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Thread: Please help me with my translation of these sentences.

  1. #1
    Увлечённый спикер
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    Please help me with my translation of these sentences.

    EDIT: Spelling mistakes have been corrected. All of them, hopefully.

    Hi everyone! I have split the text into individual sentences and would be very appreciative of any help offered!

    There are quite a few sentences here that I am unsure of, but the ones causing particular confusion are sentences: 15, 18 and 21.

    Thanks so much!

    1. Туристический маршрут <<Золотое кольцо>> проходит по древним русcким городам: Ростов, Ярославль, Кострома, Владимир, Суздаль.
    1. The Tourist route “The Gold Ring” goes (passes) along the ancient Russian towns: Rostov, yaroslavl, Kostroma, Vladimir, Suzdal.

    2. Эти города известны своими памятниками русской культуры.
    2. These towns are well known for their monuments of Russian culture.

    3. Питер давно хотел поехать по этому маршруту.
    3. For a long time, Peter has wanted to go along this route.

    4. И вот, наконец, ему повезло: Саша купил машину
    4. And here (now?), finally, he is lucky: Sasha bought a car.

    5. Теперь они могут поехать туда на машине
    5. Now they are able to go there by car.

    6. Они выехали из Москвы рано утром, когда на дорогах ещё мало движения
    6. They drove out of (departed from) Moscow early in the morning, while traffic was light (there was still little movement on the road).

    7. Саша вёл машину отлично, и через два часа они подьезжали к Загорску
    7 Sasha drove (led) the car excellently, and within two hours they were approaching Zagorsk.

    8. Теперь он называется Сергиев посад
    8. Now it (Zagorsk) is called Sergei Posad.

    9. Они решили не заезжать в Сергиев посад, но было приятно проехать мимо древнего города.
    9. They decided not to call in (take a side trip to) Sergei Posad, but it was splendid to drive past (pass through?) the ancient town.

    10. Часа три они ехали по Русской равнине
    10. For three hours they drove along the Russian plane.

    11. Дорога была очень ровной и немного однообразной.
    11. The road was very flat/ even and a little monotonous.

    12. И вдруг посреди равнины, когда они подьезжали к Ростову, перед ними открылся замечательный вид: озеро Неро и на берегу белокаменный город.
    12. And suddenly, when they were approaching Rostov, in the middle of the plane before (in front of) them, a magnificent view revealed itself: Lake Nero and, on the shore, a town built of white stone.

    13. Они долго ходили по городу.
    13. They walked up and down/ around the town for a long time.

    14. Несколько раз обошли со всех сторон знаменитый Ростовский кремль и сфотографировали его, попросили рыбака перевезти их на лодке на другой берег озера и оттуда снова фотографировали всё.
    14. Several times (they) walked around (encircled) all of the sides of the famous Rostov Kremlin and photographed it. They asked a fisherman to take them (transfer them) across to the other coast of the lake by boat. And, from there, again, (they) photographed everything.

    15. У входа в собор они разговарились с симпатичным стариком.
    15. By the entrance in the cathedral, they conversed with a likable old man.
    15. ‘в собор’ if this is supposed to mean ‘in the cathedral’, should it not be in the prepositional case?

    16. Его звали Иван Кузьмич Травкин.
    16. He was called Ivan Kuzmich Travkin.

    17. Иван Кузьмич Оказался местным историком и рассказал им много интересного об истории древнего города.
    17. Ivan Kuzmich turned out to be a local historian and (he) told them many interesting (things) about the history of the ancient town.

    18. Они узнали, что Pостов существовал уже в седьмом веке, и что в древние времена через него проходила дорога на Восток.
    18. They found out that Rostov already existed in the seventh century and that, in ancient times, a road went through it (проходила) to the east.
    18. I am confused by the use of ‘через’ and ‘проходила’ in this sentence. Also, why is ‘проходила’ in the feminine? I thought it should agree with ‘Pостов’, which is masculine?

    19. Вместе с ним они вошли в собор и долго рассматривали фрески неизвестного художника.
    19. Together, with him, they entered the cathedral and, for a long time, (they) examined the Freskos of an unknown artist.

    20. Иван Кузьмич ехал в соседнюю деревню, и Сашa с Питером были рады подвезти его.
    20. Ivan Kuzmich was going to a neighbouring Village, and Sasha and Peter were pleased to give him a lift.

    21. Правда, соседняя деревня оказалась далеко, и только к вечеру они довезли Ивана Кузьмича до его деревни.
    21. In truth, the neighbouring village turned out to be far (away), and they only got Ivan Kuzmich to (as far as) his village by the evening.
    21. Please offer an alternative translation of this sentence.

