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Thread: just a little funny poem

  1. #1
    Увлечённый спикер bublinka's Avatar
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    just a little funny poem

    I'm studying French for 1,5 years now. So, my French is not at all good (my English is better, but my Russian is the best )
    I wrote a little poem in French, just for fun. Could you check it? I'd like to show it to my friends and I want it to be correct

    Je fais mes exercices,
    Je les écrit lentement.
    "Il y a trois saucisses"
    Et "Vous tombez souvant".

    C'est difficile, et un peu drôle,
    Mais je comprends presque tout.
    "Nicole est beau..." Non! Belle Nicole!
    Et "Moi, j'habite Moscou".

    Je pense pendent je lis, écrit:
    "C'est pas futile, tu sais?"
    Et je pourrais, un jour, vous dire:
    "Très bien! Je parle français!"

    There are really that stupid sentences in my textbook.

  2. #2
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Re: just a little funny poem

    First off, that's very good that you're writing in poems in French after only 1,5 years of studies. Very impressive!
    Grammar-wise the word "ecrire" is in the wrong tense. It should be "Je les ecris"
    line 4: not "souvant", but "souvent"
    line 8: you say "j'habite a Moscou"
    line 9: not "pendent", but "pendant"; not "ecrit", but "ecris" if you're in 1st person; also you don't say "je pense pendant je lis...", it's "je pense pendant que je lis..."

    That's all that I saw.

    PS. It might interest you also for the meter purposes, that in french poetry the vowel pronunciation is a bit different. The vowels at the ends of words are actually pronounced in the middle of a line. So like if you were to write "C'est pas futile, tu sais?", it will be read as "C'est pas fu-ti-leh, tu sais". The vowels at the end of words will create liasons. This happens only in poetry. Just a note.

  3. #3
    Увлечённый спикер bublinka's Avatar
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    Re: just a little funny poem

    Thank you very much))
    It's really silly of me not to check simple grammar things (forms of verbs etc.)
    But I'm sure that verb habiter does not need à. It's how my textbook says (it's published in 200. Maybe it's something new, that came into language only recently?
    I heard that -e endings becoming readable in songs, but thought it was up to you whether to use them or not. Is it really a rule?

    And I love writing poems. Mainly in Russian of course.

  4. #4
    Почтенный гражданин Spiderkat's Avatar
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    Re: just a little funny poem

    It's either way depending on whether you use the transitive or intransitive form of the verb habiter.
    Intransitive - habiter à Moscou
    transitive - habiter Moscou

    Songs are mainly written to sound pretty and make all those rhythms nice to the ear. You'll have to ask those singers whether such rule exists.

    De gustibus et coloribus non disputandum.

  5. #5
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    Re: just a little funny poem

    Quote Originally Posted by Spiderkat
    Intransitive - habiter à Moscow
    transitive - habiter Moscow
    Shouldn't it be Moscou in French?

    P.S. Hi, Spiderkat! You haven't been here for a long time.
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  6. #6
    Почтенный гражданин Spiderkat's Avatar
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    Re: just a little funny poem

    Quote Originally Posted by Оля
    Quote Originally Posted by Spiderkat
    Intransitive - habiter à Moscow
    transitive - habiter Moscow
    Shouldn't it be Moscou in French?

    P.S. Hi, Spiderkat! You haven't been here for a long time.
    As a matter of fact, it should. Good catch! Oops! Looks like I forgot how to write it correctly in French.
    De gustibus et coloribus non disputandum.

  7. #7
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    Re: just a little funny poem

    Quote Originally Posted by Оля
    Shouldn't it be Moscou in French?
    А если это городишко Москва в Америке?

  8. #8
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Re: just a little funny poem

    Перед восклицательным и вопросительным знаками ставится пробел.

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