязычный актер в фильме) и под предлогом поиска работы сваливает в Москву. Зачем? Ну, как же - ведь всему миру известно, что на Black Market в Москве найдется покупатель на любое оружие. "Калашниковыми" вообще на вес барыжат.
Торговля оружейным плутонием - привычное для нас с тобой дело, tovarish. Вот и гражданин Березин, не таясь, предлагает товар лицом:
Березин сразу располагает к себе честных русскихбандитовбизнесменов. Знакомьтесь - Влад, Фимка и Егор, обычныеманчестерскиемосковские парни. Да, крайний слева - это Джейсон Флеминг, вы могли видеть его в "Карты, Деньги, 2 ствола", "Snatch" и пр.
Дальше - рутина, пересказывать которую не совсем интересно. Жены- и матери-проститутки; нищие на улицах и в холле гостиницы "Националь"; бешеные "бригадиры", играющие в теннис и цитирующие трактаты дао... полные "Жмурки" в адаптации.
Бизнес проваливается под грохот выстрелов из ПМ и салюта вечеринки олигархов. Фимку и Тимофея (который хотел всего лишь обеспечить семью) валят сразу. Влад и Егор, влекомые любопытством, таки открывают контейнер с "Пу" и видят белый порошок.
Они рассуждают о вреде "кокаинового мышления", сворачивают по пятитысячной купюрке и выплевывают через минуту свои внутренности на стол.
Жена Тимофея шантажом добивается компенсации от директора плутониевого завода и улетает с сыном в Коста-Рику. Самолет пролетает в небе над полем, по которому уходил из города Тимофей, на поле растут коричневые радиоактивные цветы... Жена бандита Фимки (проститутка, разумеется) увозит их сына в Америку.
Титры уходят в темноту под звуки шевчуковской "Родины" и цоевской "Группы Крови".
ru_klukva_ru: "Пу 239" или "Полураспад Тимофея Березина"
Зачем копипастить? Почему просто ссылку не кинуть на Клюквенные закрома ? Я там зачитался, tovarish..![]()
Gosh this seems to have got WORSE after the end of the Cold War, rather than the other way around as one would expect!
I wonder why say, Germans, or Japanese are portrayed quite realistic in western films? for example I saw film "Enemy at the gates" and the scenes that showed Russians seemed completely cartoonish to me. On the other hand, the Germans were portrayed quite realistic (I am no German, but at least they looked close to how they were portrayed in Soviet films).
I also saw the "Shogun" mini-series made in the US about Japan which was quite realistic.
Still on the other hand there is a tendency to portray some historic characters and epochs completely unhictorically and even without attempts to approach the spirit of the epoch in some modern American films. Examples of such films are "Alexander" and "300 [Spartans]". Some other American films use the same costumes for medieval, ancient and future epochs: the heroes just wear something of leather without form or differently-clored mantlets and pretend that they are Heracles or King Arthur or a 16th century pirate or a futuristic warrior. This does not depend on the film's budget, and often seen in very expensive ones.
This is very disappointing because previously Americans could make more or less normal films (such as the Anthony and Cleopatra of 1960s).
В целях "разрядки международной напряженности" предлагаю послушать Аллу Пугачеву в "клюквенном облачении".
"Этот мир придуман не нами."
Some British Anti Russian propaganda on youtube... Target audience: 13-year-old antisocial boys with a laptop.
(But don't take it personally, Russians - Brits dislike all other larger European countries, on principle. )
But note, these people are rather stupid: 1) they are British and Brits drink like pigs too. I doubt that Russians are worse drinkers than Brits, so this is a case of the pot calling the kettle black. 2) They are using the wrong national anthem for Russia, this is the Soviet version. The fact that they can't even pick out the correct anthem reduces their credibility a bit.
Originally Posted by youtube
June 6, 1944.
USA and Western Allies saved the Soviet from ashes.
Have fun.
I'm easily amused late at night...
Says who? Your old school History book, or what? That's not what I learned in my history books.
All this kind of stuff is totally subjective anyway, surely you know that!
But I'd say this for the efforts of the USSR in WW2:
- They had the largest amounts of both civilian and military casualties.
- History has proven again and again that it is suicide for a great military power to invade Russia's actual territory. Hitler had not done his homework, or he got carried away by hubris. This is irrespective of any military geniality on the part of the USSR, or lack thereof. They just have geography on their side.
- They liberated a large number of concentration camps
- They were in the war longer than the USA.
- They got to Berlin first.
If there was a country that needed help, and got saved by the support of the USA, it was the UK not the USSR.
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Haha - they managed to find some Cyrillic keys on the keyboard at least!
Surely they could have found somebody who could have helped them with a simple translation.
I came across this one, by pure chance. Never seen it myself, but I'd say it probably qualifies as propaganda! Anyone remembers it?
