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Thread: The Russian soul or the price for braking any law in $

  1. #1
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    The Russian soul or the price for braking any law in $

    Умом Россию не понять,
    Аршином общим не измерить:
    У ней особенная стать —
    В Россию можно только верить.

    Ф. И. Тютчев

    Here you can feel the ridiculous Russian soul. 4 example you can drive your car avoid all road signs if you got money in pocket \ If cops catches you 4 speeding so you can gave the one ore 2 packs of cigarettes =) Trespassing the road on a red light = $120.

    Ask 4 more information )

  2. #2
    Завсегдатай sperk's Avatar
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    Re: The Russian soul or the price for braking any law in $

    Quote Originally Posted by RussianGuy
    Ask 4 more information )
    your point?
    Кому - нары, кому - Канары.

  3. #3
    Завсегдатай Basil77's Avatar
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    Re: The Russian soul or the price for braking any law in $

    Quote Originally Posted by RussianGuy
    Here you can feel the ridiculous Russian soul.
    I hate when they explain that any bad, stupid or ridiculous thing that happen in Russia is caused by "mysterious" Russian soul.
    4 example you can drive your car avoid all road signs if you got money in pocket \ If cops catches you 4 speeding so you can gave the one ore 2 packs of cigarettes =) Trespassing the road on a red light = $120.
    Official penalties for speeding:
    excess on 10-20 km/h 100 RUR
    excess on 20-40 km/h 100-300 RUR
    excess on 40-60 km/h 1000-1500 RUR
    excess on more than 60 km/h will cost you your driving licence.
    So in the 4th case a bribe can be from couple to dozens of thousand rubles.
    Official penalty for trespassing on a red light from 300 to 750 roubes ($10-$25). The bribe will be even less than that.
    Please, correct my mistakes, except for the cases I misspell something on purpose!

  4. #4
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    Re: The Russian soul or the price for braking any law in $

    Quote Originally Posted by sperk

    your point?

    Yepp ! I'm sure that everything I post here is true. So have you ever been 2 Russia? If yes you know what I'm talking about then

  5. #5
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    Re: The Russian soul or the price for braking any law in $

    Quote Originally Posted by Basil77
    I hate when they explain that any bad, stupid or ridiculous thing that happen in Russia is caused by "mysterious" Russian soul.

    Ok... Do not read that topic And thats it ))) Here I'm talking about ridiculous things, they have to be here too I think =) Anyways I love Russia but thats not fair to hide sad or bad things. And I'm not saying that my country is so bad. It's just different

  6. #6
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    Re: The Russian soul or the price for braking any law in $

    Quote Originally Posted by Basil77

    Official penalties for speeding:
    excess on 10-20 km/h 100 RUR
    excess on 20-40 km/h 100-300 RUR
    excess on 40-60 km/h 1000-1500 RUR
    excess on more than 60 km/h will cost you your driving licence.
    So in the 4th case a bribe can be from couple to dozens of thousand rubles.
    Official penalty for trespassing on a red light from 300 to 750 roubes ($10-$25). The bribe will be even less than that.
    Yes mr. Thats official stuff =) Who cares that? Show me the cop who wouldn't take money over here? If he doesn't - offer more It works )))

  7. #7
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    Re: The Russian soul or the price for braking any law in $

    And I'm tired of all that talk about bribery. It seems that some people practically brag about this, exaggerating the extent of the problem or the "bribe prices" purely for shock value, or trying to demonstrate what a tough country Russia is (or how tough they are because of living there).
    It's getting old.

  8. #8
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    Re: The Russian soul or the price for braking any law in $

    Quote Originally Posted by gRomoZeka
    And I'm tired of all that talk about bribery. It seems that some people practically brag about this, exaggerating the extent of the problem or the "bribe prices" purely for shock value, or trying to demonstrate what a tough country Russia is (or how tough they are because of living there).
    It's getting old.

