Doomer is incorrect (as usual) There is a movement to transfer the Olympics to Vancouver. It would be a good thing as the province of BC could add to their debt.

But, I am still awaiting an answer to my previous question. Actually, I have two. 1) Why isn't anyone mentioning the propaganda that Russia has on its state TV? I have made the argument and point that there is 'Western style' propaganda on their TV programs. If there isn't anyone gay on some of these shows, coulda fooled me. There's mixed messages in Russia and this is just one example. Actually, Russians, themselves, should be using this in their defence. 'Hey, look at these programs.... we copy the West.' (except say it in Russian).

The other question (2) is why aren't these Westerners protesting the Middle Eastern countries, Iran, Israel etc. These countries sure aren't 'gay-friendly.' But, everyone is attacking Russia...because, coincidentally, they happen to be hosting the Olympics? I doubt that is the reason. It is just easier to criticize them. So much hypocrisy, so little time.