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Thread: Western Propaganda aka клюква lol

  1. #221
    Почтенный гражданин 14Russian's Avatar
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    The Innocence of Pussy Riot — RT

    I know Russians that want to move (from Russia) and tell me about the problems/conditions but why do Russians ignore or sugarcoat them? Sure, the USA is fast becoming a joke in hypocrisy. The two main political parties are virtually the same and liberties in that country are being eradicated.

    But, Russia is no better and it's a major disappointment for me. I don't like the tone and motives of the 'Opposition' but that status quo in Russia is eerily similar to what is going on in other Western countries. The politicians in all these countries are opportunists and traitors yet people in their own (native) countries are so brainwashed and conditioned, they can't honestly evaluate their own. Some are just stubborn. Others are just misinformed or clueless.

  2. #222
    Завсегдатай Crocodile's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 14Russian View Post
    liberties in that country are being eradicated
    I'm not sure the existence or non-existence of liberties, or to say it better, the degree of liberties allowed is the major concern for the majority of people. I think most people just want to live their lives. And, in my opinion, at least they want that their government will not make their life worse. Everything else is up to the culture/customs/political fight.

    Quote Originally Posted by 14Russian View Post
    The two main political parties are virtually the same [...]
    And both are equally powerful. Meaning, the 'watchdogs' know they are sure to get some support from either side. Which I think is presently among the best options available to fight corruption. One of the respected members of this forum Ramil once said truly that the major difference between Russian and the US internal politics is that: should a fraction of what's known about a typical Russian politician be known in the US, that politician would step down immediately. In Russia, that politician could safely ignore all the 'barking'.

  3. #223
    Почтенный гражданин capecoddah's Avatar
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    So 'Press TV' and 'RT' aren't being beamed into every TV in the world.

    I think the comments on both sites reveal the reason why.

    "Because the Zionist Jew Rothchild banking cabal won't allow it.
    Oh, and death to AmeriKKKa!"

    With a target audience like that, how am I going to take them seriously?

    It would be nice to read some news (just the facts ma'am) from and about their respective countries without the bias that The Colonialist American Oppressors blah, blah, blah.

    From the Press TV comments:
    "...It looks as Zionits are trying actively infest Russia AGAIN....." Russia talking to Iran
    "go Frankenstorm, go! Take out as much of this sick country as you can!" A hurricane
    " We have witnessed so many cases of drug cheating by zionist "athletes" over the years " Lance Armstrong.

    Somehow it strikes me as odd that Iran protests Press TV not being shown because it's not a sound business decision while trying to isolate itself from outside influences.
    Eric C. likes this.
    I'm easily amused late at night...

  4. #224
    Почтенный гражданин 14Russian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by capecoddah View Post
    So 'Press TV' and 'RT' aren't being beamed into every TV in the world.

    I think the comments on both sites reveal the reason why.

    "Because the Zionist Jew Rothchild banking cabal won't allow it.
    Oh, and death to AmeriKKKa!"

    With a target audience like that, how am I going to take them seriously?

    It would be nice to read some news (just the facts ma'am) from and about their respective countries without the bias that The Colonialist American Oppressors blah, blah, blah.

    From the Press TV comments:
    "...It looks as Zionits are trying actively infest Russia AGAIN....." Russia talking to Iran
    "go Frankenstorm, go! Take out as much of this sick country as you can!" A hurricane
    " We have witnessed so many cases of drug cheating by zionist "athletes" over the years " Lance Armstrong.

    Somehow it strikes me as odd that Iran protests Press TV not being shown because it's not a sound business decision while trying to isolate itself from outside influences.
    "I think the comments on both sites reveal the reason why." Why?

    I suppose the target audience of ABC/NBC/CBS (news), CNN, MNBC and Fox News is a better one? Of course, these news sources have no bias. In fact, the entire smorgasbord of MSM news doesn't have a bias, Of course not.

    I see any mention of the word, 'Zionist' puts up blinders for you, automatically. It sounds like your mind is made up and you're conditioned to think one way only. It's no surprise that the poster who concurs, i.e. Eric, thinks the same.

    I don't care what country it is. Banning and censorship is usually a violation of freedoms.

