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Thread: Forum message

  1. #1
    Старший оракул
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    Forum message

    Hi, this evening I tried to translate a long and rather interesting (to me) message from a stavropol internet forum. I've printed my translation attempt below. I'd be grateful if anyone could help me out with the tricky bits .. I think there is some slang in there ..


    Недавно я стала свидетельницей ужасного зрелища в центре нашего города. На
    Not long ago I witnessed a terrible spectacle in the centre of our town.

    прошлой неделе ,вечером, во время ужасного ливня, я стояла на остановке возле
    Last week, in the evening, at the time of heavy clouds?, I was standing at the bus stop

    Андреевской церкви, затем откуда не возьмись туда же пришла огромная толпа
    Near the Andreevsky church, then from I don’t know where a huge crowd of 25-30

    человек 25-30 так называемых кавказцев, лет по 15-20. Они вели себя разнузданно,
    people appeared, Caucasians, all about 15-20 years old. They were totally uncontrolled,

    плевались громко орали смесью со своего дикого языка и русского мата. Я сделала
    were spitting loudly and hollering in their own language, and with Russian swear words.

    им замечание, как можно ругаться возле ХРАМА, но меня никто не слушал,
    I made a remark to them, how could they swear near the XRAMA?, but nobody listened

    услышал один зверек и сказал, что-то типа: "Да плевать мы хотели на твой храм". Я
    to me. One of these animals heard, and said: “Yeah? We want to spit on your XRAM”.

    хотела дать мерзавцу по губам, но женщина стоявшая на остановке отговорила
    I wanted to give him a piece of my mind, but a woman standing at the bus stop dissuaded

    меня. Да и как можно обуздать разнузданную толпу зверей. Я не националистка, но
    me. All very well, but how to restrain such an uncontrolled crowd of animals. I’m not a

    людьми тех кого я видела назвать нельзя. Но самое ужасное произошло после.
    racist person , but I’ve never seen this before(?). But the worst thing happened

    Группа из 5-ти, очевидно, русских ребят проходила мимо. И среди толпы пошел
    afterwards. A group of obviously Russian kids walked by. And in the middle of the

    шепот: "Смотри, смотри русаки". После этого один из них крикнул "Бей русских" и
    crowd someone whispered: “Look, look, Russians”. Then one of them shouted “Attack

    толпа бросилась с остановки на этих ребят.Боже мой! И это происходит не где-
    “the Russians!” and the crowd dashed from the bus stop to these kids. Good lord! And

    нибудь в горах Чечни, это в нашем родном Ставрополе, в центре города! Парни
    this didn’t happen in a town in Chechnya, this was in our home town of Stavropol, in the

    стали убегать, но один не успел, его сбили и человек 10 его стали методично
    centre of the city! The guys tried to run, but one didn’t make it, he was knocked down by

    избивать ногами. Это все происходило буквально в нескольких метрах от здания
    about 10 guys who methodically beat his legs. This all happened literally a few metres

    Ставропольского телевидения. Остальная часть бросилась в погоню за
    From the Stavropol TV studios. The rest of the crowd gave chase to the other 4 kids.

    оставшимися 4-мя ребятами. Я побежала к толпе выродков. Кто-то крикнул
    I ran after the degenerate(?) kids. Someone shouted ‘Militsia!’ and the crowd dispersed

    "Милиция!" и толпа разбежалась в разные стороны. На мальчика, которого звали
    in different directions. And the boy, who was called Dima, was scared to see,

    Дима было страшно смотреть, лицо разбито, кровь из носа лилась рекой, на вид
    Face broken, blood pouring in rivers from his legs, and from his looks he wasn’t more

    ему было не больше 13 лет...Я помогла ему встать, в это время проходили
    than 13. I was able to help him to get up, at this time a few of the people from the gang

    несколько человек из группы, которая пробежала дальше. Один щенок тявкнул н
    came up, who had run further(?). One ‘whelp’ ‘yapped’ at me: “Now ..?? we’re finished?

