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Thread: Translation of some sentences with some/any......

  1. #1

    Translation of some sentences with some/any......

    I have some phrases that I would like to use on my Russian "flashcards"!

    I picked these phrases because I think that if I had them all translated into correct Russian, then it would help me to understand some expressions that are confusing me right now... (Particularly some... and any.... which I am having trouble understanding.)

    Hope somebody is willing to help with the translation:


    Anna is coming over for dinner tonight and I think she will bring a guest.

    Does anybody know how to get to the nearest metro station?

    He comes from somewhere near Kiev.

    She grew up somewhere in the South.

    I think he moved to somewhere in the North, probably Murmansk.

    She wants to go somewhere warm and sunny for her holiday.

    They gave each other presents.

    It is nice to receive presents.

    Don't open the door for anybody while I am out.

    None of the other children has a bike like this.

    Nobody else has as beautiful eyes as you.

    Someone is still living in the old village in the forest.

    Did you see anybody when you went there?

    You'll see, there is someone out there for you too, don't give up!

    Somebody had sent her flowers, but she didn't know who it was.

    I am sure he is somewhere nearby. There isn't anywhere he could have gone to.

    Guess where I live? It's somewhere very rainy..

    They fought against (or: with) eachother.

    What do you want me to say?

    Somewhere in the world there is (or: exists) a perfect village.

    They are twins and you can not tell one from the other. (or: "tell them apart")

    Gogol did not write "War and Peace", someone else did.

    Somebody has been in my flat while I was out, perhaps a thief!

    Look! Someone just dropped their gloves on the the pavement.

    Be careful; some people are very dishonest.

    I found somebody's old toothbrush in my bathroom.

  2. #2
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    Re: Translation of some sentences with some/any......

    Quote Originally Posted by Johanna
    Anna is coming over for dinner tonight and I think she will bring a guest.
    Анна зайдёт/заедет/заглянет сегодня на ужин, и я думаю, она будет не одна.

    Does anybody know how to get to the nearest metro station?
    Кто-нибудь знает, как добраться до ближайшей станции метро?

    The problem is that most likely no one would ask it like that in Russian. A more natural way to say that is simply "Как дойти/доехать до ближайшей станции метро?", or even, "Как добраться до ближайшего метро?"
    "Кто-нибудь знает" sounds strange in a question like that.

    He comes from somewhere near Kiev.
    Он откуда-то из-под Киева.

    She grew up somewhere in the South.
    Он вырос где-то на юге.

    I think he moved to somewhere in the North, probably Murmansk.
    По-моему, он переехал куда-то на север, может, в Мурманск.

    She wants to go somewhere warm and sunny for her holiday.
    It depends what is "holiday" here: отпуск или каникулы.

    1. Она хочет на каникулы поехать куда-нибудь, где тепло и солнечно / много солнца.
    2. В свой отпуск она хочет поехать куда-нибудь, где тепло и солнечно.

    They gave each other presents.
    Они подарили друг другу подарки.

    It is nice to receive presents.
    Приятно получать подарки.
    Получать подарки приятно.

    Don't open the door for anybody while I am out.
    Никому не открывай(те) дверь, пока меня нет.
    Никому не открывай(те) дверь, пока меня не будет.
    The дверь can be omitted.

    None of the other children has a bike like this.
    Ни у кого из других детей нет такого велосипеда.

    Nobody else has as beautiful eyes as you.
    Ни у кого нет таких красивых глаз, как у тебя.

    Someone is still living in the old village in the forest.
    Кто-то ещё/по-прежнему живёт в старой деревне в лесу.

    Did you see anybody when you went there?
    Well... With no context:
    Ты видел(а) кого-нибудь, когда ездил(а) туда?

    Somebody had sent her flowers, but she didn't know who it was.
    Кто-то послал ей цветы, но она не знала кто.
    Кто-то послал ей цветы, но она не знала кто это.
    Кто-то послал ей цветы, но она не знала кто это был.

    I am sure he is somewhere nearby. There isn't anywhere he could have gone to.
    Я уверен(а), что он где-то рядом. Ему некуда [было] уйти.
    I think just "Он точно где-то рядом" sounds more natural.

    Guess where I live? It's somewhere very rainy..
    Угадай где я живу. Там очень дождливо. (OR Там часто идут дожди. <-- I think it's better)

    They fought against (or: with) eachother.
    Они боролись/сражались друг с другом.

