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Thread: Edward Snowden and his stay in Russia

  1. #261
    Hurrah, Ed got a job offer in Russia!
    Don't have any English source on it, if anyone has seen one in Russian or English, please post!

    I started the thread when Ed was hiding at the airport in Moscow.

    The thread ought to change name to:

    "Edward Snowden and His New Life in Russia"

    if he manages to survive a Russian winter, who knows what's next for him, a wife?
    So glad things worked out for him - he deserves it.

  2. #262
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hanna View Post
    Hurrah, Ed got a job offer in Russia!
    Don't have any English source on it, if anyone has seen one in Russian or English, please post!
    Вот BBC пишет: ссылка.

  3. #263
    Paul G.
    It's logical, because vkontakte is under the patronage of FSB. Snowden escaped from the US secret services and came running to the Russian ones. It's amusing.

  4. #264
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    Сноуден открыл глаза простым американцам (не нам) на шпионскую деятельность Америки. Через некоторое время напишет книгу и откроет глаза простым американцам на Россию (мол, всё по-кайфу, ёпть). Похоже, у него судьба такая: открывать глаза соотечественникам то на одно, то на другое.

  5. #265
    Почтенный гражданин 14Russian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paul G. View Post
    It's logical, because vkontakte is under the patronage of FSB. Snowden escaped from the US secret services and came running to the Russian ones. It's amusing.
    I actually agree with you here. It's ironic but amusing with all the posts of praise of Russia when they have their own spying and surveillance and abuse of rights of Russians.

    Once again, I reiterate, he had little options and he chose Russia because they wanted to play a 'chess move' with the U.S. Not play some sort of principled favour.

    I guess I have to be careful what I post as I am on some sort of 'FSB watch list' now.

    Snowden won't be criticizing Russia any time soon. There's nowhere he can escape to after doing so. Unless he writes a condemning article in his senior years and then doesn't care what happens.

  6. #266
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    Quote Originally Posted by 14Russian View Post
    Snowden won't be criticizing Russia any time soon. There's nowhere he can escape to after doing so.
    Более актуальным считаю другой вопрос: если он начнёт хвалить Россию, то куда "побежит" наша внутренняя "оппозиция"?
    Сноуден для них и их хозяев - это идеологическая опасность.

  7. #267
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    Quote Originally Posted by Юрка View Post
    Сноуден открыл глаза простым американцам (не нам) на шпионскую деятельность Америки. Через некоторое время напишет книгу и откроет глаза простым американцам на Россию (мол, всё по-кайфу, ёпть). Похоже, у него судьба такая: открывать глаза соотечественникам то на одно, то на другое.
    Эту задачу уже номинально выполняют представители "единой России" вроде вас. =)) Я не уверен что факт наличия у мистера Сноудена Американского гражданства как-то повлияет на вес его аргументов. =)

  8. #268
    Paul G.
    Quote Originally Posted by 14Russian View Post
    he chose Russia because they wanted to play a 'chess move' with the U.S. Not play some sort of principled favour.
    I think, he's just a pawn, if one follows your analogy, so he can't play a vital part of the game. I mean, he can't make important decisions. Some PR actions here, some there, that's all. All the information he has is an open secret.

    If we consider a situation with the "common free market zone" between the US and the EC, I assume, we can find some real reasons why Snowden did what he did. He gave PR trump cards those forces which don't think that the zone is a good idea and if Europe opens its market for the American goods it helps to overcome the crisis, but rather, on the contrary.

  9. #269
    Quote Originally Posted by 14Russian View Post
    I guess I have to be careful what I post as I am on some sort of 'FSB watch list' now.
    I doubt the FSB cares about what you write on an Russian language forum.

    Besides, unlike a certain other country, Russia doesn't kidnap and torture people it doesn't like, lock them up indefinitely, torture and force feed them, or send drones to kill people it doesn't like.

    Thanks Edward Snowden for at least TRYING to wake people up.
    It's a pity that so many have their head full of Hollywood and propaganda to be concerned.
    Deborski likes this.

