Quote Originally Posted by Antonio1986 View Post
Richard Nixon / Bill Clinton: "Sometimes in order to fight one evil you should cooperate with an other evil".
[ ] Care
[X] Don't care

But yeah, they probably would have cooperated with Adolf Hitler... or even worse, Stepan Bandera.

Quote Originally Posted by Antonio1986 View Post
My first question is
1. why Stepan Bandera cooperated with Hitler?
2. He was a мизантроп?
3. He wanted people to burn in gas chambers?
4. He was just insane?
5. What he wanted from that cooperation with that beast Hitler?
1. To create a unified country full of Bandera followers.
2. I'm not a trained psychologist. But he didn't avoid Nazi society so he probably wasn't.
3. I doubt it. That would have been too easy.
4. See 2.
4. To create a unified country, help kill 20 million Russians, create the Ukrainian SS, and use the most barbaric methods to execute 1/2 million people.

He was awarded the medal of "Hero of the Ukraine" in 2010. That sparked an international outrage. The award was annulled in 2011.
Btw, the current Ukrainian government didn't stop the parade. Why?
Under Bandera, the Ukrainian SS held the most barbaric executions of the Patriotic War but they were never arrested for those crimes after the war. Why?
Anyway, if the Ukraine needs a National hero then fine. But don't expect me to be impressed when they choose Bandera. Tbh, I wouldn't be as shocked if they had chosen Adolf Hitler... he wasn't as barbaric.