Isn't this a Belarussian anti-government site?.. Well I looked anyway.
These guys have decided that whatever Kiev says, is the truth. Fine, to each his own...
However, I don't need to struggle with the Russian text this type of info - it's exactly what English speaking papers are already saying. I am familiar with this narrative.
Isn't it interesting that the the guy who runs Charter97 speaks English like a native and provides perfect translations of most of his articles? I smell CIA "democracy" money. This guy is definitely no ordinary Belarussian. People there rarely speak English at a useful level at all. Let alone with perfect grammar and vocabulary. I hope Belarussians think very carefully before throwing their country into turmoil because of anything they read on Charter97.
I am not proposing that they get involved and it's wise of them not to. But the media there is essentially state run, and I was interested to see what position they take on the conflict. I suppose it's possible that Belarus took a policy decision to deliberately under report the story to make sure that nothing biased is said either way - so they can remain credible as a mediator to both sides.