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Thread: Technical defence related translation

  1. #1
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Technical defence related translation

    Bold words needs special assistance

    Двигатель ГТД-1250 танка Т-80У меньший по размерам и легче почти на 100 килограммов. Лучшая система воздухоочистки позволила добиться на ГТД-1250 высокой степени очистки воздуха (98,5%). Она снабжает воздухом двигатель и сопловый аппарат турбины высокого давления, а также направляет его на обдув агрегатов МТО (моторно-трансмиссионное отделение), в полости передней коробки приводов и первой опоры компрессора низкого давления. Этим достигается герметизация МТО от пыли. Наличие ВЗУ (воздухозаборного устройства) с входным окном, находящимся на высоте двух метров, позволяет питать двигатель гораздо более чистым воздухом, снимая нагрузку на воздухоочиститель, а установка дополнительного жесткого насадка, входящего в комплект танка, увеличивает эту высоту до 3,5 метра. Все это стало возможным благодаря конструктивным особенностям танка Т-80У, М1А1 из-за наличия развитой кормовой части башни, под которой располагается крыша МТО с системой воздухопитания, установка ВЗУ невозможна, что из-за несколько меньшей возможности по очистке воздуха в сравнении с Т-80У американский танк сложнее эксплуатировать в условиях пустыни».
    My attempt:

    GTD-1250 engine of the T-80U, a smaller and lighter by almost 100 pounds. The best air filtration system is achieved in the GTD-1250 high-purity air (98.5%). It supplies air via motor and nozzle apparatus to high-pressure turbine, which sends it to blow in the logistics units (engine-transmission compartment) in front of the box cavity and drives the first low-pressure compressor (for support). This is achieved by sealing the logistics of dust. The presence of DDT (air intake device) with an input window, located at a height of two meters, allows the engine to feed much more clean air, removing the load on the air cleaner, and install additional hard cap that came with the tank, this increases the height up to 3.5 meters. All this is made possible by the design features of the T-80U. M1A1 because of the advanced turret, which is located under the roof logistics system vozduhopitaniya, installation of DDT is impossible, thus because of lesser ability to clean the air in comparison with T- 80U, American tank is harder to operate in desert conditions."

    Что тут можно сказать? На первый взгляд все правильно, но если копнуть поглубже, то не все так очевидно. Сразу удивляет пассаж по поводу заметности. Это весьма расхожий тезис, но на самом деле влияние меньших размеров танка на его непоражаемость – вещь весьма и весьма относительная.
    My attempt:

    What can I say? At first glance, it seems all right, but if you dig a little deeper, it is not so obvious. Immediately surprising is the passage about visibility. This is a very widespread thesis, but actually influence a smaller tank on his neporazhaemost - something very, very irrelevant.

    Объем МТО танка Т-80 составляет 3,15 м3, «Абрамса» – 6,8 м3.

    My attempt:
    MTO volume of the T-80 is 3.15 m3, "Abrams" - 6.8 m3.

  2. #2
    Завсегдатай chaika's Avatar
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    The GTD-1250 engine of the T-80U tank, is smaller and almost 100kg lighter. The better air filtration system of the GTD-1250 provides very clean[OR pure] air (98.5%). It supplies air to the engine and ...

    Text is too complex for me.

    ... in fact the affect of the smaller size of the tank on its survivability is very, very relevant.
    NOT IRrelevant!!

    The motor transmission unit [??] of the T-80 is 3.15 cubic meters, and that of the Abrans is 6.8 cubic meters.
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  3. #3
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Thnx for trying, I am a chemical engineer & am very intrigued by Russian technical documents.
    This word keeps repeating plz try to solve it


  4. #4
    Старший оракул CoffeeCup's Avatar
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    система воздухопитания - air utilization (using / consumption etc) system includes air intake, air filtration and all the other things dealing with air in the machine.

    жесткий насадок (looks strange to me as if there is a misprint but maybe it is a term for engineers) is a tube which can be attached to the air intake so the real air intake will come through this tube with the intlet placed high above the ground.
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    So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

  5. #5
    Завсегдатай chaika's Avatar
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    vozduh - air
    o connector vowel
    pitaniya - feed

    "air-feed" system kinda. air cooling/filtering system.
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  6. #6
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Thnx for the help
    ok now the last passages...bold parts

    Ну и, конечно, как всегда, только мы пошли своим путем. В Советском Союзе не стали переклассифицировать ИСы в средние танки, а сохранили их в качестве тяжелых. Средние же продолжали создавать в 30-тонном классе. Более того, двухтанковую структуру сохраняли дольше всех – вплоть до середины 70-х годов (сколько в этой структуре было типов танков – отдельная песня). Наконец от тяжелого танка отказались, а линию ОБТ повели от средних танков.

