It took 3 posts in "russophobia" topic to come to standard "stalin, commie, labor camps, north korea etc" argument. Even pol pot, collective farms and famine are there. Whereas russiphobia is much older than aforecited historical facts and has nothing to do with most of them.
These are just tools for anti-russian propaganda to keep russophobia alive.
When i said that it was not that bad in the USSR od 60s - 80s i didn't mean that i wanted to bring it back. I just meant that it wan't bad. Stalin's USSR and the USSR after changes of 60s were two different countries but that just doesn't fit in russophobes' binary mode of thinking. Victims of anti-russian propaganda just can't get over their old formula russian=soviet=commie. They couldn't expect russia to survive the disaster of 90s so they just didn't inven't anything new. And now being stuck in cold war they just sound funny.
Now Russia is modern capitalist democracy, it's not perfect but not worse then others. Free country (more free than most of the west). It also has a luxury that's just unaffordable for almost all western countries - it's sovereing and independent. Of course there's a high price it has to pay for that, but i believe it's worth it. And ut 's just inacceptable for those who didn't expect it. THat's why they prefer to stay in their bubble of the past. But after one stays in the past too long the awakening can be rather painful and frustrating. Lest they wake up too late.