    22. Было уже поздно, когда они приехали в Ярославль.
    22. It was already late when they arrived in Yarislavl.
    Last edited by Mr Smith; October 1st, 2012 at 04:46 PM. Reason: Spelling and translational corrections

  2. #2
    Paul G.
    I can't understand, do you translate into Russian or into English? I ask because the Russian sentences contain some mistakes. They look like... huh... an ignorant Russian wrote them or not a Russian native speaker.

  3. #3
    Увлечённый спикер
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paul G. View Post
    I can't understand, do you translate into Russian or into English? I ask because the Russian sentences contain some mistakes. They look like... huh... an ignorant Russian wrote them or not a Russian native speaker.
    Hi Paul G,

    Russin to English.

    The above passage is from my Russian textbook. Oh dear, please can you point out what you think are bad Russian sentences?


  4. #4
    Paul G.
    I see. I suppose you simply wrote them with typos.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Smith View Post
    1. Туристический маршрут <<Золотое кольцо>> проходит по древним русcким городам: Ростов, Ярославль, Кострома, Владимир, Суздаль.
    1. The Tourist route “The Gold Ring” goes (passes) along the ancient Russian towns: Rostov, yaroslavl, Kostroma, Vladimir, Suzdal.

    2. Эти города известны своими памятниками русской культуры.
    2. These towns are well known for their monuments of Russian culture.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Smith View Post
    3. Питер давно хотел поехать по этому маршруту.
    3. For a long time, Peter has wanted to go along this route.
    Maybe, проехать? Although "поехать" is still possible, "проехать" fits better.
    "Проехать" emphasizes the whole way, while "поехать" is more like "start going".

    Note: in sentence 5 we definitely have "поехать" (not "проехать"), because sentence 5 tells us about their departure.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Smith View Post
    4. И вот, наконец, ему повезло: Саша купил машину
    4. And here (now?), finally, he is lucky: Sasha bought a car.
    In this occasion "вот" is a particle which can hardly be translated. The whole expression "и вот" at the beginning of a phrase conveys the idea of "finally". The next word ("наконец") is pretty much the same as "и вот". But the combination is quite natural for colloquial speech: "И вот, наконец, ..." - "вот" is used to emphasize "наконец". So, I would translate it into English as "And finally, he is lucky ...".

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Smith View Post
    5. Теперь они могут поехать туда на машине
    5. Now they are able to go there by car.

    6. Они выехали из Москвы рано утром, когда на дорогах ещё мало движения
    6. They drove out of (departed from) Moscow early in the morning, while traffic was light (there was still little movement on the road).

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Smith View Post
    7. Саша вёл машину отлично, и через два часа они подьезжали к Загорску
    7 Sasha drove (led) the car excellently, and within two hours they were approaching Zagorsk.
    Note, it is "подъезжали" (hard sign ъ, not soft sign ь).

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Smith View Post
    8. Теперь он называется Сергиев посад
    8. Now it (Zagorsk) is called Sergei Posad.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Smith View Post
    9. Они решили не заезжать в Сергиев посад, но было приятно проехать мимо древнего города.
    9. They decided not to call in (take a side trip to) Sergei Posad, but it was splendid to drive past (pass through?) the ancient town.
    Here, "проехать" means "to drive past" or "to pass by" or even "to pass through". Note: this usage of "проехать" is different from the usage I proposed for sentence 3. In sentence 3, "проехать" is "to drive the whole way".

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Smith View Post
    10. Часа три они ехали по Русской равнине
    10. For three hours they drove along the Russian plane.
    Not just "for three hours", but "for about three hours".
    Compare: Три часа = Three hours; Часа три = About three hours. When you swap a number and a noun (like "часа три"), it means rough approximation.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Smith View Post
    11. Дорога была очень ровной и немного однообразной.
    11. The road was very flat/ even and a little monotonous.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Smith View Post
    12. И вдруг посреди равнины, когда они подьезжали к Ростову, перед ними открылся замечательный вид: озеро Неро и на берегу белокаменный город.
    12. And suddenly, when they were approaching Rostov, in the middle of the plane before (in front of) them, a magnificent view revealed itself: Lake Nero and, on the shore, a town built of white stone.
    Again, it is "подъезжали" (hard sign ъ, not soft sign ь).