  10. #270
    Властелин Deborski's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hanna View Post
    I doubt the FSB cares about what you write on an Russian language forum.

    Besides, unlike a certain other country, Russia doesn't kidnap and torture people it doesn't like, lock them up indefinitely, torture and force feed them, or send drones to kill people it doesn't like.

    Thanks Edward Snowden for at least TRYING to wake people up.
    It's a pity that so many have their head full of Hollywood and propaganda to be concerned. [/SIZE][/FONT]
    Now that is just creepy!
    Вот потому, что вы говорите то, что не думаете, и думаете то, что не думаете, вот в клетках и сидите. И вообще, весь этот горький катаклизм, который я здесь наблюдаю, и Владимир Николаевич тоже…

  11. #271
    Moderator Lampada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deborski View Post
    Now that is just creepy!
    Ага, я вдруг узнаю мой айп! Сначала хотела вытереть, потом догадалась, что это каждый видит свой.
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    "...Важно, чтобы форум оставался местом, объединяющим людей, для которых интересны русский язык и культура. ..." - MasterАdmin (из переписки)

  12. #272
    Почтенный гражданин dtrq's Avatar
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    Доступность этой информации никакого отношения к нынешним скандалам с NSA не имеет - возможность определять IP, браузер и ОС стандартны для веба с древнейших времен.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hanna View Post
    Besides, unlike a certain other country, Russia doesn't kidnap and torture people it doesn't like
    How do you know.

  13. #273
    That's just the beginning of what a website can tell about visitors.
    The admin of this site, can easily get this info if he wants.

    It can tell languages installed on the computer, fonts, browser plugins, location settings, time settings and much more.

    If the site has a search function, it can tell what people searched for, and if they clicked on any of the search results.

    They can get enough information to tie a physical computer to a website comment without reasonable doubt.
    And no website based in the USA and most EU countries can refuse to co-operate.

    In addition, the NSA, GCHQ, FRA and many others intercepts your communication, as default as it travels down the fibre-optic cables. They can pick up your communication, and most of the information I mention. If it's an email, they can see who the email is from, who it's going to, and the content.

    What Edward Snowden revealed
    , is that parts of this information, for everyone, not just Americans, is captured.
    The European spy agencies is sharing some of it with the NSA in America. The NSA keeps the information.
    Because the quantities are so mind-blowing, they have built the new data center in Bluffsdale, Utah. The only limitation is that they can't save the information indefinitely. They get rid of it after a certain amount of time, unless it's of interest.

    Obviously, no human can read all this information, so they use bots to trawl through it, looking for patterns, keywords etc. If they find something, they can zoom onto that person to the extent that anything he does can be read like a book.

    The way to protect your privacy, is to use an anonymizing VPN and if you want to be on the safe side; paying with bitcoin or cash (not your own credit card). They cannot decrypt encryption of 128 bit and higher, but Snowden suggests that if somebody of interest uses that, they safe ALL the traffic with the goal of cracking it as stronger and faster computing power becomes available.

    Odds are, that 99% of people reading this, are not of interest to the NSA, and obviously a lot comments that would interest them are missed. But you could also become falsely targetted, because somebody who was under suspicion contacted you.
    There have been cases in the UK, of people who just have the "wrong" friends or relatives, or wrote something picked out of context who were awoken in the middle of the night, taken away and interrogated by security services.
    It only happened to moslems and suspected peadophiles so far.

    Snowden has solid proof that all this is happening. But he is also warning, that since there is no proper control of the NSA, they break their own rules a lot and go further

    At the moment, all this is supposed to be tracking potential terrorists.
    The problem is that the system is open for abuse. It's also a threat for the future, as a lot of the meta data is saved. Nobody knows who will run America and Europe 10 years from now, or what they might want to use the data to. Consider how Jews in Europe were registered and never thought it would be a problem, just helpful census information. Until Hitler came to power and invaded their countries.

  14. #274
    Почтенный гражданин 14Russian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dtrq View Post
    Доступность этой информации никакого отношения к нынешним скандалам с NSA не имеет - возможность определять IP, браузер и ОС стандартны для веба с древнейших времен.