  5. #225
    Moderator Lampada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 14Russian View Post
    ... I see any mention of the word, 'Zionist' puts up blinders for you, automatically. It sounds like your mind is made up and you're conditioned to think one way only. It's no surprise that the poster who concurs, i.e. Eric, thinks the same. ...
    Осторожнее на поворотах: переход на личности - это "но но".
    Наверное, мы в основном все такие: как выросли - не умеем с лёгкостью мнение менять.

  6. #226
    Почтенный гражданин 14Russian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lampada View Post
    Осторожнее на поворотах: переход на личности - это "но но".
    Наверное, мы в основном все такие: как выросли - не умеем с лёгкостью мнение менять.
    Careful with what? Why? Maybe I interpreted/translated incorrectly?

    I was just telling the poster above that there is always a bias but I suggest reading everything with an open mind to then evaluate afterward. Even if we don't like it, that 'banning' or disregarding automatically is not the way to go.

    But, everyone jumps to quick conclusions and is ready to hit the censor button as demonstrated.

    P.S. Comments after a 'news' article usually include all kinds of views and statements under the sun.

  7. #227
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    Хотите покажу вам еще одну тяжелую артиллерию пропаганды? Ищите пользователя “leonidmart” на YouTube.
    Это монтаж, но монтаж очень качественный для того, кто не сведущ в видео и звукомонтаже.

    Видеохистинг, социальные сети, Твиттер, торренты и отдельные сайты. Подумав, я решил написать в администрацию президента и ФСБ, чтобы парнем занялись.

  8. #228
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    Quote Originally Posted by BappaBa View Post
    Ilsa the Tigress of Siberia (1977)
    прототипом видимо была Ильза Кох, только было это в германии и историю нагло переврали.

    А Red Dawn наверное был снят по книгам Ларри Бонда тот ещё, видимо, пропогандист был. Они даже компьютерную игру сейчас умудрились сделать World in Conflict.

  9. #229
    Quote Originally Posted by 14Russian View Post
    It's obvious the EU (EU countries/states) are not interested in freedoms and thus, freedom of expression. But, Russia is no different. Putin et al. would have you believe that he is independent (that is an independent thinker and different from the EU) but that is false. The Russian government has similar policies and values to the EU. They also ban anything considered 'controversial.' There's many examples but the 'Innocence of Islam' video is just one e.g. What is interesting is that Putin speaks with a 'forked tongue' so to speak. On one hand, he'll speak up to ordinary Russians and say what many want to hear. He'll lecture the West and state his grievances with their policies while he actually does the same or similar. It's very clever since many Russians are preoccupied with daily routine (problems inherent etc.) so to really care about perceived infringements or violations against (their) freedoms takes a backseat or is barely acknowledged, if at all.

    Most countries are pursuing a sort of police state. One only has to open their eyes and be open-minded.
    You may well be right. I have not visited Russia in modern times. Although I've read the stories about "Putin's censorship", I've taken it with a pinch of salt and "look who's talking".
    The other thing is, if there is one country where people can recognise propaganda and censorship when they see it, and quickly find a way around it, it's probably Russia. I doubt it stops people from discussing and venting what they like. And it's not like foreign media isn't doing it's best to circumvent, i.e. Radio Free Europe, VOA and similar venues (whatever they call themselves these days).

    Besides, the values of Russia are actually more appealing to me, personally than the values of for example Britain. So if I was going to find myself in a censorship situation I'd have a tiny bit more sympathy for the Russian angle of things, even if I hate propaganda and censorship on principle, regardless of the message.
    The one thing that I'd really miss in Russian media, I think, would be serious scrutiny of the rich, and of corruption. Read a horrendous story today about Russian noveau riches. Disgusting and they deserve to be exposed in media.

    35 per cent of the household wealth in Russia belongs to just 110 billionaires | Mail Online
    The figure they complain about is incidentally similar in the USA - but it's disgusting regardless. In Russia's case specifically, because it was built on essential theft of the property of the "people's" state and happened over a timespan of only 20 years.

  10. #230
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    The free market concept assumes that you cannot steal, but if you're clever enough to make it to the Forbes list acting legally, so let it be. But of course there will be ones complaining about "the darn rich". So, I wonder what other people would consider "rich". Those of you guys who do not like "the rich", could you please name the upper limit of wealth one can have without having to be scrutinized or exposed in media?

