Lena, what do these two abbreviations mean? Винительный неодуш. and Винительный одуш.
Lena, what do these two abbreviations mean? Винительный неодуш. and Винительный одуш.
Ok, let me sum that up.
Both “She is so beautiful. period” and ”She is that beautiful. period” are correct. If so, what is the difference between them?
The constructions with comparisons “as...as” and ”not as... as” are correct, while “not so...as” is incorrect.
I’ve just examined my neck. It’s not red.![]()
Your summation is correct. As far as the difference between “She is so beautiful” and “She is that beautiful”, the first is a statement of a current condition: “She is (at this moment) so beautiful. The latter is a comparison to a previously stated condition: “The Greeks and the Trojans fought because of Helen of Troy. She was that beautiful.” Why did they fight over her? Because she was that beautiful. See the difference?
Well, believe it or not, some people in our South are proud to be redneck….lol. It’s the cause of much joking and fun sometimes![]()
Винительный stands for the accusative.
Неодуш. = неодушевленный = inanimate. That means the inanimate noun, like man, girl, horse.
Одуш. = одушевленный = animate. That means the animate noun, like book, table, air, knowledge.
The fact that the noun is animated or inanimated affects the forms of the accusative of the masculine nouns that belong to the first declension and have zero flexion both in the singular and plural. It also affects the forms of the accusative of the nouns that belong to the second declension in the plural.
Nominative – accusative
Конь – коня, но стол – стол
Кони – коней, но столы – столы
Женщины – женщин, но карты – карты
Perhaps these tables can help
Имя существительное в русском языке — Википедия
Kevin, why on earth did you choose to learn a language with the grammar like that? I guess no one had warned you.![]()
Helen, he has uttered that there's a comparison in case of "that" and there's no comparison in case of "so".
- Chew faster!
*the other guy starts chewing at the speed of a machine gun*
- No, not THAT fast. (not fast like that)
(She deserved to be fought over.)Medved and Paul G. fought because of Helen. She was that beautiful.
If he said "she was so beautifil", it would have kinda disconnected the sentences, like:
"they fought over her, oh, btw, she was beautiful".
See the difference?![]()
Another month ends. All targets met. All systems working. All customers satisfied. All staff eagerly enthusiastic. All pigs fed and ready to fly.
You're correct, there are no style differences between the two. But remember they each have a specific use according to grammar. One just has to remember what those uses are. You know, to me, those the subtle differences that can be learned from a native speaker. Those are the kinds of things I hope to learn from you about Russian, and hopefully what I can tell you about English.
But I cannot see any comparison here. His chewing is not compared to anything. There is a mere indication of the speed. It implies that his chewing could be slower. But the word “so” seems to expess the same. And what does “that” connect or disconnect here?
Couldn't it be put like, "No, not so fast"? I think it could.
I seem to start feeling something vague. Yet I think the word “that” in “She was that beautiful” does not denote any comparison either. Actually her beauty is not compared to anything. It rather denotes the degree of her beauty slightly indicating the cause or reason of their fight. It was her beauty that caused their fight. I think the usage of “that” in this case does not necessarily should relate to the past. It might just as well be applied to the present. Like in “He is crazy with love for her. She is that beautiful”. Besides, your sentence about chewing relates to the present, too.
OMG. Perhaps if anyone had ever fought for me I could understand that faster. No luck.![]()
In that case, yes, you would be correct to say that: "No, not so fast". Of course, I think you summed it up best, Lena, when you pointed out the pairing..."so..as" is incorrect, and "as...as" is correct.
The comparison is to the previous statement. She was compared to the kind of beauty that causes men to go to war. She was THAT beautiful, in comparison. Not less beautiful, or more beautiful, but just as beautiful as what caused the war. You're right in that it doesn't have to be the past, too. It can be in the presentYet I think the word “that” in “She was that beautiful” does not denote any comparison either. Actually her beauty is not compared to anything![]()
I got the idea. I understand that comparison is in the air. Still there is no strict comparison there. The speaker only stresses out that her beauty was so classy that it deserved to fight for. But yes, there is a feeling that the speaker kind of compares it with some high standard.
Thank you, guys.
About your comments, I definitely pay attention to them.
Я решительно уважаю ваш комментарий.
Что касается ваших замечаний, то я несомненно обращаю на них внимание.
I consider them invaluable.
Я считаю, что они бесценно.
Я считаю их бесценными.
I try to remember them, and use the suggestions in my sentences.
Я всегда стараюсь помнить и использовать ваше предложения в своих предложения.
Я стараюсь запомнить их и использовать ваши советы в своих предложениях.
One that I’m confused about is my use of “может быть”.
Один, которое я считаю недоуменно, стоит когда я использовать «может быть».
Мне непонятно ваше замечание о моем употреблении слов “может быть”.
You usually correct my use of it with “наверное”.
Вы обычно исправляете с «наверное».
Вы обычно исправляете их на “наверное”.
My use of “может быты” doesn’t seem inappropriate, and I’ve seen you use it before.
Мне не показалось несоответсвующим и я заметил прежде ваше использование этого.
Мне кажется, я употребляю “может быть” неправильно, но я видел, что и вы использовали их до этого.
You’re right about using “обыкновенно” and “лишь” together.
Вы правильно об использовании из “обыкновенно” и “лишь” вместе.
Вы правы относительно использования слов “обычно” и ”только” вместе.
It does sound inappropriate.
Это конечно несоответсвующий.
Это, конечно, же неправильно.
If you still feel that “лишь” is out-dated, then I’ll try not to use it.
Если вы еще почувствуете этого устаревшим то, что я буду стараться не использовать этого.
