On the contrary, if I was going to get a tattoo of any foreign language, I'd prefer it to be poetic and beautiful in that original language, even if it was somewhat clumsy in English. Besides, it's always possible to translate idiomatically, which makes the English translation sound natural and fluent. If the translation includes something specific and essential to the culture which speaks that particular language, that only adds more layers of meaning and leads to a more interesting story.
Besides, people often desire authenticity in their tattoos. If someone has a tattoo of a Chinese symbol that means "supermarket", they (and their non-Chinese friends) won't know the difference from the symbol that means "spirituality". But 99% of people would still choose the tattoo meaning "spirituality", even if it looked less nice than the one meaning "supermarket". Why? Because they want it to be authentic. (Of course this may not apply to you, OceanEyes, I'm not one to tell you what is the best tattoo for you. That's something personal. And I'm not one to talk anyway, the only tattoo I have has no deeper meaning than my favourite band!)