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Thread: Please help me translate this text

  1. #1
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    Russia, Saint-Peter..
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    Please help me translate this text

    Я познакомилась с Эйлин, женой моего брата Джоноа, когда мне было семь. Только тоггда она не была его женой. Это была эффектная 19-летняя девушкас с осветленными предями волос, экстравагантная, веселая и страшно боящаяся своих родителей. Когда она впервые пришла к нам на ужин, я сразу влюбилась в нее.

    You can read my variant of translation of some sentences. If you consider, that there are some mistakes or inacuraties, please, correct them and explain why do you thihk so.
    My thanks beforhand.
    I met (became/get acquainted with) Эйлин?, my brother John’s wife, when I was seven. She wasn’t his wife then. She was a charming 19-year-old girl with blond streaks in her hair, bizarre, gay, and страшно боящаяся своих родителей. When she came to dinner for the first time, I fell in love with her at once.

  2. #2
    DDT is offline
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    страшно боящаяся своих родителей

    Sounds to me like it says she was, quite afraid of her parents.
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  3. #3
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    When I was 7-years-old, I got acquantied with Ayline, my brother John's wife. However, she had not been his wife those times. She used to be a showy 19-year-old, with her locks turned into blonde-like. Also she was odd and cheerful. She would be afraid of her parents very much. So, when she came to ours for the first time, I fell in love at once.

    I don't have proffesional exprience in translating from Russian into English. Corrections are welcome.
    «И всё, что сейчас происходит внутре — тоже является частью вселенной».

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Мой вариант:

    I was seven when I first met Eileen, the wife of my brother John. But back then she wasn't his wife. She was a striking 19-year-old with beached streaks in her hair, excentric, cheerful and terribly afraid of her parents. When she first came to our place for a dinner, I immediately fell in love with her.

    В обшем и целом, мне вариант Ильи больше понравился

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