Quote Originally Posted by pranki
Quote Originally Posted by Darobat
Очень спасибо.
"Большое спасибо"

2) So just the wrong word for people... What does человек mean then?
Человек (man) is the singular of люди. You can say: "В деревне Глуп человек не ест", but this is very rare form in everyday conversations.

[quote:1otf4ytr]3) Why does пирог get an a on the end?
Пирог -- the noun of masculine gender ending a consonant. These nouns usually have а ending in genitive.

Also, shouldn't собакa be in accustive, or does a comma start all the cases over again?
Yes, "моя собака съела его" is the new sentence.

As for утром, is the м some special case modifier or was утром just misspelled?
Most of all neuter noun with o on the end are declined like this (окном, озером), but there are some exclusions, for example пальто, which has never declined.[/quote:1otf4ytr]

Собака isn't in the accusative because it isn't the direct object of the verb (i.e. it's not the recipient of the action of the verb).

утром is the instrumental of утро. Утром means in the morning.
утром - in the / during the morning ( утро = morning)
днём - in the / during the / by day ( день = day)
вечером - in the / during the evening ( вечер = evening)
ночью - in the / during the / by night ( ночь = night)
весной - in the / during the spring ( весна = spring)
летом - in the / during the summer ( лето = summer)
осенью - in the / during the autumn ( осень = autumn)
зимой - in the / during the winter ( зима = winter)