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Thread: Can someone check this?

  1. #1
    Старший оракул
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    Can someone check this?

    Совака и кот очень смешние. Они хорошие другы, и обычно любоют еад. Я не люблю их еда, но то они делают.

    Dogs and cats are very funny. They make good friends, and usually like food. I don't like their food, but they do.

    I just began writing about something useless, and sure enough, it is VERY useless. I don't think there's any coherence in the first place. I'm still very new, so there are doubtfully numerous errors. Corrections please? Thankyou.
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    Last edited by Darobat on Mon Mar 5, 1759 1:19 am; edited 243 times in total

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darobat
    Совака и кот очень смешние. Они хорошие другы, и обычно люблют еад. Я не люблю их еда, но то они делают.

    Dogs and cats are very funny. They make good friends, and usually like food. I don't like their food, but they do.
    Here is my attempt. Don't kill me if I made a mistake.

    Dogs and cats are very funny. They make good friends. They usually like food. I don't like their food, but they do.

    Собаки и коты очень забавны. Они делают хороших друзей. Обычно их нравится еда. Я не люблю их еду, но они делают.
    (Maybe the last sentence can be "мне не нравится их еда")

    I had to make a minor modification to your original paragraph because it sounded like "they make good food".
    I usually use нравится to express "x likes y" where x is in genative form and y is in nomnative form.

    Совака - singular
    Собаки - plural

    кот - singular
    коты - plural

    Use accusative for direct object.
    еда - nomnative
    еду - accusative
    Какая разница, умереть богатым или бедным?

    Какой толк от богатства если ты не счастлив.

  3. #3
    Старший оракул
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    Food is considered anamite?
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    Last edited by Darobat on Mon Mar 5, 1759 1:19 am; edited 243 times in total

  4. #4
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    No, but еда is feminine, which means that it changes in the accusative despite the fact that it's inanimate.

    BTW, the plural of друг is "друзья" (hurrah for irregular plurals! ) and the third person plural of любить is "любят"

    Я не люблю их еда, но то они делают.
    I would say it this way (although since I'm not Russian, there could easily be a better version):

    Хотя мне не нравится их едa, они любят её.

    You could insert "действительно" between "они" and "любят" for emphasis if you like. You just can't use the verb "to do" as an intensifier in Russian as you can in English.
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    Re: Can someone check this?

    Quote Originally Posted by Darobat
    Dogs and cats are very funny. They make good friends, and usually like food. I don't like their food, but they do.
    Собаки и кошки очень забавны. Из них получаются хорошие друзья. (?) Они любят поесть. Мне их еда не нравится, а им нравится.

  6. #6
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    Re: Can someone check this?

    Dogs and cats are very funny. They make good friends, and usually like food. I don't like their food, but they do.


    The latest variant looks quite OK. Below are just some comments )

    Собаки и кошки очень забавны.
    Very good. If you want you can use some generalising term (like существа or домашние животные) at the end of the phrase to avoid impersonal definition. Like:

    Собаки и кошки - очень забавные существа.

    Из них получаются хорошие друзья.
    The original is very difficult to translate into Russian due to idiomatic sense of "как кошка с собакой" - "like a cat and a dog" - i.e. fighting with each other all the time. So in order not to make sentence to sound strange you need to add some uncertainty into it. I would suggest:

    Они могут быть друзьями.

    Они любят поесть.
    This makes sence grammatically - but sound slightly strange in both English and Russian for me. Exact translation "Они обычно любят поесть" is even more strange.

    Мне их еда не нравится, а им нравится.
    I would change a sequence: Им нравится их еда (корм), а мне - нет. (I haven't tried actually ))

    SY, Григорий
    То, что один человек собрал, другой завсегда разобрать могет!

  7. #7
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    Re: Can someone check this?

    Quote Originally Posted by Кузнец

    Из них получаются хорошие друзья.
    The original is very difficult to translate into Russian due to idiomatic sense of "как кошка с собакой" - "like a cat and a dog" - i.e. fighting with each other all the time. So in order not to make sentence to sound strange you need to add some uncertainty into it. I would suggest:

    Они могут быть друзьями.

    I believe the original meaning is that dogs and cats can be good friends for a person (собака- друг человека), not among themselves. The wording is kind of awkward, though.

  8. #8
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    Re: Can someone check this?

    I believe the original meaning is that dogs and cats can be good friends for a person (собака- друг человека), not among themselves. The wording is kind of awkward, though.
    Well maybe... Still not easy to translate though - again due to 'opposition' of cat and dog in Russian. Собака - друг человека - yes, but кошка - друг человека is nonsense idiomatically. So maybe: Они могут быть хорошими друзьями человека or Вы можете найти в них хороших друзей - but again, being grammatically correct, these sentences do not sound Russian at all...

    SY, Григорий
    То, что один человек собрал, другой завсегда разобрать могет!

  9. #9
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    Re: Can someone check this?

    Quote Originally Posted by Кузнец

    Собака - друг человека - yes, but кошка - друг человека is nonsense idiomatically.
    Собака - друг человека, а кошка гуляет сама по себе. (right?)

  10. #10
    Старший оракул
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    The dog ate the cats food - Собака ел кошку еды.
    The room has a red couch - У номера есть красный диванов.

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    Last edited by Darobat on Mon Mar 5, 1759 1:19 am; edited 243 times in total

  11. #11
    JJ is offline
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    Almost correct. Собака - она, жен. род -> ела did what? - accusative -> еду whose food? - genetive -> кошки "ел кошку еды" means "ate cat of food".
    У (сущ., род. п.) есть... means At (noun) there is/are... So У номера (номер is a room in a hotel) есть красный диван(диванов is genetive plural of диван and it is not correct here) means "At the room there is a red couch". You should say В номере есть красный диван - (lit. in the room there is a red couch).
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  12. #12
    Старший оракул
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    A few more!