  11. #231
    So you are defending the Russian oligarchs now? Are you denying that people like Usmanov fit into the category of disgustingly rich, and are you saying that their riches are well deserved?

    More so than the workers who spent a lifetime in the factories or mines that the oligarchs snapped up for a pittance.
    The workers are now struggling to pay for decent food and heating, while people like the oligarchs who never worked a day in a mine or a factory is jetsetting around the world spending the fruits of thousands of decent peoples labour.

    That's a situation you want to defend, is it? Let's hear how you do that.

    Here is how these people choose to spend their money abroad, while millions of pensioners in Russia are struggling to get through the day:

    The most obscene bar-fight ever? Russian beats rival in club spending duel with £64k bill | Latest News | News | Daily Star. Simply The Best 7 Days A Week

    They had a competition on who could have the highest bar bill at a members club in central London. Each managed to spend close to $120'000 in just one evening.

    How very tasteful and cool.... (NOT!)

    (these people are beaten only by the Saudis in their vulgarity and arrogance. Seriously)

    If you take the uber rich in Europe (who I am NOT defending), in most cases their wealth was built up over many generations, at least.
    If you take the dot com millionaires, they usually came up with a very clever idea, and work incredibly hard to implement it.
    The uber rich in many of the Northern European nations pay fabulous sums in tax, and are living in societies where there is next to no serious poverty.

    (I personally don't think think any of the above deserve their obscene fortunes regardlesss, t at least there is some rationale)

    Not so with these oligarchs! They grew up under identical conditions as anyone else of their generation, in Russia. They are well familiar with ideological reservations about what they are doing. They know very well that they are shameless opportunitsts and speculants.

    They did not have any unique idea; mining, oil, gas and heavy industry is nothing new at all.
    They did not necessarily work particularly hard, since the enormous profit margins were there from day one.

    They don't even re-invest in their own country, but put the money in offshore, tax haven accounts.

    So go ahead Eric; defend these people. Let's hear how you justify their actions, their wealth or integrity.
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  12. #232
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    The blindness of certain people here makes me incredibly sad, the blindness that doesn't let them read what's being said; not only did I not get an answer to my question, I'm now defending particular oligarchs! That wasn't what I meant at all! I do NOT defend any rich person in particular! I was speaking generally, and my primary concerns were how people treat those much richer than they are in general. I could see here that the treatment wasn't so great, and I got an impression that some people think just because one's rich means they steal someone's property and therefore have to be monitored. Would you agree that such generalization is a bad trend? Everyone should have ability to make as much money as they can using their skills, and no one should be blamed for being richer than someone else. So, my question was solely what that wealth limit that one should exceed to raise hostility from the others is...

  13. #233
    Почтенный гражданин 14Russian's Avatar
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    Most of those aren't even ethnic Russians either. Take a look. Yet, they enjoy the conveniences of Putin's indifference (for most).

    Putin and the other clans 'friendly' to him don't care about it. There is no desire for change but to distract other Russians. I find many Russians are very indifferent or impassive to politics and I suppose, it's understandable, if you think you can't change things. Still, isn't it better to have a recognition of what's going on?

  14. #234
    Moderator Lampada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 14Russian View Post
    Most of those aren't even ethnic Russians either. Take a look. Yet, they enjoy the conveniences of Putin's indifference (for most).

    Putin and the other clans 'friendly' to him don't care about it. There is no desire for change but to distract other Russians. I find many Russians are very indifferent or impassive to politics and I suppose, it's understandable, if you think you can't change things. Still, isn't it better to have a recognition of what's going on?
    Большинство алигархов этнически не русские. Ну и что? Что Macterrussian должен делать по этому поводу?

    " ...Согласно списку журнала "Финанс", по итогам 2009 года "рейтинг" миллиардеров России приблизился к показателям 2007 года. Суммарное состояние десяти богатейших людей России увеличилось почти вдвое по сравнению с прошлым годом и достигло 140 млрд. долларов (75,9 млрд. долларов в 2008-м).

