Quote Originally Posted by Hanna View Post
I can't get over this madness whereby if you want a half way realistic news program about current events / international politics, you have to turn to RUSSIAN media. I know they don't openly criticise Putin at RT or Rossiya 24, but you can turn with confidence to any other international publication for that, so it's not a problem as far as I am concernèd. Or at least, there is a workaround..... Who, alive in 1985 would ever have seen this coming?
RT is better and more innovative and independent journalism than you can get in any British, European or American news channel these days. "Breaking the set" never even mentions Russia, but it would NEVER make it on any other channel.
I don't necessarily WANT to watch RT or Russia 24 and I am definitely no massive fan of Putin, but I can't bear being lied to by corporate media, or even worse, by the BBC or other European state TV, using our actual licence money to manipulate us. As long as RT remains the most truthful international news channel, I will watch it.
Until some native Western European media starts doing balanced reporting, and stops serving US and local corporate interests I guess I am stuck with Russian news channels. And media is getting worse, not better so it will be a while...
RT, Российская газета, and Pravda always have more logical news feeds but I still like to read all sides of any issue. My Russian isn't good enough yet to listen to Russia 24 - even if I do recognize some of the spoken words and phrases - but I will include that too when my Russian improves.
For news on Ukraine, I've been using RT, Российская газета, Pravda, Christian Science Monitor, Washington post, New York Times, and Reuters mostly. Then I decide what makes sense and what doesn't. But it's very difficult to find any useful news or logic in the US news sources right now. Also, I get a lot of misinformation and bad feedback from my US friends but that's cool. I know what I know and that can't change. It would not hurt the US if Ukrainian opposition did or didn't win so I don't consider it that important here. Imo, it's only important to Russia and Ukraine. But I do respect the strong Russian-Ukrainian ties and Crimea's right to self-determination. I don't get how anyone can be American and not believe in self-determination.
Btw, I'm not a massive fan of Putin either. But if I was a Russian, I know I would vote for him. He's amazing!

Quote Originally Posted by diogen_ View Post
There were reports about massive DoS attacks at Russian news sites.
I bet some ignominiously disgraceful Ukrainian hackers are those responsible for these outrageous instances of misdemeanor. The worst is over however, and, hopefully, right now you can get uninhibited access to the site with the link: http://www.rg.ru
Thanks! It's finally back online, yay!

Quote Originally Posted by diogen_ View Post
Russia Revitalizes Project to Build Bridge to Crimea | World | RIA Novosti
Croc, how can they become independent with such a deficit?
Thanks for the heads up on the new bridge! I'll be watching for more news about that.