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Thread: How does it sound?

  1. #41
    Старший оракул
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZelyeUrsuli
    Olya - your "ship" was perfect for the word. щип was actually closer to ship...and шип doesn't sound anything like English.

    I realized after I posted that шип is more шЫп, and was going to make a note that you should say the и as an и, not a Ы.

    Is шъийп closer? Looks funny, doesn't it?
    Actually, it sounds again and again like a шЫйп to my ears, lol. Real "И" I could say just after "Щ" but not after "Ш". The voice records I've made were best on this time I'm able to imitate -). :P
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  2. #42
    Завсегдатай chaika's Avatar
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    the closest thing I can think of is the comparison of vowels in
    сшит -- щит (пардон мой французский - это англ. shіt - sheet)
    The vowel in щит would have to be long, as many of our stressed vowels are long.

  3. #43
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Quote Originally Posted by Оля
    Quote Originally Posted by xRoosterx
    Я с тобой согласен (or "согласен с тобой", if you want to omit "я"). А я бы и не сказал, что русский акцент убивает мои уши, a, вообще, забавно мне. Мой друг не мог установить разницу между словами 'ship' и 'sheep' и потом, сказал ему 'sheet' сказать (эта часть фразы не совсем понятна).

    and btw, Oля, good job. Honestly, I agree with Zelye in the sense that you sound more like a native speaker with a lisp than a Russian. You don't even have a recognizably 'Russian' accent. Вообще, молодец.
    Спасибо тебе большое!

    Quote Originally Posted by ZelyeUrsuli
    she opens her mouth way too much
    Я понимаю, что эта фраза значит "она слишком широко открывает рот", но не могу понять, что тут делает слово way. Кто-нибудь может мне объяснить?

    Anyway, gRomoZeka -

    The i in ship and the ee in sheep are nothing alike. The i is closer to ы or the i in ill (I know, I know, ы and i are nothing alike in reality)...
    Thank you once more, ZelyeUrsuli, that was very helpful for me, too!
    I've made a record with these two words, could you hear it please?

    P.S. Do you say in English lke that - "Thank you once more"?..
    И спасибо тебе тоже!
    Correct my mistakes and I will give you +1 internets.

  4. #44
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scrabus
    I tried to do my best -
    I don't know how good it sounds to comparing to a previous version and at all... Is it better?
    Yes, Scrabus, you've done very well in the second version. In both versions your "ship" is good, but in the second version your "sheep" is better. For comparison click on the red speakers at these links:

  5. #45
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Quote Originally Posted by Оля
    Do you know how the Russian шип sounds? The и isn't actually и after a hard hushing sound.
    Here's a recording in which I said/say the words "шип" and "щип" (well, there is no such word, but supposing it's a substantivized noun from the verb щипать) in it, and then I tried to say "sheep" and "ship" again.
    Well, maybe at least шип and щип will sound ok to an English native speaker?
    (It supposes to be шип, шип, шип / щип, щип, щип / sheep, sheep / ship, ship)

    And, thank you very much for your corrections and the "way" explanation.
    Well, Оля, I hear 4 distinct words. It is interesting how you demonstrate the differences in pronunciation. Perhaps on "sheep" you could draw out the "ee" sound a bit more; maybe try "sheeeep".

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