    How do you know.
    Don't take it seriously. She's trolling.

  15. #275
    Quote Originally Posted by dtrq View Post
    Доступность этой информации никакого отношения к нынешним скандалам с NSA не имеет - возможность определять IP, браузер и ОС стандартны для веба с древнейших времен.
    Yes, those of us who are technical and/or work in IT know this. But if you look a the comments, you can see that it's obvious that several others don't.

    Quote Originally Posted by dtrq View Post
    How do you know.
    If you know of any recent examples of Russia doing that, then please share them here. I am not aware that Russia snatches people abroad, takes them back to Russia and locks them up indefinitely, or that Russia assassinates non-Russians abroad. If you have information to the contrary, by all means share it.

  16. #276
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hanna View Post
    ...or that Russia assassinates non-Russians abroad
    Do you mean by this that it's ok for the Russian authorities to assassinate Russians abroad?

  17. #277
    Oh yes Eric. If you read my comment properly you'll find that's exactly what I said. You are so clever.
    And it so ties in with everything else I've been saying on this forum doesn't it, as well as my personality.
    Kill'em alll!

  18. #278
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hanna View Post
    If you know of any recent examples of Russia doing that, then please share them here. I am not aware that Russia snatches people abroad, takes them back to Russia and locks them up indefinitely, or that Russia assassinates non-Russians abroad. If you have information to the contrary, by all means share it.
    Probably, Russia do assassinate her enemies abroad (if she can). For example, this Chechen militant was allegedly killed by Russian agents in Qatar.

  19. #279
    Quote Originally Posted by xdns View Post
    Probably, Russia do assassinate her enemies abroad (if she can). For example, this Chechen militant was allegedly killed by Russian agents in Qatar.
    If that is true, it is bad. I don't support that at all, regardless who is doing it. The US, Russia, Israel...

    The other possible example of Russia killing somebody abroad (at least according to British tabloids) is Alexander Litvinenko, the ex spy who lived in London. No idea if it's true or not. Frankly, the way it was done seems too amateurish, based on what I read in the papers. Probably it was not done by a pro.

    But still regardless of these two possible cases, Russia does this on a significantly lesser scale than the USA, isn't it - and Russia isn't buying drones for the purpose, or blackmailing European nations into giving logistics support, which the US did.
    I know that the USSR did such things in the 1930s, like with Trotsky, and many others who had fled abroad or been exiled. Very, very disturbing and no excuse for it as far as I'm concerned.

    But the main perpetrator of foreign executions at the moment is the USA - or are you denying that?

  20. #280
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hanna View Post
    If that is true, it is bad.
    В отношении Яндарбиева это скорее всего правда (его убили наши агенты). Но это хорошо, а не плохо, так как у него руки по локоть в крови. Это самооборона и в какой-то степени месть. Он же занимался террором в отношении мирных граждан РФ.
    Alexander Litvinenko
    В отношении Литвиненко это скорее всего ложь. Его убили скорее всего чеченцы, живущие в Англии. Россия в данной истории была мишенью, а Литвиненко был пешкой, которой жертвовали в этой "игре".
    Quote Originally Posted by Eric C. View Post
    Эту задачу уже номинально выполняют представители "единой России" вроде вас. =))
    Кто будет слушать Единую Россию на Западе?
    Quote Originally Posted by Eric C. View Post
    Я не уверен что факт наличия у мистера Сноудена Американского гражданства как-то повлияет на вес его аргументов. =)
    Сноудена слушает весь мир не потому что у него было гражданство США, а потому что он совершил поступок, сделавший его знаменитым. Теперь его слушают миллионы. Это значит, что он может быть в какой-то степени нашим "агентом влияния" на Западе, меняя имидж нашей страны. Причём нам для этого почти ничего не нужно делать. Достаточно просто разрешить жить на нашей территории.
    Любая звезда может выполнять функцию агента влияния. Например, Мадонна. Приезжая к нам он не гнушается заниматься этим, пропагандируя мнение Запада по поводу ситуациии с Pussy riot.
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