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Thread: Correct please (dinlot)

  1. #101
    Завсегдатай Throbert McGee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dinlot View Post
    The cat loves my sister only.

    Кошка любит мою сестру единственную.

    мою - feminine accusative possessive

    сестру - feminine accusative

    (1) Here, "only" is adverbial, so I would use только (or лишь would work here too, I think), and place it immediately before the direct-object phrase:

    Кошка любит только мою сестру.
    The cat loves ONLY MY SISTER. (The cat hates me, my brother, and my parents.)

    I would ask a native speaker, but I'm pretty sure that you could also put мою at the end to emphasize it:

    Кошка любит только сестру мою.
    The cat loves only MY sister. (The cat hates Olga's sister, and also Boris's sister.)

    Contrast this with:

    Только кошка любит мою сестру. = Кошка одна любит мою сестру.
    ONLY the cat loves my sister / The cat ALONE loves my sister (the dog hates her, and so do my parents, and so do I!)

    (2) The adjective единственный is better used to translate "the only one" or "the sole example of," etc.

    Самка пятнистой гиены (вида Crocuta crocuta) -- единственное млекопитающее женского пола, у которой "фаллос" имеется!
    The female of the spotted hyena (species C. crocuta) is the only mammal of the female sex that has a "phallus"!


    (Yes, that's a baby hyena in her belly, and yes, мама-гиена рож(д)ает детёныша сквозь клитор. Possibly this explains why female spotted hyenas are much more aggressive than the males of the same species...))))
    Alex80 likes this.
    Говорит Бегемот: "Dear citizens of MR -- please correct my Russian mistakes!"

  2. #102
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    but I'm pretty sure that you could also put мою at the end to emphasize it:
    Yes, but opposite - you must put it to the begining: Только мою сестру любит кошка.
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  3. #103
    Завсегдатай maxmixiv's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alex80 View Post
    Yes, but opposite - you must put it to the begining: Только мою сестру любит кошка.
    Intonation decides, but the sentence is such that the only normal meaning is "кошка любит только одного человека - мою сестру".

    About a girl, hated by dogs and humans:

    I cannot confirm the link because I'm at work, but this video should have the song
    "Невозможно передать смысл иностранной фразы, не разрушив при этом её первоначальную структуру."

  4. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by Throbert McGee View Post
    (1) Here, "only" is adverbial, so I would use только (or лишь would work here too, I think), and place it immediately before the direct-object phrase:
    I would ask a native speaker, but I'm pretty sure that you could also put мою at the end to emphasize it:
    Кошка любит только сестру мою.
    I want to add that if you add one more word and "-" sign:
    "Кошка любит только одну сестру - мою." is "among all sisters only mine are beloved by this cat" without any doubts.

    Quote Originally Posted by maxmixiv View Post
    Только мою сестру любит кошка.
    Intonation decides, but the sentence is such that the only normal meaning is "кошка любит только одного человека - мою сестру".
    I disagree about "only normal meaning". But agree with ambiguity. Most normal order of words is "кошка любит только мою сестру". Usually if you reoder words to "Только мою сестру любит кошка" there is reason for it. One of them can be stressed "мою", but there may be overs.

  5. #105
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    The cat is drinking water.

    Кошка пьёт воду.
    Russian should be the universal language. Seriously.

  6. #106
    Почтенный гражданин Soft sign's Avatar
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    Please correct my English

  7. #107
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    Why do want to have this translated? I imagine myself delivering a lecture in one of the conferences held in Moscow dealing with intelligence. Likewise, Russians have their own speakers here in Canada talking about law enforcement and the like in conferences in Ottawa and Toronto. (Their English is so-so)

    SMERSH successfully fought against and outwitted many operations of the German secret services.

    Смерш удачный подрал против и перехитрл многих операци немецого секреного службы.

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  8. #108
    Почтенный гражданин Soft sign's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dinlot View Post
    SMERSH successfully fought against and outwitted many operations of the German secret services.
    Смерш успешно боролся против германских секретных служб и предотвратил многие их операции.
    (Not an exact translation, maybe )

    Quote Originally Posted by dinlot View Post
    Please correct my English

  9. #109
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    softsign, I found a technique to find out the correct adjective, noun or verb. Do not just rely on the Russian translation of the word. Look it up at the Russian to English section of the dictionary. Aside from finding out the gender, it helps a lot in finding the exact words; henceforth, the right declension. Thank you softsign. Eagerly awaiting the invitation from Russian law enforcement to speak in one of their conferences.
    Russian should be the universal language. Seriously.

  10. #110
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    Context of my speech in any conference to be held in Moscow on counterespionage.

    In counterespionage, Smersh does not seek the ideological sympathizer. It seeks spies.

    В контрразводке Смерш не отыскивают идеологическего сторонника. Он отыскивают шпионы.

    Спасибо! Please bear with me. I am very very eager to learn Russian.
    Russian should be the universal language. Seriously.

