I actually like the USSR better every day, as I think about it.
The USA would never dare to touch Syria, if the USSR had still been around!
The Syrians would still have their cities intact, schools, hospitals and a dignified future. As it looks now, they are doomed to be the bottom of the pile for decades to come, regardless of what happens.
Probably, Assad will be toppled sooner or later, if actual Western airstrikes commence.
And the sweatshops, French call centres, multinational banks and Euro/US multinationals will move in. Hurrah, drop the social democracy for pure unabridled capitalism with some really desperate poor people who lost everything..
And once people can afford it; McDonalds and European super market chains, as happened places like Romania where people are only marginally better off than they were in Syria.
Syria under Assad was not a bad country; it took in millions of Iraqi and Palestinian refugees and helped them integrate, it allowed religious freedom for different muslim faiths, Christians and even Jews, despite their views on Israel. It provided good, free education for all and free healthcare. They had reached a status quo with Israel.
Sure -- they needed a bit of glasnost / perestroika ----> and that was exactly what Assad had started doing when all this happened.
This is a horrible tragedy! Too bad there is no superpower around that can reign in the USA!! It's getting more out of control every day.