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Smith View Post
    13. Они долго ходили по городу.
    13. They walked up and down/ around the town for a long time.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Smith View Post
    14. Несколько раз обошли со всех сторон знаменитый Ростовский кремль и сфотографировали его, попросили рыбака перевезти их на лодке на другой берег озера и оттуда снова фотографировали всё.
    14. Several times (they) walked around (encircled) all of the sides of the famous Rostov Kremlin and photographed it. They asked a fisherman to take them (transfer them) across to the other coast of the lake by boat. And, from there, again, (they) photographed everything.
    I think it should be "... и оттуда снова сфотографировали всё." You started with perfective in the first part of the sentence ("... обошли со всех сторон знаменитый Ростовский кремль и сфотографировали его ..."), and it seems logical to keep perfective in the second part. Not you, of course I mean the textbook. But anyway, I would use "сфотографировали".

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Smith View Post
    15. У входа в собор они разговарились с симпатичным стариком.
    15. By the entrance in the cathedral, they conversed with a likable old man.
    15. ‘в собор’ if this is supposed to mean ‘in the cathedral’, should it not be in the prepositional case?
    "By the entrance to the cathedral..."

    No, "в собор" should be in accusative, since it relates to "вход" (entrance): "вход куда?" (entrance to where?) - "вход в собор" (entrance to the cathedral). "У входа" is static location (where they conversed), but "в собор" is direction related to "entrance". Maybe, it was not even INSIDE the cathedral, it could have happened outside of it (but by the entrance TO IT).

    Compare: "В соборе они разговарились с симпатичным стариком." = "In the cathedral, they got into conversation with a likable old man."
    but "У входа в собор они разговарились с симпатичным стариком." = "By the entrance to the cathedral, they got into conversation with a likable old man."

    BTW, "разговориться" (perfective) is more like "to get into conversation", "to find plenty to talk about".

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Smith View Post
    16. Его звали Иван Кузьмич Травкин.
    16. He was called Ivan Kuzmich Travkin.
    Or, in English you can just translate it as "His name was ...".

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Smith View Post
    17. Иван Кузьмич Оказался местным историком и рассказал им много интересного об истории древнего города.
    17. Ivan Kuzmich turned out to be a local historian and (he) told them many interesting (things) about the history of the ancient town.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Smith View Post
    18. Они узнали, что Pостов существовал уже в седьмом веке, и что в древние времена через него проходила дорога на Восток.
    18. They found out that Rostov already existed in the seventh century and that, in ancient times, a road went through it (проходила) to the east.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Smith View Post
    18. I am confused by the use of ‘через’ and ‘проходила’ in this sentence.
    What exactly confuses you? "дорога проходила через него (Ростов)" = "a road went through it (Rostov)". You translated it right, why is it confusing for you?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Smith View Post
    Also, why is ‘проходила’ in the feminine? I thought it should agree with ‘Pостов’, which is masculine?
    Because "проходила" relates to "дорога": "дорога проходила через Ростов".

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Smith View Post
    19. Вместе с ним они вошли в собор и долго рассматривали фрески неизвестного художника.
    19. Together, with him, they entered the cathedral and, for a long time, (they) examined the Freskos of an unknown artist.

    20. Иван Кузьмич ехал в соседнюю деревню, и Сашa с Питером были рады подвезти его.
    20. Ivan Kuzmich was going to a neighbouring Village, and Sasha and Peter were pleased to give him a lift.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Smith View Post
    21. Правда, соседняя деревня оказалась далеко, и только к вечеру они довезли Ивана Кузьмича до его деревни.
    21. In truth, the neighbouring village turned out to be far (away), and they only got Ivan Kuzmich to (as far as) his village by the evening.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Smith View Post
    21. Please offer an alternative translation of this sentence.
    I'd say the translation is right. What don't you like in it? Why do you need an alternative one?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Smith View Post
    22. Было уже поздно, когда они приехали в Ярославль.
    22. It was already late when they arrived in Yarislavl.

  6. #6
    Завсегдатай Throbert McGee's Avatar
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    21. Правда, соседняя деревня оказалась далеко, и только к вечеру они довезли Ивана Кузьмича до его деревни.
    21. In truth, the neighbouring village turned out to be far (away), and they only got Ivan Kuzmich to (as far as) his village by the evening.
    21. Please offer an alternative translation of this sentence.
    In English, the position of "only" in a sentence can be rather haphazard, but in Russian, the только is placed immediately before the word/phrase that it directly relates to -- in this case, к вечеру. Thus, the Russian sentence specifically means "[they reached it] only towards the evening", rather than "[they managed to drive] only as far as such-and-such a village." (If the latter meaning were intended, you'd say только до деревни.)

    So, I would suggest a translation like:
    In truth, the neighbouring village turned out to be far away, and it was only towards evening that [or: "it was nearly evening by the time that...", or "it was not until evening...", etc.] they got Ivan Kuzmich all the way to his village.
    Говорит Бегемот: "Dear citizens of MR -- please correct my Russian mistakes!"

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