    What do you want me to say?
    Что ты хочешь чтобы я сказал(а)?

    They are twins and you can not tell one from the other. (or: "tell them apart")
    Они близнецы, и их не отличить одного от другого.

    Gogol did not write "War and Peace", someone else did.
    Гоголь не писал "Войну и мир", это написал другой писатель.
    "Войну и мир" написал не Гоголь, а другой писатель.

    Somebody has been in my flat while I was out, perhaps a thief!
    Кто-то был/побывал в моей квартире, пока/когда меня не было [дома], возможно, это был вор!

    I found somebody's old toothbrush in my bathroom.
    Я нашла/нашел чью-то старую зубную щетку у себя в ванной.

    I missed out some phrases which I didn't inderstand well.
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  3. #3

    Re: Translation of some sentences with some/any......

    Thanks a lot!
    I really appreciate it... I am hoping I will be able to discern some kind of pattern to help me understand which some/any word to use when...

    The sentences that you didn't translate were:
    Be careful; some people are very dishonest.
    Look! Someone just dropped their gloves on the the pavement.
    You'll see, there is someone out there for you too, don't give up!

    Gloves (English word which means ANYTHING that you put on your hands to protect them from cold or anything else..)

    Pavement (in American English "sidewalk") - the part of the road that people can walk on, to the right or left of where the cars drive.

    Dishonest = Not honest (dishonest person = bad person who cannot be trusted). In Russian, perhaps "не хорошый человек" ?? (I learnt this expression from a film..)

    You'll see, there is someone out there for you too, don't give up!

    This just a sort of "saying" or way to speak.. For example if somebody wanted to find a boyfriend / girlfriend, but they couldn't find one, then this saying would be applicable. "Someone out there" means "someone somewhere in the world..." I.e. the person exists, but we don't know where...

  4. #4
    Завсегдатай it-ogo's Avatar
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    Re: Translation of some sentences with some/any......

    Quote Originally Posted by Оля

    Does anybody know how to get to the nearest metro station?
    Кто-нибудь знает, как добраться до ближайшей станции метро?

    The problem is that most likely no one would ask it like that in Russian. A more natural way to say that is simply "Как дойти/доехать до ближайшей станции метро?", or even, "Как добраться до ближайшего метро?"
    "Кто-нибудь знает" sounds strange in a question like that.
    I think this phrase is good when someone asks h(is/er) friends, not just random people.

    [quote:14vnbnia]She grew up somewhere in the South.
    Он вырос где-то на юге.
    Она выросла...

    They fought against (or: with) eachother.
    Они подрались.

    They are twins and you can not tell one from the other. (or: "tell them apart")
    Они близнецы, и их не различить.

    Quote Originally Posted by Johanna
    You'll see, there is someone out there for you too, don't give up!
    Err... What is this about? Big Brother is watching you?

    Quote Originally Posted by Johanna
    I am sure he is somewhere nearby. There isn't anywhere he could have gone to.
    Наверняка он где-то здесь. Некуда ему отсюда деться.

    Quote Originally Posted by Johanna
    Somebody has been in my flat while I was out, perhaps a thief!
    В моё отсутствие кто-то побывал в моей квартире, наверно вор!

    Quote Originally Posted by Johanna
    Look! Someone just dropped their gloves on the the pavement.
    Смотри! Кто-то только что уронил перчатки на тротуар.

    Quote Originally Posted by Johanna
    Be careful; some people are very dishonest.
    Будь осторожен(-жна), некоторые люди (весьма/совершенно/?) бесчестны.
    "Россия для русских" - это неправильно. Остальные-то чем лучше?

  5. #5

    Re: Translation of some sentences with some/any......

    Thank you iti-ogo!
    Great clarifications..

    This sentence seems to be confusing from a Russian perspective. But it is a very useful expression to know, it's used a lot.

    Quote Originally Posted by Johanna
    You'll see, there is someone out there for you too, don't give up!
    Err... What is this about? Big Brother is watching you?
    It has nothing to do with paranoia etc... ! This is something that two woman might say to each other... for example after one had a bad love affair.
    Meaning "somewhere in the world there is a great guy for you... Don't give up just because you had a bad experience. "

    Do you understand now?

    "Somewhere out there" is the normal common way of saying "somewhere in the world" .
    It's used quite a lot but usually it doesn't literally mean "all the world" just the same country or similar.

