...я был записан в Семеновский полк сержантом, по милости майора гвардии князя В., близкого нашего родственника. Если бы паче всякого чаяния матушка родила дочь, то батюшка объявил бы куда следовало о смерти неявившегося сержанта, и дело тем бы и кончилось. Я считался в отпуску до окончания наук. ...I had been enrolled as sergeant in the Séménofsky regiment by favour of the major of the Guard, Prince Banojik, our near relation. If later, contrary to expectations, my mother had given birth to a girl, my father would have informed the proper quarter of the death of the missing sergeant, and that would have been that. I was supposed to be away on leave till my education was finished.