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Thread: Latest on the information war against Russia

  1. #1

    Information war against Russia

    A thread for anyone who is disgusted by the information war against Russia. Here is what I "learned" today - all in mainstream media:

    Putin wants to destroy the internet by cutting underwater cables

    Russia is really behind anti-immigration sentiment in Europe
    Russia lies about the death of its soldier in Syria
    Sweden must seek help from Nato to fight "Russian propaganda"

    It feels like we are living in "1984" by Orwell, where the truth is whatever media says it is. For anyone who was brought up to believe they lived in a society with free press, this onslaught of downright agitation is a real shock to the system.

    If they want to write negatively about Russia - all they need to do is write about corruption and poverty! But I guess that's not as fun and sexy as this spy novel stuff...

    Do the journalists actually believe what they write, or are they going with a narrative they are asked to write about?

    Then we have the "Russian military plane/submarine alleged infringement". At least one such article a week, and never any proof, alternatively if you read it beyond the headlines, the plane never crossed the border but flew on international territory. I.e. it's a "non-story" with a misleading headline intended to scare people.

    The submarine nonsense is unique for those of us in Northern Europe, and an old classic from the Cold War. Needless to say it's always without any proof.

    Finally, don't forget that Putin personally ordered the shooting down of M17 because he is evil. This is also the reason why the Russian army has invaded Ukraine and stolen Crimea...

    Where is this leading to? What's the end-game?

  2. #2
    Завсегдатай Basil77's Avatar
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    Oh, hello Hanna! Nice to see you are posting again. I left this site quite a while ago because Lampada went full nazi and started to delete almost all my posts. Haven't checked MR almost for several months and dropped today just occasionally. But since I've discovered that you are posting again I will keep monitoring your threads
    DDT likes this.
    Please, correct my mistakes, except for the cases I misspell something on purpose!

  3. #3
    Moderator Lampada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Basil77 View Post
    ... Lampada went full nazi and started to delete almost all my posts. * ...
    Привет, Василий!

    Получаешь предупреждение за демонстративное выражение неуважения по отношению к модератору.

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  4. #4
    Завсегдатай Basil77's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lampada View Post
    Привет, Василий!

    Получаешь предупреждение за демонстративное выражение неуважения по отношению к модератору.

    Все удалённые посты сохраняются у меня в Ворде и могут быть представлены для всех желающих ознакомиться с ними в личной переписке.
    Привет! Только я не Василий, а Юрий. И ради бога, можешь банить, я просто зашёл, чтобы с Ханной поздороваться.
    Please, correct my mistakes, except for the cases I misspell something on purpose!

  5. #5
    See below:

    Headline news:
    Russian bombers heading for Blekinge (county in Southern Sweden).

    Real story:
    Russian military planes do NOT infringe on the territory of Sweden.

    However, this isn't clear until you read the entire article and look at the illustration.

    The headline indicates that it actually did infringe, making out that it was "heading for" a territory in southern Sweden. But the Russian planes turned well before getting anywhere near the area and well before the territorial border. The whole point of international territory is that anyone can fly there. NATO does it all the time.

    The article claims "this is an exercise to train for an invasion". Yeah? Really? Did the Russian military say that? Is it clear from any of the events? (no to both..)

    Cheap, false scaremongering and I wonder who decides that this kind of stuff is "news". I'd be the fist to complain if any of this was real. But it's not and the agenda is clear:

    One article like this a month (+recurring submarine allegations) are supposed to make people feel "Help, the Russians must be planning an invasion — Let's join NATO".

    That is the end-game, and this is going on in Finland and Sweden non-stop from media. Normal people do not want to join NATO but someone somewhere has decided to use media, to change that. At this pace, sooner or later we'll get there.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hanna View Post
    See below:

    Headline news:
    Russian bombers heading for Blekinge (county in Southern Sweden).

    Real story:
    Russian military planes do NOT infringe on the territory of Sweden.

    However, this isn't clear until you read the entire article and look at the illustration.

    The headline indicates that it actually did infringe, making out that it was "heading for" a territory in southern Sweden. But the Russian planes turned well before getting anywhere near the area and well before the territorial border. The whole point of international territory is that anyone can fly there. NATO does it all the time.

    The article claims "this is an exercise to train for an invasion". Yeah? Really? Did the Russian military say that? Is it clear from any of the events? (no to both..)

    Cheap, false scaremongering and I wonder who decides that this kind of stuff is "news". I'd be the fist to complain if any of this was real. But it's not and the agenda is clear:

    One article like this a month (+recurring submarine allegations) are supposed to make people feel "Help, the Russians must be planning an invasion — Let's join NATO".

    That is the end-game, and this is going on in Finland and Sweden non-stop from media. Normal people do not want to join NATO but someone somewhere has decided to use media, to change that. At this pace, sooner or later we'll get there.

    Of you three, Norway did join NATO pretty long ago, and has it made things worse for them? It's still the most developed and democratic country of all Scandinavia.

  7. #7
    Norway joined NATO because they were liberated by the UK from Nazi occupation during the war.

    They were scared of a future occupation and given an offer they essentially couldn't refuse from the US/UK. Of course, it was a jackpot, since Norway actually borders Russia in the far North.

    Plus Norway traditionally has good relations to the UK since they are neighbours across the North Sea - they were always likely to go in that direction.

    Secondly: Norway was quite backwards, and poorer in comparison with Sweden and Denmark -- until they found oil.
    Once they found oil early 80s they were able to improve things a lot. Essentially, Norway is built on the Swedish model.

    They are a law abiding country with very little corruption:
    The state took care of the oil and used it to build up a better country.
    They have been very good stewards of their oil riches and I am glad for them that they found it.
    The current prosperity will last a while longer than the oil.
    Like Russia, they are trying to diversify - but they took a hit with the oil price recently and had lots of layoffs.
    The traditional industry in Norway, is fishing....

    So make no mistake: Norway is a lovely country with wonderful people, but the reason for the wealth has nothing to do with any NATO membership:

    It's down to the oil and the Lutheran heritage of hard work and honesty.

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