  11. #111
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    In counterespionage, Smersh does not seek the ideological sympathizer. It seeks spies.
    This sentences look uncoordinated for me. I can't understand the situation.

    If you wish to give an advise, an admonition for Smersh, the sentences would look so:
    В контрразведке, Смерш, не ищут идеологического сторонника. Ищут шпионов.

    If you wish to establish a fact about Smersh, the sentences would look so:
    В контрразведке_Смерш не ищет идеологического сторонника. Он ищет шпионов.

    I replaced отыскивать by искать. The prefix от in verbs often means, that an action is done, so the verb отыскивать sounds good in past, when you describe a result of serching (отыскивать = находить):
    1) На ощупь он отыскал/нашёл в темноте ключи.
    2) После долгих блужданий по лесу она отыскала/нашла старую охотничью сторожку.
    3) Чудовище отыскало/нашло нас по запаху.
    4) Ищейки долго шли по следу и, наконец, отыскали/нашли воровской схрон.

  12. #112
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    With the new workload occasioned by the western expansion, it became clear that the NVKD was too monolithic to function efficiently.

    С новым нагрузкой сопровождил по западным расширением, он стал ясный в чтобы NVKD был тоже монолитный функция деловитый.

    С новым нагрузкой - instrumental feminine singular (with)

    сопровождил- past tense of occasion (occasioned)

    по западным расширением - instrumental neuter singular (by)

    он стал ясный - past tense of become

    в чтобы NVKD был тоже монолитный функция деловитый.- nominative sentence

    Russian should be the universal language. Seriously.

  13. #113
    Властелин wanja's Avatar
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    С новой нагрузкой, вызыванной расширением на запад, стало ясно, что НКВД был слишком монолитным, чтобы действовать эффективно.
    Семь бед, один Reset

  14. #114
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    They forced unto me another barrage of prompts, Vladimir.

    Они заставили к меня ещё градам быстров, Владимир.

    меня - accusative pronoun

    градам - dative plural being the indirect object

    быстров - genitive plural

    Russian should be the universal language. Seriously.

  15. #115
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    He punched me.

    Он ударял меня.
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  16. #116
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    Quote Originally Posted by dinlot View Post
    They forced unto me another barrage of prompts, Vladimir.

    Они заставили к меня ещё градам быстров, Владимир.

    меня - accusative pronoun

    градам - dative plural being the indirect object

    быстров - genitive plural


    град means hail
    быстров - there is no such word (if we do not take in account people's last names)
    Unfortunately I cannot translate the sentence, because I'm not 100% sure of the meaning

  17. #117
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    Quote Originally Posted by dinlot View Post
    He punched me.

    Он ударял меня.
    Correct sentence would be - Он ударил меня

    He punched me over and over again - он ударял(бил) меня снова и снова

    Read about perfective/imperfective verbs in Russian

  18. #118
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    Quote Originally Posted by hddscan View Post
    град means hail
    быстров - there is no such word (if we do not take in account people's last names)
    Unfortunately I cannot translate the sentence, because I'm not 100% sure of the meaning
    Спасибо anyway. They forced unto me to do something upon signs (signals or prompts) when to do them.
    Russian should be the universal language. Seriously.

  19. #119
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    My house is infested with rats.

    Мой дом наводнял крысаы.

    мой- nominative possessive pronoun.

    дом - nominative noun.

    наводнял - imperfective past; infested with rats in the past and still infested to present.

    крысаы - (I am not sure of this; this might be irregular but it is animate accusative plural according to the table)

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  20. #120
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    Мой дом наводнили крысы.

    Quote Originally Posted by dinlot View Post
    крысаы - (I am not sure of this; this might be irregular but it is animate accusative plural according to the table)
    вода - воды, зима - зимы, труба - трубы, крыса - крысы...

    It is not accusative. Крысы is the subject (nominative) and мой дом is the object (accusative).
    Мой дом наводнили крысы. - Literally: Rats flooded my house. Rats is the subject.
    Мой дом был наводнён крысами. - Literally: My house was flooded with rats. My house is the subject.

    Quote Originally Posted by dinlot View Post
    наводнял - imperfective past; infested with rats in the past and still infested to present.
    It should be in plural, since the subject крысы is in plural. наводнял -> наводняли

    Also, the aspects work another way in Russian.

    Imperfective is a process, a state, or an iterative action.
    Perfective is a completed single action or a completed transition to a new state. No matter if the state is retained or not. So:

    Present Imperfective:
    Мой дом наводняют крысы. - the state in present: rats ARE flooding.

    Past Imperfective:
    Мой дом наводняли крысы. - the state in past: rats WERE flooding (at some point in the past) or rats flooded (many times, iteratively).

    Past Perfective:
    Мой дом наводнили крысы. - the completed action, resulting in a new state: there were no rats and then they appeared, so "flood" is "logically completed".

    In your sentence, Present Imperfective or Past Perfective can be used.
    Past Imperfective sounds here like "My house was being flooded with rats, when..."

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