More at IMDbPro »
Amerika (1987)
TV Mini-Series - 870 min - Fantasy
Ratings: 5.8/10 from 341 users
Reviews: 38 user | 4 critic
America has been bloodlessly taken over by the Soviet Union, leading to slave-labor camps for some, collaboration for others and rebellion for yet others.
Director: Donald Wrye
Stars: Cec Linder, Aleks Oniszczak and Robert Pincombe | See full cast and crew
In Western Europe the anti Russian propaganda was almost worst in the 1990s because Russians were portrayed as totally cruel, ruthless and morally corrupt.
I remember an old TV series that took place on a Baltic Sea cruise ship. As soon as you heard a character speak with a Russian accent you'd know that something extremely sinister was going on - like someone was smuggling a realy terrible and deadly drug, human trafficking, prostitution or somebody was about to be thrown overboard into freezing water. At the same time there were new horror stories coming from Russia on the news every week.
It was impossible not to get a very negative picture in the 1990s! I saw very few American films of this nature in the 80s and did not take those I saw very seriously. But the 1990s "greedy, evil, morally corrupt" Russian gangster scared me.
Not to mention the conspiracy theory about the "Estonia" ferry, which lots of people believed in (almost me too....) The general idea being that Russia sank the ferry on purpose, oblivious that almost 1000 people drowned.
Certain Russian films from that era did not help things either.
Creepy. I had a positive view of Russians up until ca 1990 and then for the last 5-6 years or so. But I was really affected by all these horrible things you read about and heard about in the 90s, both in films and on the news.
By chance or not, the word typed in cyrillic is not nice to say aloud. It's funny that Russina system administrators use now "хуетйд" when talking about some authentication stuff. Here it's again written on the telephone booth -- this time with no errors.
Police Academy (1984)
UN-believable, there has been a remake of the ghastly "Red Dawn" film that we discussed earlier in this thread.
I read that the film was shot with a view that the CHINESE were invading the USA.
However China found out about it and protested... The director promptly changed a few scenes so North Korea are the invaders instead.
I wonder how they solved the language problem...? And what an absolutely proposterous proposition! That's about as feasible as an elephant being killed by an ant... IMHO Anyone who makes a propaganda film this idiotic practically deserves to be occupied by North Korea for real. Gosh, get a grip! Here is the trailer.
I still do not understand why someone wants to occupy USA.Destroy with nukes - OK (I can understand why - remove possible threat). But occupy? Asia and Africa have so many resources and it could easily be acquired.
I don't think there IS any threat against the USA. Nobody can invade a whole continent by force. It was only possible in the days of colonialism when Europeans had firearms and the rest of the world did not. I agree that a nuclear attack is a possibility but the only country that is a threat to the US on that score, is Russia. And a nuclear war is not worth fighting because it is a suicide to start one. It is known by all sides.
But the biggest industry in the US is conventional arms manufacturing, and war (or at least tension/cold war) is their business model. They create a market for their products, by war mongering and scaring their own population, plus actually starting wars themselves.
Plus, they need to ensure access to natural resources. Either voluntarily through trade at favourable costs, or involuntarily, or by putting in place a pro US government that lets them trade on their own terms. Much more clever and slick than traditional colonialism, and it doesn't seem as evil either. The US is just like a hungry dragon that constantly need feeding. It needs more resources per inhabitant than any other country.. and sadly the resources are not particularly evenly distributed either.
North Korea has much more reason to fear the USA than the other way around. There are nukes pointed at them from US bases in South Korea.
I think you are right though. China gets hold of what it needs from Africa and South America by simply trading or exchanging expertise for resources. That is the way forward. More fair trade on decent terms. Not exploitation and imperialism.
Что пьет настоящий коммунист? lol
Книга "Медный всадник"
Автор - американская писательница Паулина Саймонс. Огромная книга, 700 страниц, на иврите.
Итак, блокадный Ленинград 1941-1942 г.
В сентябре 1941-го у семьи оставалось только: 43 кг свинины, 9 трехлитровых банок помидор, 7 бутылок водки (было 11, но 4 папа выпил за последнюю неделю), 2 кг кофе, 4 кг чая, 10 кг сахара, разделенных на три пластиковых (?) пакета, 15 коробок копченых сардин, 4 кг ячменя, 6 кг овсянки и 10 кг муки...
От Александра пахло запахом изысканного мужского шампуня...
С полок магазинов исчезли говядина и свинина, поэтому Татьяне приходилось теперь покупать курятину...
Тема водки тоже раскрыта.
- Таня, пила ли ты когда-нибудь водку?
- Да, когда мне было два года.
- И сколько ты выпила?
- Полбутылки...
-Мои мама и папа уже два дня не поднимаются... Дай мне что-нибудь поесть! - жалобно попросила семилетняя Маришка. Татьяна протянула девочке половинку своего крохотного пайка хлеба и поднялась в квартиру к соседям. Она боялась увидеть это... В застывшей от холода комнате, в постели, обнявшись, лежали Маришкины родители. Оба были мертвецки пьяные. В комнате стоял сильный запах алкоголя...
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