    What can be tough this way? Thats pretty comfortable 4 us drivers ))))) And that was not 4 shock anybody but just to make you to know that. Tough Hell no ))))))

  9. #9
    Завсегдатай Basil77's Avatar
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    Re: The Russian soul or the price for braking any law in $

    Quote Originally Posted by RussianGuy
    Yes mr. Thats official stuff =) Who cares that? Show me the cop who wouldn't take money over here? If he doesn't - offer more It works )))
    Then tell me, please, why whould someone give $120 bribe for trespassing on red light to avoid the official $20 payment? And vise versa why a cop whould let you go after he cought you for speeding for a couple of cigarette packs if he can take away your driving licence for that?
    Please, correct my mistakes, except for the cases I misspell something on purpose!

  10. #10
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Re: The Russian soul or the price for braking any law in $

    Quote Originally Posted by Basil77
    Then tell me, please, why whould someone give $120 bribe for trespassing on red light to avoid the official $20 payment? And vise versa why a cop whould let you go after he cought you for speeding for a couple of cigarette packs if he can take away your driving licence for that?
    If you got an old ticket and its not paid yet you can get to a jail for 15 days. And then you begin to think which way is better your or Russian )))))

  11. #11
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Re: The Russian soul or the price for braking any law in $

    Quote Originally Posted by RussianGuy
    Quote Originally Posted by sperk

    your point?
    Yepp ! I'm sure that everything I post here is true. So have you ever been 2 Russia? If yes you know what I'm talking about then
    I live in Russia and I have no idea what you are talking about. What has soul to do with it?

    Yes mr. Thats official stuff =) Who cares that? Show me the cop who wouldn't take money over here? If he doesn't - offer more It works )))
    Speaking of bribes, I wonder which city you live in. The last few times I got stopped by the road police they refused to take money. Fortunately I don't get stopped very often. I've been driving for 16 years and with time I learned that you can get to the place you want without breaking any rules. Of course there might be some stupid new sign that wasn't there a month ago and that's where I tried to give money (it always worked but not anymore, apparently).
    Send me a PM if you need me.

  12. #12
    Завсегдатай Basil77's Avatar
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    Re: The Russian soul or the price for braking any law in $

    Quote Originally Posted by RussianGuy
    If you got an old ticket and its not paid yet you can get to a jail for 15 days.
    Do not lie then, that someone can pay a bribe $120 for trespassing on red light.
    And then you begin to think which way is better your or Russian )))))
    The way you call "Russian" is just a corrupt way and I hate it. It's not always cops who caused the corruption, people who think that bribes is "the Russian way of life" and that they are normal thing must be blamed for corruption too.
    Please, correct my mistakes, except for the cases I misspell something on purpose!

  13. #13
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    Re: The Russian soul or the price for braking any law in $

    Basil77, +100

  14. #14
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Re: The Russian soul or the price for braking any law in $

    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil

    I live in Russia and I have no idea what you are talking about. What has soul to do with it?
    Sad to hear that man )) Это просто стих отражающий нашу Родину. Kind of Philosophy :"":

    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil

    Speaking of bribes, I wonder which city you live in. The last few times I got stopped by the road police they refused to take money. Fortunately I don't get stopped very often. I've been driving for 16 years and with time I learned that you can get to the place you want without breaking any rules. Of course there might be some stupid new sign that wasn't there a month ago and that's where I tried to give money (it always worked but not anymore, apparently).
    You are good driver! Keep driving carefully and you will ever get neither tickets nor have to pay! I live in Yekaterinburg (You can see it on my profile by the way LOL) If you broke any rule you are getting tickets. Our cops stop you firs than they trying to find anything to get money 4, any braking rules I mean. And I know that you understand me If you live in Russia. Or you wonna say that there is no bribes? :"":

  15. #15
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Re: The Russian soul or the price for braking any law in $

    Quote Originally Posted by Basil77
    Do not lie then, that someone can pay a bribe $120 for trespassing on red light.
    I do not. You have no signs on your car that you didn't pay your ticket. But if you broke another rule and cop is preparing a new ticket 4 you he can arrest you and your car for 15 days. This is the cheapest way to get a ticket and spend a couple of weeks in jail. But I don't think it matches for me ))) I would better pay $100 or even more.

    Quote Originally Posted by Basil77
    The way you call "Russian" is just a corrupt way and I hate it. It's not always cops who caused the corruption, people who think that bribes is "the Russian way of life" and that they are normal thing must be blamed for corruption too.
    You are wright! But corruption still takes a part in our life.