    My attempt:
    And, of course, as always, we just went our own way. Soviet Union did not reclassify medium tanks and saved them as heavy tanks. Mass production of 30-ton class continued. Moreover, the two-tank structure served the longest - until the mid-70s (various tank types were built.) Finally, from a heavy tank abandoned and the line was taken from MBT medium tanks.

  7. #7
    Старший оракул CoffeeCup's Avatar
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    сколько в этой структуре было типов танков – отдельная песня
    How many tank types were in this structure is the subject to discuss somewhere else (literally, quite colloquial - this is the subject for another song)
    So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

  8. #8
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    ...& what about this
    Finally, from a heavy tank abandoned and the line was taken from MBT medium tanks.

  9. #9
    Старший оракул CoffeeCup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nightcrawler View Post
    Finally, from a heavy tank abandoned and the line was taken from MBT medium tanks.
    Finally, the development of the heavy tanks was stopped and MBT tanks were developed based on medium tank series.
    So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

  10. #10
    Завсегдатай chaika's Avatar
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    Finally, the heavy tank was rejected and the OBT line of medium tanks was built.

    It's not that the building of heavy tanks was stopped, but it was never started.

  11. #11
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    hey there again; I have already bought specialised dictionaries for Russ-Eng engineering terms but it seems language evolves...
    The bold part requires attention:
    so here are the line I don't know a thing about

    writer talks about three testing testing facilities:

    отработки инерциальных систем;
    отработки систем автоматики;
    контроля аэросервоупругости (устойчивости с учетом вибраций) и др.
    my attempt

    testing inertial systems;
    testing automation systems;
    aerodynamics control (taking into account the stability of vibrations), etc.

    The second one:
    I have no clue to the first sentence

    Трехстепенные стенды обладают высокой динамикой и позиционной точностью. Отработка сигналов управления осуществляется с точностью до единиц угловых минут.
    my attempt:

    Three-stage boards are highly dynamic and positional accuracy. Testing of control signals is accomplished with an accuracy to the units of arcminutes.

    ...& lastly I don't need translation of this line but it includes three defenec company names; two are quiet popular but I ( a defence pro) don't know anything regarding theird one.

    В особенности второй этап, когда в корпорацию вошло сразу восемь предприятий, в том числе ГосМКБ «Вымпел», ГосМКБ «Радуга» и ГНПП «Регион», которые имели глубокие традиции, свои сложившиеся инженерно-конструкторские школы.
    "Vympel", "Raduga" and "Region"
    last one I can't find it on wiki

  12. #12
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  13. #13
    Завсегдатай chaika's Avatar
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    Я не переводчик авиационной тематики.

    I do not see that отработка means "testing". It is probably "development".

    aero servo elasticity is a technical term. - Google Search

    Multitran shows: трёхстепенной стенд поворотаtotal-freedom tilt rig (испытываемого объекта по трем степеням свободы)

    So I would say:
    Three-stage test stands have a high level of dynamic and positional accuracy. The control signals used are accurate to the arcminute.
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  14. #14
    Paul G.
    (устойчивости с учетом вибраций)
    Your attempt: taking into account the stability of vibrations
    Reverse translation of your phrase looks like "с учетом устойчивости вибраций". I suppose it changed sense absolutely.
    Literally it means "the stability with taken into account vibrations". It has to be correct.

  15. #15
    Завсегдатай chaika's Avatar
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    maybe: stability against vibration

  16. #16
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Sir indeed you have given me an angel that can solve my problems in the name of MulitTran website, its very. useful

    Another word I can fnd, though
    К актуальной, сложнорешаемой проблеме, как и для большей части предприятий ОПК, относится проблема кадров.

  17. #17
    Завсегдатай chaika's Avatar
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    The issue of personnel is another major problem that is not easy for most ents to resolve.

  18. #18
    Paul G.
    Quote Originally Posted by nightcrawler
    К актуальной, сложнорешаемой проблеме
    сложнорешаемой = сложно решаемой
    hard solvable, difficult solvable; complicated problem; the problem which hard to solve

  19. #19
    Завсегдатай Crocodile's Avatar
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    As I side note, I think the source article is one of the worst ever! Each weapon has its pros and cons. For example, the author stresses the point that the smaller size and weight do not matter if the high-precision weapons is used. However, one of the major points of making the tanks smaller is their easier transportation via the railroads. Besides, the pure tanks vs. tanks battles are something of the past. E.g. the tank groups are thought to assault their targets in conjunction with the support helicopters. That, in its turn would be very difficult unless the (at least local) superiority in the air is achieved. And so on and so forth. To make the long story short, the comparison of the kind that the source article provides seems very unprofessional.

    Here's a classic article with a much more comprehensive analysis: Т-90 П

    Happy translating!

  20. #20
    Почтенный гражданин capecoddah's Avatar
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    There was a TV program a couple years ago about a shop that rebuilt tanks.
    One episode was about a T-xx. They had the manuals but no translation abilities. Well, an alphabet.

    Just saying.
    I'm easily amused late at night...

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