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Thread: message translation please...

  1. #1
    Увлечённый спикер xavier's Avatar
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    message translation please...

    I would appreciate the translation of this message please:

    " I just wanted to say how beautiful your photographs on DeviantART were, you have an incredible talent for composition and pose - "The girl with her Nikon and tripod". The photos of your eyes were so amazing - vivid, bright and sparkling with sheer beauty. And who could forget your smile! "

    Also what is the Russian equivalent of "That's just my two cents" ?

    Many thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Почтенный гражданин pushvv's Avatar
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    Просто хотел отметить, как прекрасны твои фотографии на ДевиантАрт. У тебя потрясающий талант в композиции и постановке (not sure about these 2 words) - "Девушка с своим Никоном и штативом". Фото твоих глаз просто потрясающие - живые, яркие и сверкающие - воплощение красоты (not sure if this is about photos or eyes). Кому под силу забыть твою улыбку?

    Вот мои пять копеек.
    xavier likes this.

  3. #3
    Увлечённый спикер xavier's Avatar
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    thank you pushvv! it was about the eyes.

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