    В первой десятке "рейтинга" есть двое евреев. Вот полный ее список:
    1. Владимир Лисин – 18,8 млрд. долларов (год назад 3-е место)
    2. Михаил Прохоров – 17,8 млрд. (год назад 1-е место)
    3. Роман Абрамович – 17 млрд. (год назад 2-е место)
    4. Сулейман Керимов – 14,5 млрд. (год назад 5-е место)
    5. Михаил Фридман – 14,3 млрд. (год назад 6-е место)
    6. Олег Дерипаска – 13,8 млрд. (год назад 8-е место)
    7. Алишер Усманов – 12,4 млрд. (год назад 10-е место)
    8. Вагит Алекперов – 10,65 млрд. (год назад 4-е место)
    9. Алексей Мордашов – 10 млрд. (год назад 14-е место)
    10. Владимир Потанин - 9,95 млрд. (год назад 7-е место)

    На 11-м месте в "рейтинге" с 9,05 млрд. находится Герман Хан, один из учредителей и спонсоров фонда Genesis. На 66-м месте с 1,2 млрд. долларов находится президент Европейского еврейского конгресса Вячеслав Кантор. На 87-м – Тельман Исмаилов с 860 млн. долларов. ..."



    "...Важно, чтобы форум оставался местом, объединяющим людей, для которых интересны русский язык и культура. ..." - MasterАdmin (из переписки)

  15. #235
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    Quote Originally Posted by 14Russian View Post
    Most of those aren't even ethnic Russians either. Take a look. Yet, they enjoy the conveniences of Putin's indifference (for most).

    Putin and the other clans 'friendly' to him don't care about it. There is no desire for change but to distract other Russians. I find many Russians are very indifferent or impassive to politics and I suppose, it's understandable, if you think you can't change things. Still, isn't it better to have a recognition of what's going on?
    Well, you guys don't like "the rich"; it's different for me, I don't like those taking on too much power, that is dictators, authoritarian rules, etc. I'm ok with someone having $100B as long as they don't tell others what to do. Absolute power is evil, but absolute wealth is not.

  16. #236
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    Quote Originally Posted by BappaBa View Post
    Продолжение рецензии по ссылке. (Ахтунг, голая Ильза)
    vyatsky: Ильза - тигрица из Сибири. Художественный фильм.
    Недавно узнал, что, согласно американской пропаганде, это СССР (а не США) распространял порнографию (наверное с целью подорвать нравственные устои американского общества).

  17. #237
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    Quote Originally Posted by Юрка View Post
    Недавно узнал, что, согласно американской пропаганде, это СССР (а не США) распространял порнографию (наверное с целью подорвать нравственные устои американского общества).
    Now both Americans and Russians would agree the most popular phrase in those movies is "Das ist fantastisch"

  18. #238
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eric C. View Post
    ... I got an impression that some people think just because one's rich means they steal someone's property and therefore have to be monitored. Would you agree that such generalization is a bad trend? Everyone should have ability to make as much money as they can using their skills, and no one should be blamed for being richer than someone else. So, my question was solely what that wealth limit that one should exceed to raise hostility from the others is...
    Дело не в количестве денег, а в способе их получения. Но много денег невозможно получить своим трудом. Тут либо паразитизм на своей собственности (когда зарабатывает не человек, а его капитал), либо несправедливое перераспределение того, что заработали другие (менеджеры, не являясь собственниками, могут получать гигантские оклады, бонусы и т.д.).

  19. #239
    Завсегдатай maxmixiv's Avatar
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    In different countries at different times, very different "systems" can exist. Still they all can be called capitalistic. One can imagine society where single person owns 99.9999% of wealth. It is where we are going to. No wonder that not all are happy. These bags with money have no plans to invest so that society, infrastructure, people could benefit. They just like to watch how numbers on their accounts are growing. In "normal" systems, the richest men DO have a big influence, but this very influence has a lot to add to nation's power.
    "Невозможно передать смысл иностранной фразы, не разрушив при этом её первоначальную структуру."

  20. #240
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    Quote Originally Posted by Юрка View Post
    Дело не в количестве денег, а в способе их получения. Но много денег невозможно получить своим трудом. Тут либо паразитизм на своей собственности (когда зарабатывает не человек, а его капитал), либо несправедливое перераспределение того, что заработали другие (менеджеры, не являясь собственниками, могут получать гигантские оклады, бонусы и т.д.).
    Иметь свой капитал работающим на тебя - это тоже честно, при условия что при его накоплении использовались легальные методы. А насчет бонусов менеджеров - я не думаю что они могут быть получены без согласия собственника.

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