    For example:
    "The terrorists that attacked the train are still out there.. Who knows where they will hit next? "

    (means: Nobody know where they are... They could be anywhere... Scary!)
    "The perfect dress for the party is out there - you just need to keep checking all the shops until you find it.. lol!"

    (means: There are some great dresses, you just haven't looked in the right shops yet - keep looking and you will find something... )

  6. #6
    Завсегдатай it-ogo's Avatar
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    Re: Translation of some sentences with some/any......

    Quote Originally Posted by Johanna
    You'll see, there is someone out there for you too, don't give up!
    Не отчаивайся, и для тебя кто-нибудь найдется, вот увидишь!
    "Россия для русских" - это неправильно. Остальные-то чем лучше?

  7. #7
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    Re: Translation of some sentences with some/any......

    Quote Originally Posted by it-ogo
    и для тебя кто-нибудь найдется
    Я бы оскорбилась.
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  8. #8
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Re: Translation of some sentences with some/any......

    Quote Originally Posted by "it-ogo":2046kxl7
    и для тебя кто-нибудь найдется
    Я бы оскорбилась. [/quote:2046kxl7]
    Можно "... где-то ходит и твой суженый." Или: "...найдешь себе другого (и получше)" Или: "Ты ещё встретишь своего принца (на белом коне)".

    Which reminds me...

    Верка Сердючка
    "Я не поняла"

    Даже если вам немного за тридцать
    Есть надежда выйти замуж за принца
    Солнце всем на планете одинаково светит
    И принцессе и простой проводнице
    Да мы же с вами, слава богу, не дети
    Ой не нужны мне мама ваши советы
    Ух, я б его покорила, я б его приручила
    И без ваших этикешных этикетов

    Да он бы подошел, я бы отвернулась
    Он бы приставал ко мне, я б ушла
    Он бы зарыдал, я бы улыбнулась
    Вот таки дела
    Да он бы мой ответ месяц дожидался
    Я б его до паники довела
    Да только принца нет, где ж он подевался?
    Я не поняла

    Даже если вам немного за тридцать
    Есть надежда выйти замуж за принца
    Солнце всем на планете одинаково светит
    Только пасмурно над нашей столицей

    Он бы подошел, я бы отвернулась
    Он бы приставал ко мне, я б ушла
    Он бы зарыдал, я бы улыбнулась
    Вот таки дела
    Да он бы мой ответ месяц дожидался
    Я б его до паники довела
    Только принца нет, где ж он подевался?
    Я не поняла

    Он бы подошел, а я бы отвернулась
    Он бы приставал ко мне, я б ушла
    Он бы зарыдал, я бы улыбнулась
    Вот таки дела
    Да он бы мой ответ месяц дожидался
    Я б его до паники довела
    Только принца нет, где ж он подевался?
    Я не поняла

    P.S. Johanna, I think that those things will settle down when you start reading -- it's much better when there's a context and when they are repeated many times. In my experience, grammar books are helpful in systematizing knowledge, not obtaining it. Just start with some short stories and see how it goes.
    Alice: One can't believe impossible things.
    The Queen: I dare say you haven't had much practice. When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.

  9. #9
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    Re: Translation of some sentences with some/any......

    They fought against (or: with) eachother.
    Quote Originally Posted by it-ogo
    Они боролись/сражались друг с другом.
    Quote Originally Posted by Оля
    Они подрались.
    By the way, the meanings are very different in Russian. Which only illustrates how important the context is.
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  10. #10
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    Re: Translation of some sentences with some/any......

    Quote Originally Posted by Johanna
    "не хорошый человек"
    "нехороший человек"

  11. #11
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    Re: Translation of some sentences with some/any......

    Quote Originally Posted by Wowik
    "нехороший человек"
    — Ограбление.
    — Гоп-стоп.
    — Нехороший человек.
    — Редиска.
    — Хороший человек.
    — Забыл.

    starrysky, а я другую песню вспомнила.

    Никуда-никуда нельзя укрыться нам,
    Но откладывать жизнь никак нельзя,
    Никуда-никуда, но знай, что где-то там
    Кто-то ищет тебя среди дождя.
    (отрывок из фильма)
    If you have problems with both posting new messages and sending PMs, you can send an e-mail to the Forum Administrator here:
    У меня что-то с почтой, на ЛС ответить не могу. (

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