Если вы по-прежнему считаете, что слово “лишь“ устаревшее, то я буду стараться не употреблять его.
My nephew’s birthday is Friday, and he’ll be eighteen.
День рождения из моего племяника пятница и он будет восемнадцать.
В пятницу день рождения моего племянника. Ему исполнится восемнадцать.
“Ему будет восемнадцать” seem to be a little incomplete, though it’s grammatically correct.
“Ему будет восемнадцать в марте” sounds more natural. That’s why I’ve chosen “Ему будет 18”
Wouldn’t it be interesting to know what we know now and be that age again?
Это бы ли интересном знать, что мы знаем сейчас и возвращать к этому возрасту?
Разве не интересно было бы знать то, что мы знаем теперь, и снова быть в том возрасте?
Wouldn’t, can’t, couldn’t, isn’t, aren’t and so on can be translated as разве.
Hasn’t she come there? – Разве она не пошла туда?
He has no regrets yet, and still believes he never makes a mistake.
У него уже нет извинений и он все еще верит, что он никогда не делает ошибку.
У него еще нет сожалений, и он все еще верит, что никогда не делает ошибок.
The link you sent me to the museum exhibit was interesting.
Это «линк», которое вы послались мне о музейной выставке был интересном.
Ссылка на выставку музея, которую вы мне прислали, была интересной.
I would probably enjoy seeing that, and discussing my thoughts.
Я бы, наверное, люблю этого посмотерть и обсудить моих мысли.
Думаю, что я бы с удовольствием посмотрел ее и поделился своими мыслями.
I’m not educated about art, but I have my opinions of what I see.
Я не образованный об исскуствах, но у меня мнения из чего я вижу.
У меня нет художественного образования, но у меня есть свое мнение о том, что я вижу.
I prefer realism, but I don’t mind seeing other styles too.
Я предпочту реализм, но мне нравится так же еще один стилы.
Я предпочитаю реализм, но мне нравятся и другие стили.
You used the future tense instead of the original present.
Kevin, what do you think if I put my Russian version in bold type like in the last sentence? Would it be better or is it ok now?
Do you want me to make you laugh, Kevin? I was trying to listen to some English today. I’ve chosen this small part of a video. Green Day - Wake Me Up When September Ends [Official Music Video] - YouTube
There is no noise there and what they say can be heard clearly. I listened to the dialogue perhaps 20 times, carefully, trying to catch every word. And that’s what I get. I put the words I’m certain of in bold type.
He. Come here. I know this our life is short. This way I wake up on then on that day all your dreams and everything you wish for ...go on just like that, you know. People... people get old and, you know, things change and...and situations change and. What I want is I just... I want this moment right now this day, and my feelings for you, the way you look right now, the way I look at you. I just want this to last forever, you know.
She. I know it will. each other. And nothing gonna change that. I...I just no matter where always here for you. Always. I’m never gonna live you. I’m never gonna live you. I love you.
He. I know. I know.
She. Don’t ever leave me.
He. I won’t.
She. Don’t ever leave me.
He. I won’t. I won’t.
I’m sure the words I missed are very simple. Correct this dialogue, will you?
Sure Lena….:
He: Come here…I know they say life is short. They say you wake up one day, and on that day, all your dreams and everything you wished for and you wanted, gone just like that. You know. People…people get older…you know things change, and situations change, and what I want is…I just, I want this moment, right now this day. My feelings for you, the way you look right now, the way I look at you, I just want this to last forever, you know.
She: Well it will. (Garbled words)…we’ve always had this, and had each other, and nothing can change that. But, I just want you to know, no matter what, you always have somebody here for you. I….always…I’m never going to leave you. I’m never gonna leave you. (kiss) I love you. (kiss)
He: I know…I know.
She: Don’t ever leave me.
He: I won’t.
She: Don’t ever leave me.
He: I won’t…I won’t. I won’t.
Summer has come and passed.
The innocent can never last.
Wake me up when September ends.
Like my fathers come to past
Seven years has gone so fast
Wake me up when September ends.
Here comes the rain again
Falling from the stars.
Drenched in my pain again
Becoming who we are.
As my memory rests
But never forgets what I lost
Wake me up when September ends.
(door opens)
She: You didn’t…tell me you didn’t.
He: What?
She: Tell me you didn’t do it. (crying, slaps him) Tell me you didn’t do it, please. Please tell me you didn’t do it. Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! Please, you didn’t do it….I can’t…please (still crying) How could you do this without telling me? I love you so much (He: Stop, stop, stop…just listen) How could you do this to me? Oh my God! Oh my God! (He: I thought of all people you would understand…why don’t you understand? I did this for us! I did it for us! This is supposed to make it easier! I thought you’d be proud of me! I thought at least of all people, you would understand why I did this!) Oh my God! (still crying)
Summer has come and passed
The innocent can never last
Wake me up when September ends.
Ring out the bells again
Like we did when spring began
Wake me up when September ends.
Here comes the rain again
Falling from the stars
Drenched in my pain again
Becoming who we are
As my memory rests
But never forgets what I lost
Wake me up when September ends.
Summer has come and passed
The innocent can never last
Wake me up when September ends.
(Garbled words)…
Twenty years has gone so fast
Wake me up when September ends.
Wake me up when September ends.
Wake me up when September ends.
She: Just so you know, you always have somebody here for you. I’m never gonna leave you.
I guessed about “kiss” somehow.
Wow! I hadn’t even listened the song to the end. I hadn’t known they kept talking further. Thank you, Kevin.
I keep reading, though.
Kevin, did you write down the lyrics by yourself listening to the song or did you copy it from anywhere?
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