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Thread: Crimea joining the Russian Federation and its implications?

  1. #301
    Moderator Lampada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BappaBa View Post
    Беременные анижедети ни разу не фашисты, просто им нужны Крым и Кубань. И мотивчик такой знакомый, да, Лампада? ...
    Вот только что познакомилась:

    Звучит натурально, но кто-то считает, что это подделка.

  2. #302
    Завсегдатай Crocodile's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lampada View Post
    Звучит натурально, но кто-то считает, что это подделка.
    Интересно, а авторететное мнение ит-ого для тебя больше ничего не значит? Он абсолютно серьёзно и с уверенностью заявил, что работа СБУ - это обманывать собственное население. Вроде, ты читала и не возражала. А данный разговор предоставлен именно СБУ: Баркашов советует "впарить" Донецку итоги референдума - BBC Russian - В мире
    Выводы каждый делает сам.

  3. #303
    Почётный участник Sibiriak's Avatar
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    I can be not right, I can make mistakes but it is my opinion and my mistakes. If I said so, it is mean I think so and i will be not saying if I do not think so. Better I will be saying my mistakes, than to repeat the mistakes others.

  4. #304
    Well, I got home yesterday, just in time to watch most of the voting in Eurovision and had quite the shock....

    I could NOT believe my ears, when the audience in Copenhagen booed every time a country voted for Russia or Belarus!

    I didn't hear either song, so I can't say if they were good, but I fairly am sure it was not the songs that were being booed.

    It happened several times. I am not aware that any country has been deliberately booed before, and I've watched this darn thing at least 20 times.

    And obviously, the bearded lady from Austria: Media in some countries run stories saying that Russia and Belarus tried to stop this transsexual from being in the final. I have no idea whether it's true or not. Definitely a futile struggle, they should not have bothered, if they did. "LGBT" is the chicest thing you can be at the moment, and anyone who says anything about it will have their character assasinated in media.

    Probably the booing was not even related to supposed discrimination of this transsexual though, but Crimea and Eastern Ukraine, where they've been told that Russia is an evil villain.

    Also the commentators made some rather snarky comments on the feed I listened to, which they would not have made against any other country, I'm pretty sure.
    Googled and voila, yes - others noticed, several papers wrote about it.

    Apparently there was booing in the semi-finals too, even more - I didn't watch that.

    I wonder how much of the Eurovision budget Russia pays - guessing it's quite a fair chunk, the big countries pay the most. Maybe Russia should just pull out and take its money with it. It's just humiliating for the artists and the country. Or do you go on, in a situation like that to not give in to bullying? I don't know but I have NEVER seen a country get booed in Eurovision.

    It was before my time, but several fascist dictatatorships used to particpate: Spain, Greece and Portugal back in the days. I doubt anyone booed them. During the Cold War era a few Eastern countries participated on and off and I vaguely recall it. No booing then either. Media did not stir people up with agitation like they practically do today.

  5. #305
    Почтенный гражданин UhOhXplode's Avatar
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    @ Hanna: There was obviously a lot of uncivilized people at Eurovision this year. And any musical contest that attracts political thugs loses it's rep as a legit contest. Eurovision = Epic Fail in 2014.
    Anyway, I'm not all over pop music but I definitely thought Shine owned Rise Like A phoenix. And whatever that Conchita Worst thing was could give someone nightmares! I hope I never see anything like that again!

    The Donetsk and Lugansk referendum votes started at 08:00 (their time). The Donetsk voting stations will be open till 22:00 (their time) but some places will have to close at 15:00 (their time) due to dangerous conditions in cities like Slavyansk. And only 8 voting stations could be opened in Mariupol. All the cities are on high alert for provocations intended to disrupt the vote.
    Anyway, we should start hearing something after 14:00 (my time) - 00:00 (Moscow time)... I think I'm getting jet lag.
    Лучше смерть, чем бесчестие! Тем временем: Вечно молодой, Вечно пьяный. - Смысловые Галлюцинации, Чартова дюжина 2015!
    Пожалуйста, исправьте мои ошибки. Спасибо.

  6. #306
    Почётный участник eisenherz's Avatar
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    regarding Eurovision; in my opinion 'Austria' was actually one of the the best performances/song and Conchita a deserving winner (though personally I liked the contribution from Holland the most). As too the booing on points to Russia I find that just as wrong and misplaced as Russia/Belarus trying to have Conchita disqualified/discredited before the final.
    please always correct my (often poor) russian

  7. #307
    Почётный участник eisenherz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hanna View Post
    I wonder how much of the Eurovision budget Russia pays - guessing it's quite a fair chunk, the big countries pay the most. Maybe Russia should just pull out and take its money with it. .
    the way I understand is that the orginal sort of founding countries pay the big chunk of the budget. i think Sweden, German, France, Italy, Spain and some others are amongst them. they pay the most - and in return they have automatic entry to the finals. Russia has a massive budget; but for themselves and not as contribution to the event. If Russia should pull out makes no difference financially to the event; but culturally it would be a loss.
    please always correct my (often poor) russian

  8. #308
    Moderator Lampada's Avatar
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    "...Важно, чтобы форум оставался местом, объединяющим людей, для которых интересны русский язык и культура. ..." - MasterАdmin (из переписки)

  9. #309
    Почётный участник Sibiriak's Avatar
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    I can be not right, I can make mistakes but it is my opinion and my mistakes. If I said so, it is mean I think so and i will be not saying if I do not think so. Better I will be saying my mistakes, than to repeat the mistakes others.

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