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Thread: Pimsleur - Level 2

  1. #181
    Старший оракул CoffeeCup's Avatar
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    Thanks CoffeeCup. I was going to ask you to make corrections on #176 too
    No probs.

    подру́га - close female friend
    Ве́чером она уезжает из Петербурга. - In the evening she is leaving from Petersburg.
    в гости - became a guest (Я иду в гости к моему другу = I am going to visit my friend)
    ко мне - in my direction (or - to me)
    Не хотЕли бы вы пойти́ в кафе “Север”? - Wouldn't you like to go (by foot) to the North Café?
    Она здесь не была уже два года. - She hasn't been here in(already) 2 years.

    Иногда́ я туда хожу. - Sometimes I go there by foot.

    but it seems I am not allowed to edit it. Is there a time limit for editing here?
    Yes, there is such a limit (3 days if I remember correctly).
    So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

  2. #182
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    Continuing on, adding pertinent sentences suitable for SRS use to Grog's work. FYI, after this lesson, it looks like only 16 and 22 need to be beefed up to have a complete transcript that allows one to avoid typing completely.

    Урок номер четырнадцать – Lesson Number Fourteen

    А: Привет, Сергей. Как дела?
    Б: Спасибо, хорошо. А у тебя?
    А: Неплохо. Когда ты собираешься в Киев?
    Б: Я уезжаю завтра утром.
    А: Ты собираешься поехать один?
    Б: Нет, с подругой. У неё там есть друзья.

    с подругой - with my girlfriend
    друзья - friends
    У неё там есть друзья. - She has friends there.
    бо́льше - more
    Мне больше нравится бэз молоко. - I like it better without milk.
    с сахаром - with sugar
    бэз сахаро - without sugar
    Я хотел с сахаром но бэз молоко. - I wanted it with sugar but without milk.
    Я там буду до субботей. - I'll be there until Saturday.
    Очень жаль. - That's a pity.
    В четверг вечером будет хоро́ший концерт. - On Thursday night there will be a good concert.
    У вас сейчас есть нeсколько минут? - Do you have a few minutes now?
    вы не хотите чашку кофе? - You don't want a cup of coffee?
    Cпасибо за кофе. - Thanks for the coffee.

  3. #183
    Старший оракул CoffeeCup's Avatar
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    Мне больше нравится без молока. - I like it better without milk.
    без сахара - without sugar
    Я хотел с сахаром, но без молока. - I wanted it with sugar but without milk.
    Я там буду до субботы. - I'll be there until Saturday.
    вы не хотите чашку кофе?
    - Don't you want a cup of coffee?
    - Would you like a cup of coffee?
    When in Russian we ask "не хотите ли вы ..." we don't ask this question to clarify that the person really don't want something. It is just a sort of polite form to offer something.
    So "хотите чашку кофе" and "не хотите чашку кофе" are equal.
    So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

  4. #184
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    Thanks CoffeeCup.
    Lesson 16 didn't need any additions - it just doesn't have much new material, so Grog's original sentences are sufficient. I'll check out lesson 22 in a week or so (I start 18 tomorrow). When I finish 30, I'll combine all the enhanced transcripts I posted with corrections into one post.

  5. #185
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    Enhanced lesson 22:

    Урок номер двадцать два – Lesson Number Twenty-Two

    А: Извините, пожалуйста, вы не можете мне помочь?
    Б: Конечно, могу.
    А: Вы не знаете, где Пушкинская улица?
    Б: Улица там, налево. Что вы ищете?
    А: Гостиница* “Интурист”. Её адрес – Пушкинская улица, дом сорок семь.
    Б: Это недалеко.
    * - Should be in the accusative - гостиницу

    дом- building
    дом сорок семь - building 47
    электронное письмо – e-mail (single message)
    Мне надо послать электронное письмо сыну. – I need to send an e-mail message to my son.
    Сегодня я получил электронное письмо от дочери. – Today, I received an e-mail from my daughter.
    Её муж приехал с ней. – Her husband arrived with her.
    Нет, он с ней не работает. – No, he doesn’t work with her. [Emphasizes “работает”]
    Извините, но я не могу вам помочь. – I’m sorry, but I can’t help you.
    У нас нет компьютера. – We have no computer.
    Вам надо пойти в Интернет-кафе. – You need to go to the Internet Cafe
    Bы не можете мне помочь? - Can't you help me?
    Что вы ищете? - What are you looking for?
    писать/написать - to write/write down
    Вы не можете написать мне адрес? - Can't you write down the address for me?
    Тогда я напишу вам адрес. - Then I will write the address down for you.
    Вы можете его прочитать? - Can you read it(him)?
    врача - doctor
    Я ищу… - I'm looking for...

  6. #186
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    Quote Originally Posted by CoffeeCup View Post
    Иногда́ я туда хожу. - Sometimes I go there by foot.
    CoffeeCup, I saw a lot of this in your corrections. These sentences are for two-way drilling. I put the (by foot) in there to know whether I should use хожу or езжу when I drill from English to Russian. Are you saying that "Иногда́ я туда езжу." is wrong?

  7. #187
    Старший оракул CoffeeCup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by leosmith
    А: Гостиница* “Интурист”. Её адрес – Пушкинская улица, дом сорок семь.
    * - Should be in the accusative - гостиницу
    It can be both. But "Гостиницу" is better.