  16. #16
    Завсегдатай Basil77's Avatar
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    Re: The Russian soul or the price for braking any law in $

    Quote Originally Posted by RussianGuy
    You have no signs on your car that you didn't pay your ticket. But if you broke another rule and cop is preparing a new ticket 4 you he can arrest you and your car for 15 days. This is the cheapest way to get a ticket and spend a couple of weeks in jail. But I don't think it matches for me ))) I would better pay $100 or even more.
    Ты просто попался на лоховской развод. На 15 суток тебя могут упрятать только по решению суда. То есть сначала тебя должны доставить в суд и там предоставить доказательства того, что у тебя есть неоплаченные штрафы. Я ещё ни разу не слышал, чтобы менты этим заморачивались, обычно они просто пугают 15 сутками, чтобы срубить бабла. К тому же 15 суток - это крайняя мера, предусмотренная действующим законодательством для злостных неплательщиков. Если у тебя просто 1-2 мелких неоплаченных штрафа, то судья скорее всего ограничится более мягким взысканием. Меня несколько раз "пробивали" по базе данных на посту и какие-то штрафы всплывали. Обычно это заканчивалось приблизительно следующим диалогом:
    Я: "Ой, командир, я уже не помню что я там платил, у меня все квитанции дома хранятся, сейчас приеду проверю, если не оплатил, то сразу заплачу."
    Гаишник: "Ну ладно, езжайте, только смотрите в следущий раз всё во время оплачивайте, а лучше вообще не нарушайте."
    Please, correct my mistakes, except for the cases I misspell something on purpose!

  17. #17
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Re: The Russian soul or the price for braking any law in $

    Quote Originally Posted by Basil77

    Ты просто попался на лоховской развод. На 15 суток тебя могут упрятать только по решению суда. То есть сначала тебя должны доставить в суд и там предоставить доказательства того, что у тебя есть неоплаченные штрафы. Я ещё ни разу не слышал, чтобы менты этим заморачивались, обычно они просто пугают 15 сутками, чтобы срубить бабла. К тому же 15 суток - это крайняя мера, предусмотренная действующим законодательством для злостных неплательщиков. Если у тебя просто 1-2 мелких неоплаченных штрафа, то судья скорее всего ограничится более мягким взысканием. Меня несколько раз "пробивали" по базе данных на посту и какие-то штрафы всплывали. Обычно это заканчивалось приблизительно следующим диалогом:
    Я: "Ой, командир, я уже не помню что я там платил, у меня все квитанции дома хранятся, сейчас приеду проверю, если не оплатил, то сразу заплачу."
    Гаишник: "Ну ладно, езжайте, только смотрите в следущий раз всё во время оплачивайте, а лучше вообще не нарушайте."
    Я нет. Моего начальника забрали на 2е суток за неоплаченые штрафы и не из здания суда (которого не было) а по дороге домой с работы. Сидел пока его друг его штрафы не оплатил и не обменял его на квитанцию. Да это незаконно, но всё же имело место быть... Зависит от города где живёшь и просто от ГАИцев.

  18. #18
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Re: The Russian soul or the price for braking any law in $

    Quote Originally Posted by RussianGuy
    one ore 2 packs of cigarettes =) Trespassing the road on a red light = $120.

    Ask 4 more information )
    You seem to like this number.. Four Four Four Four Four Four ? And ore, afaik, is uncountable.
    And throttling a law can be fun as well!
    Russian is tough, let’s go shopping!

  19. #19
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Re: The Russian soul or the price for braking any law in $

    Quote Originally Posted by RussianGuy
    What can be tough this way? Thats pretty comfortable 4 us drivers )))))
    The confort zone ends when said cops do nothing but provoke traffic violations and extort bribes.
    Russian is tough, let’s go shopping!

  20. #20
    Завсегдатай rockzmom's Avatar
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    Re: The Russian soul or the price for braking any law in $

    I thought we already had this conversation???

    ...and it is not "for trespassing on red light." it's running a red light.

    ... and he can't "arrest your car" he can impound it

    and one last one.. "You are wright!" would be wrong... not right.
    I only speak two languages, English and bad English.
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