Don't hate me; this phrase (Мир тесен!) is on our test on Monday, and I used to work at Disneyland, and it got stuck in my head. But, I couldn't find a translation... so this is what I've got. I'm not sure about a lot of it, and half of why I chose the chorus line that I did was because translating it with my Oxford dictionary indicates it can just as easily mean "Peace is close, finally."
Any improvements (I'm not so worried about rhyming; the musical structure of the original song makes non-rhyming verses sound okay) are most appreciated, as I may end out singing it for our department talent show next week. I've put asterisks by the lines I'm sure are wrong, or that I took stabs in the dark on.
Это мир смеха,
Это мир слез
Это мир надежд
Это мир страх
У нас так много общего, (

["there's so much that we share"]
Как мы теперь знаем, (

["that it's time we're aware"]
Мир тесен, в конце концов.
(Another variant:
Всё-таки мир так мал. It looks better to me).
Мир тесен, в конце концов;
Мир тесен, в конце концов;
Мир тесен, в конце концов;
_Тесен, тесен мир. (
Есть только одна луна
И одно
яркое солнце.
И улыбка
для все
х означает дружб
у. ["and a smile means 'friendship' to everyone"]
нас разделяют
горы, (

["though the mountains divide (us)"]
И океаны -
безбрежны: (

["and the oceans are wide"]
Мир тесен, в конце концов.
Мир тесен, в конце концов;
Мир тесен, в конце концов;
Мир тесен, в конце концов;
_ Тесен, тесен мир. (
Большое спасибо!