    а меня: "Сейчас мы и тебя кончим! Вас всех резать надо", но другой очевидно
    ..we’ll finish you? You need to cut? [totally no idea here], but another one, a little older

    постарше отвел его в сторону и дальше они прошли молча. Я хотела отвести Диму
    of course, pushed him to one side and then they went away quietly. I wanted to take

    в милицию, чтобы он написал заявление, но он сказал: "Что вы! Они же меня
    Dima to the Militsia, so he could give a statement, but he said: “No way! They’d kill me

    потом убьют!" В травмпункт паренек отказался идти, сказав, что его друга недавно
    then!” [Spelling error, maybe ‘on the tramway’?], the guys refused to go, saying that

    оттуда выгнали, потому что у него не было денег. В итоге я дала ему платок,
    they’d just been thrown off because they didn’t have the fare. So I gave them the fare

    посадила на маршрутку и отправила домой.
    For the marshrutka to get home safely.

    Вы спросите зачем я вмешалась? Да все очень просто... Я просто представила на
    You ask why I interfered? Well that’s very simple.. I simply realised at that moment

    секунду, что на его месте мог быть мой внук. Мне страшно стало выпускать его на
    that he could have been my grandson. I’ve become scared to let him out onto the street.

    Господи, да что же это творится в нашей дикой стране?
    Goodness, what is going on in our wild country?
    Море удачи и дачу у моря

  2. #2
    al is offline
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    Re: Forum message

    Quote Originally Posted by waxwing
    прошлой неделе ,вечером, во время ужасного ливня, я стояла на остановке возле
    Last week, in the evening, at the time of heavy clouds?, I was standing at the bus stop
    ливень - heavy rain. In the evening, during the heavy rain...

    Quote Originally Posted by waxwing
    им замечание, как можно ругаться возле ХРАМА, но меня никто не слушал,
    I made a remark to them, how could they swear near the XRAMA?, but nobody listened

    услышал один зверек и сказал, что-то типа: "Да плевать мы хотели на твой храм". Я
    to me. One of these animals heard, and said: “Yeah? We want to spit on your XRAM”.
    Храм - temple. That is, Андреевская церковь.
    Плевать мы хотели - we don't give a damn.

    Quote Originally Posted by waxwing
    хотела дать мерзавцу по губам, но женщина стоявшая на остановке отговорила
    I wanted to give him a piece of my mind, but a woman standing at the bus stop dissuaded
    дать по губам - to hit one in the lips (literally).

    Quote Originally Posted by waxwing
    людьми тех кого я видела назвать нельзя. Но самое ужасное произошло после.
    racist person , but I’ve never seen this before(?). But the worst thing happened
    ", but I can't call them people."

    Quote Originally Posted by waxwing
    избивать ногами. Это все происходило буквально в нескольких метрах от здания
    about 10 guys who methodically beat his legs. This all happened literally a few metres
    beat him with legs

    Quote Originally Posted by waxwing
    "Милиция!" и толпа разбежалась в разные стороны. На мальчика, которого звали
    in different directions. And the boy, who was called Dima, was scared to see,
    "it was scary to look at him", not "he was scared to see".

    Quote Originally Posted by waxwing
    несколько человек из группы, которая пробежала дальше. Один щенок тявкнул н
    came up, who had run further(?). One ‘whelp’ ‘yapped’ at me: “Now ..?? we’re finished?

    а меня: "Сейчас мы и тебя кончим! Вас всех резать надо", но другой очевидно
    ..we’ll finish you? You need to cut? [totally no idea here], but another one, a little older
    Literally "we'll finish you too" (we'll kill you), "you all should be knifed"

    Quote Originally Posted by waxwing
    потом убьют!" В травмпункт паренек отказался идти, сказав, что его друга недавно
    then!” [Spelling error, maybe ‘on the tramway’?], the guys refused to go, saying that
    оттуда выгнали, потому что у него не было денег. В итоге я дала ему платок,
    they’d just been thrown off because they didn’t have the fare. So I gave them the fare
    посадила на маршрутку и отправила домой.
    For the marshrutka to get home safely.
    травмпункт - fracture clinic;
    "the guy", not "the guys";
    "saying that his friend was thrown off from there some time ago because he didn't have money";
    "So I gave him a handkerchief and sent him home by the marshrutka".
    Хорошо не просто там где нас нет, а там где нас никогда и не было.

