I have an interest in the history of the Cold War, so I thought I would start a topic on the subject with a provocative title. We all know about the bad side of the stand-off between the two superpowers, but there must have been positive aspects too.
The one that comes first to my mind is the advances in technology that came about because of the space race including, of course, the ability to reach other heavenly bodies. That may actually come in handy some day.
In terms of politics, it was good that neither superpower was able to behave exactly as it pleased. The War in Iraq would never have taken place during the Cold War.
Can you think of other favourable sides of the confrontation?

Кстати, Ким Филби, известный разведчик времени холодной войны, родился 1 января 1912 года:


С новым годом!