ХЗ, просто мне кажется, что резидент (в значении разведчик) - это калька с "их" термина.Originally Posted by BappaBa
ХЗ, просто мне кажется, что резидент (в значении разведчик) - это калька с "их" термина.Originally Posted by BappaBa
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Вроде бы резидент - постоянно живущий на чужой территории агент, работающий по месту проживания (в отличие от агентов обеспечения, обычно приезжающих откуда-нибудь на разовую акцию). Кроме того, на советском развеччицком сленге резидентом назывался руководитель всей сети, работающей в какой-то стране. (Обычно такой резидент базировался в посольстве и имел дипломатическое прикрытие).
Разведчик же - слишком общее понятие. Это и тот, кто сидит в кабинете в своей столице и руководит, и тот, кто ходит через линию фронта за языком.
"Россия для русских" - это неправильно. Остальные-то чем лучше?
Вопрос в том, как этот резидент на английский переводится.
Вот, кстати, что даёт Мультитран:
resident; fixed-post spy; chief of station (ЦРУ); resident agent; station commander (ЦРУ); fixed agent (разведки); resident agent (разведки)
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Be careful Zombie Acorn, or you'll find that you start wondering if the right side really "won" the cold war... !
I want to comment on some of the things that Starrysky said earlier.
1) Interesting story about the submarine crew! Brave guys! I hope they are having a comfortable retirement.
2)Social democracy is "Socialism Lite"! Pink and fluffy socialism... Yeah, you should have tried it, in my opinion. You got ripped off, it's terrible...Originally Posted by starrysky
Sweden is social democratic though, so the socialists get voted out of government every now and then (once every 15 years on average, for 3 years).
During that period their polices are scrutinised and revised a bit. Some of their *seriously* socialist initiatives get rolled back. However ALL major political parties are VERY similar, they only differ in minor nuances. If they tried dismantling the welfare state people would not put up with it.
SD can be incredibly irritating, but fundamentally they are well-meaning and not corrupt. I have nothing major against them.
It was a REAL surprise for me and a lot of other people when it turned out that most Russians were in fact NOT socialists/communists and had just been "playing along"! In Sweden, the 50% or so who are socialists are completely genuine.
Everyone (socialist or not) in Sweden believes in free universities, free healthcare and guaranteed housing.
The idea that anyone should be denied an education, healthcare or decent housing is completely unacceptable to everyone.
But of course, we always had private ownership of houses (for those who want it) and private businesses. Lately also private schools. So it is NOT real socialism and it has never aimed for communism at all.
President Eisenhower’s Special Assistant for Cold War Strategy was Nelson Rockefeller. All of the Rockefellers are part of the conspiracy to form a new world order. The Cold War was used as part of their strategy.
Let me be a free man, free to travel, free to stop, free to work, free to trade where I choose, free to choose my own teachers, free to follow the religion of my fathers, free to talk, think and act for myself. - Chief Joseph, Nez Perce
That's good because if there is even one person in Sweden who is not a Socialist it means that everyone else in Sweden is a thief?Originally Posted by Johanna
Let me be a free man, free to travel, free to stop, free to work, free to trade where I choose, free to choose my own teachers, free to follow the religion of my fathers, free to talk, think and act for myself. - Chief Joseph, Nez Perce
Like I said, this is not socialism as in Eastern Europe pre-1991 so there is no reason to get too worked up!Originally Posted by DDT
Sorry everyone, I suffer from the homesickness here in England, and trying to cure it by ranting about Sweden.... I should probably stop it.. But if anyone wants to hear about Vikings, midnight sun, midsummer or anything else typically Swedish, just let me know... Back on topic: Russia!
OK Johanna. My ancestors were Vikings. They lived in Norway. Later in 1800s, my family sailed from Bergen to New Zealand and found a new home. I want to hear about "Vikings"!Originally Posted by Johanna
Let me be a free man, free to travel, free to stop, free to work, free to trade where I choose, free to choose my own teachers, free to follow the religion of my fathers, free to talk, think and act for myself. - Chief Joseph, Nez Perce
They were from "Pottsylvania"Originally Posted by fortheether
Every year I ask my maids to translate "Я ищу лоси и белка.".
It's a cheap laugh, but always good![]()
'Rocky & Bullwinkle': Happy 50th birthday to the sweet duo! (And Boris and Natasha, too!)
19 November 2009 12:53 PM, PST | EW.com - PopWatch | See recent EW.com - PopWatch news »
It was exactly 50 years ago today that a little show called Rocky and His Friends debuted on ABC, bringing an animated crew of kooky characters — led by the naive Rocky and Bullwinkle and constantly scheming Natasha and Boris — into the American pop culture menagerie. The genius of Rocky & Bullwinkle, which was so simple in its clever madness, could be easily overlooked, if you wanted. But how many animated series are out there — especially today — that are so sweet and completely watchable?
I'm easily amused late at night...
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