  3. #3
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    Re: Forum message

    Quote Originally Posted by waxwing
    И это происходит не где-нибудь в горах Чечни
    And this didn’t happen in a town in Chechnya
    в горах - in mountains

  4. #4
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    Re: Forum message

    Quote Originally Posted by waxwing
    Да и как можно обуздать разнузданную толпу зверей.
    but how to restrain such an uncontrolled crowd of animals.
    Здесь наверное лучше сказать crowd of beasts.
    Quote Originally Posted by waxwing
    Парни стали убегать, но один не успел
    The guys tried to run, but one didn’t make it.
    Наверное точнее сказать
    ...tried to flee but one didn't have time to...

  5. #5
    Старший оракул
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    Re: Forum message

    Quote Originally Posted by Alexander
    Quote Originally Posted by waxwing
    И это происходит не где-нибудь в горах Чечни
    And this didn’t happen in a town in Chechnya
    в горах - in mountains
    Yeuch. What a dumbo I am. I knew that. By the way, it's in the mountains in English.

    Thanks v. much al, for all those points. I suppose 'beat with legs' is to kick, or to 'give him a kicking' or some such.
    Море удачи и дачу у моря

  6. #6
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    Re: Forum message

    Quote Originally Posted by waxwing
    By the way, it's in the mountains in English.

  7. #7
    Старший оракул
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    To Alexander: there's hardly any need to be embarrassed, articles are the most difficult thing in English!
    And thanks very much for the help.

    Now, a couple of questions:
    дать по губам - to hit one in the lips (literally).

    What would be best non-literally: "to smack him in the kisser" ? that sounds a bit silly. To give him a smack, punch maybe?

    About zvery and beasts, it's funny, but you always see this given as the translation, actually
    Море удачи и дачу у моря

  8. #8
    al is offline
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    Re: Forum message

    Quote Originally Posted by waxwing
    Thanks v. much al, for all those points. I suppose 'beat with legs' is to kick, or to 'give him a kicking' or some such.
    Yeah right, it's 'kick'.

    Quote Originally Posted by waxwing
    Now, a couple of questions:
    дать по губам - to hit one in the lips (literally).

    What would be best non-literally: "to smack him in the kisser" ? that sounds a bit silly. To give him a smack, punch maybe?
    "A punch" is a bit inaccurate, one wants to "дать по губам" for the person's words specifically. I don't know if there such an expression in English. If not, "to give him a punch" will do, I suppose.
    Хорошо не просто там где нас нет, а там где нас никогда и не было.

  9. #9
    Старший оракул
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    Quote Originally Posted by waxwing
    To Alexander: there's hardly any need to be embarrassed, articles are the most difficult thing in English!
    And thanks very much for the help.

    Now, a couple of questions:
    дать по губам - to hit one in the lips (literally).

    What would be best non-literally: "to smack him in the kisser" ? that sounds a bit silly. To give him a smack, punch maybe?

    About zvery and beasts, it's funny, but you always see this given as the translation, actually
    hmm i seem to have 'cut myself short' there. I meant to say:
    .... you always see this given as the translation, actually 'beasts' is very rare in everday English speech. Animals probably is the best.

    And to al: there are phrases like 'to knock some sense into him' as well as 'to give him a piece of my mind' (the latter doesn't imply violence, only shouting maybe ). It's difficult for me to tell what the best would be.. of course it doesn't matter, I only wanted to understand the article. But it's interesting of course
    Море удачи и дачу у моря

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    Re: Forum message

    Quote Originally Posted by waxwing
    человек 25-30 так называемых кавказцев, лет по 15-20. Они вели себя разнузданно,
    people appeared, Caucasians, all about 15-20 years old. They were totally uncontrolled,
    in this case "кавказцев" means from the Caucasus, not just a person that has light skin.

  11. #11
    Старший оракул
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    Yes, well, living where I live, that was kind of too obvious to mention, but I suppose it's worth saying, thanks.
    Море удачи и дачу у моря

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by waxwing
    About zvery and beasts, it's funny, but you always see this given as the translation, actually
    Животное - a lustful man... or he behaves like a pig.. and so on
    Зверь - a cruel man.

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