    I'm on my computer, listening to music. - Я на мой компьютер, слушаю музыку.
    I wan't food, but she doesn't. - Я хочу еду, но она не хочет.
    The book is very long. - Книга очень длинная.
    Whos radio is this? - Ours. - Чьё это радио? -- Наше.
    I am very similar to my brother. - Я очень похож на брат.
    Somebody make breakfast; I want to eat! - Кто-то делает завтрак; я хочу есть!
    Who ate my pie? - Кто ел мой пирог?
    The frog lives in the post office - Жаба живет на почта.

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    Last edited by Darobat on Mon Mar 5, 1759 1:19 am; edited 243 times in total

  13. #13
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    Here's what I can help with (*disclaimer: non-native speaker here ):

    Quote Originally Posted by Darobat
    I wan't food, but she doesn't. - Я хочу еду, но она не хочет.
    Somehow, I think you'd be better off saying: "I want to eat, but she doesn't" - something more like: "Я хочу поесть, а она не хочет"

    Quote Originally Posted by Darobat
    The book is very long. - Книга очень длинная.
    This is a very long book: Это очень длинная книга. If you change the word order here, to my understanding, you change the meaning slightly. For example:
    The book is long = книга длинна
    This is a long book = это длинная книга

    Quote Originally Posted by Darobat
    Somebody make breakfast; I want to eat! - Кто-то делает завтрак; я хочу есть!
    The verb used for "to make" as in "to make food" is готовить приготовить, which translates better as "to prepare":

    Кто-нибудь (doesn't care who, just someone) завтрак приготовь (imperative) - я хочу есть!

    If you say кто-то, it means someone specific whom you don't know, so I don't think that it works in this sentence. You could say "кто-то приготовил завтрак," if you came downstairs and found pancakes already on the table, for example. In that situation, you know that someone definitely has made breakfast, but you don't know who. In my understanding, you can't give an indefinite command to a specific person. Of course, if you aren't specific, everyone present may just decide that it's not their job and nothing will get done !

    Quote Originally Posted by Darobat
    Who ate my pie? - Кто ел мой пирог?
    Who was eating your pie or who ate your pie (all of it)?
    Кто съел мой пирог? = all of it's gone

    Quote Originally Posted by Darobat
    The frog lives in the post office - Жаба живет на почта.
    Frog = лягушка
    Жаба = toad
    живет на почте

    Quote Originally Posted by Darobat
    Whos radio is this? - Ours. - Чьё ето радио? -- Наше
    P.S. - Исправление ошибок в моих текстах на русском всегда приветствуется

  14. #14
    Завсегдатай chaika's Avatar
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    >Собака - друг человека, а кошка гуляет сама по себе. (right?)

    Пожалуйста - не так громко, а то мои кошки услышат. Уже говорят по-русски, я уверен. Говорят мяу-мяу!

  15. #15
    Старший оракул
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    Thanks for the corrections! Here's a few more

    I need to write a letter to my brother. - Я нужно писать писмо мой брату.
    He bought milk and bread. - Он покупал молоко и хлеб.
    My dog loves the sun. - Моя совака любит солнце.
    His grandpa is a farmer. - Его дедушка фермер.

    Thanks for the help!
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    Last edited by Darobat on Mon Mar 5, 1759 1:19 am; edited 243 times in total

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darobat
    Thanks for the corrections! Here's a few more

    I need to write a letter to my brother. - Я нужно писать писмо мой брату.
    He bought milk and bread. - Он покупал молоко и хлеб.
    My dog loves the sun. - Моя совака любит солнце.
    His grandpa is a farmer. - Его дедушка фермер.

    Thanks for the help!
    I need to write a letter to my brother.
    Мне нужно писать писмо мой брату.
    Какая разница, умереть богатым или бедным?

    Какой толк от богатства если ты не счастлив.

  17. #17
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    Maybe this is better.
    Мне нужно написать письмо моему брату.

    Sorry for the edits. I think this is the right way.
    Какая разница, умереть богатым или бедным?

    Какой толк от богатства если ты не счастлив.

  18. #18
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    Yep, that's right Kwatts.

    Here's another:

    Он купил (one time) молоко и хлеб.
    P.S. - Исправление ошибок в моих текстах на русском всегда приветствуется

  19. #19
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    Kwatts: Sehr gut!

    As for the rest:
    He bought milk and bread. - Он покупал молоко и хлеб.
    купил - perfective. Unless you mean he bought it on a regular basis, like stocking up a store or something.

    My dog loves the sun. - Моя совака любит солнце.
    собака. IMO it is a bit idiomatic in English; I may be wrong here but it kinds of comes out as sounding like he literally loves the sun, as opposed to enjoying it when it is sunny:
    Моя собака любит, когда солнечно.
    His grandpa is a farmer. - Его дедушка фермер.
    Ja, but I can't help but think there is a more Russian word for that. I am also more inclined to saying "У него дедукша" for some reason.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pravit
    купил - perfective. Unless you mean he bought it on a regular basis, like stocking up a store or something.
    I always screw up the two, thanks

    Quote Originally Posted by Pravit
    собака. IMO it is a bit idiomatic in English; I may be wrong here but it kinds of comes out as sounding like he literally loves the sun, as opposed to enjoying it when it is sunny:
    Моя собака любит, когда солнечно.
    No, that's fine in english. Generally you have to say he literally loves the sun for it to be taken that way.

    Is the verb нужeн always preced by the word in dative? Also, why does писать need to be imperfective?

    Thanks for your help.
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    Last edited by Darobat on Mon Mar 5, 1759 1:19 am; edited 243 times in total

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