    Quote Originally Posted by leosmith
    Quote Originally Posted by CoffeeCup
    Иногда́ я туда хожу. - Sometimes I go there by foot.
    CoffeeCup, I saw a lot of this in your corrections. These sentences are for two-way drilling. I put the (by foot) in there to know whether I should use хожу or езжу when I drill from English to Russian. Are you saying that "Иногда́ я туда езжу." is wrong?
    "езжу" is used to specify that you visit that place with the use of some kind of transport. You are not walking there by foot.

    "хожу" is ambiguous.

    • It is used to specify that you visit that place without any clarification how do you come there by foot or by any kind of transport.
      • Я хожу туда иногда. - Sometimes I visit that place. (I go there).

    • It is also used to point out that you go there by foot. But for this purpose in most cases we use some additional information in such sentence:
      • Я не езжу, а хожу туда. - Here "хожу" means "go by foot".
      • Я хожу туда пешком. - I go there by foot.

    Actually "ходить" is as ambiguous as English "go" in this sense.
    So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

  8. #188
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    Go it - thanks!

  9. #189
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    It’s really great to have the Pimsleur Transcripts here, but as I can see there are many versions of the transcripts as well as many posts with corrections and it’s hard to get through all these posts in order to figure out the corrected ones.

    Is there someplace where we can easily find all the corrected transcripts together?

    Thank you in advance.

  10. #190
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    Quote Originally Posted by petrek View Post
    It’s really great to have the Pimsleur Transcripts here, but as I can see there are many versions of the transcripts as well as many posts with corrections and it’s hard to get through all these posts in order to figure out the corrected ones.

    Is there someplace where we can easily find all the corrected transcripts together?

    Thank you in advance.
    The very first post in all three Pimsleur threads is the corrected version I worked on (with lot's of help). I did NOT use the Pimsleur version that is out now.


  11. #191
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    Quote Originally Posted by fortheether View Post
    The very first post in all three Pimsleur threads is the corrected version I worked on (with lot's of help). I did NOT use the Pimsleur version that is out now.

    Thanks Scott. However you said that you did the transcripts based on an older Pimsleur version and not on the current version that is out now. Are there any big differences between the two versions?

    Thanks in advance for your reply.

  12. #192
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    Quote Originally Posted by petrek View Post
    Thanks Scott. However you said that you did the transcripts based on an older Pimsleur version and not on the current version that is out now. Are there any big differences between the two versions?

    Thanks in advance for your reply.
    I never used the current version.


  13. #193
    Подающий надежды оратор Sala_'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by petrek View Post
    Thanks Scott. However you said that you did the transcripts based on an older Pimsleur version and not on the current version that is out now. Are there any big differences between the two versions?

    Thanks in advance for your reply.
    Hello. I used Russian I 3rd edition and Russian II and III 2nd edition. I did not have any problems or even notice going from the 3rd edition to the 2nd and all the material covered in the lessons I found in these threads. I hope that helps answer your question.

    Also a big thanks to MR, fortheether and everyone who contributed to these very helpful threads.

  14. #194
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sala_ View Post
    Hello. I used Russian I 3rd edition and Russian II and III 2nd edition. I did not have any problems or even notice going from the 3rd edition to the 2nd and all the material covered in the lessons I found in these threads. I hope that helps answer your question.

    Also a big thanks to MR, fortheether and everyone who contributed to these very helpful threads.
    Thanks Sala. That's good news. However, which transcripts did you used from the threads here? Grogs' or Fortheether's?

  15. #195
    Подающий надежды оратор Sala_'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by petrek View Post
    Thanks Sala. That's good news. However, which transcripts did you used from the threads here? Grogs' or Fortheether's?
    Grog's posts seemed to match my Russian II and III 2nd edition word for word..

  16. #196
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    My notes on Lesson 14, in case someone finds them useful. Thanks.

    Lesson 14:
    четверг - Thursday.
    в четверг - on Thursday.
    Да, если Ты хочешь. - Yes, if you want.
    Я хочу говорить с ним. - I want to speak with him.
    мы собираемся к нему в гостя. - We are going to visit him (go to him as a guest).
    Я хочу пообедать вместе с ним. - I want to have dinner with him.
    К сожалению, этот кофе уже холодный. - Unfortunately, this coffee is already cold. [I think 'холодный' is wrong case]
    Он еще не приехал. - He has not yet arrived.
    Я должен говорить с ним. - I must speak with him.
    если вы хотите, я могу дать вам еще кофе. - If you want, I can give you more coffee.
    К сожалению, он не собирается работать сегодня. - Unfortunately, he is not going to work today.

  17. #197
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    Has there been a full version of the original transcript posted? It stopped after lesson 21 or so. The first one is much better, perhaps not in terms of words, but in terms of the speakers.

    Wait, it seems that the whole program was posted. I didn't see it the first time. The initial version was good and the speakers seemed interested. The next version appeared as if the speakers were bored and every line had the same intonation. My copy of Course 2 was missing a few lessons so I had to buy them from Pimsleur, now when I did that I got the recent release. I did not like the people on that one at all. The lessons were boring to listen to.

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