Quote Originally Posted by 14Russian View Post
Doomer is incorrect (as usual) There is a movement to transfer the Olympics to Vancouver. It would be a good thing as the province of BC could add to their debt.
Well, sure
Olympics can be moved theoretically to some village or Vancouver, but in that case probably would be better to cancel them at all
Sochi has the most advanced Winter Olympic stadiums/objects in the world by now (at least that's what athletes from around the world say)

The thing is there were gay athletes all this time, and Olympics were hold in all the different countries with all the different laws and it didn't bother anybody. I don't see how these Olympics differ from the others

Why not to ban Olympics in Sochi because Sochi is in Russia, thus athletes who don't speak Russian would have their "human right" to express their thoughts discriminated. Women don't have penises and men don't have vaginas that seems like another discrimination. That's the same kind of BS.

If gays wouldn't exaggerate their actions to show that they are gays - it wouldn't bother other people