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Thread: Тема для глупых вопросов (Silly Questions Topic)

  1. #3681
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Re: Тема для глупых вопросов (Silly Questions Topic)

    Quote Originally Posted by it-ogo
    Однако пирожков, к сожалению, я попробовать не успел.
    Может, всё-таки, к счастью?

    Ну а в принципе, кроме чисто эстетических моментов, есть можно всё, что шевелится. )))
    Send me a PM if you need me.

  2. #3682

    Re: Тема для глупых вопросов (Silly Questions Topic)

    У меня есть глупый вопрос..
    It took me under five minutes to find "Sister Pelugia and the Bulldog" (Пелагия и белый бульдог) by A Bakunin as a Russian e-book and Russian audio book m4b format for the iPod.
    But I can't understand the book without a parallel text.

    However - I cannot find the e-book (pdf) in any language that I actually can understand well! I checked for English and all the Scandinavian langauges.

    Then I thought "Ok, I'll pay for it". Just when I was about to pay for a pdf file on, I noticed that geographical copyright restrictions apply! So I can't actually buy it even if I want to! It may work somewhere else if I enter a fake American address against my credit card, but why should I lie just to pay $13 for en electronic document....
    Because of this nonsense I really want to get it off a torrent sites!

    Am I a complete muppet or is this file simply not available online in English? Does anyone know a good English ebook site?

  3. #3683
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Re: Тема для глупых вопросов (Silly Questions Topic)

    Quote Originally Posted by Johanna
    У меня есть глупый вопрос..
    It took me under five minutes to find "Sister Pelugia and the Bulldog" (Пелагия и белый бульдог) by B. Akunin as a Russian e-book and Russian audio book m4b format for the iPod.
    But I can't understand the book without a parallel text.

    However - I cannot find the e-book (pdf) in any language that I actually can understand well! I checked for English and all the Scandinavian langauges.

    Then I thought "Ok, I'll pay for it". Just when I was about to pay for a pdf file on, I noticed that geographical copyright restrictions apply! So I can't actually buy it even if I want to! It may work somewhere else if I enter a fake American address against my credit card, but why should I lie just to pay $13 for en electronic document....
    Because of this nonsense I really want to get it off a torrent sites!

    Am I a complete muppet or is this file simply not available online in English? Does anyone know a good English ebook site?
    Save your money or... you can always send them to me Enjoy: ... yi_buldog/
    Send me a PM if you need me.

  4. #3684

    Re: Тема для глупых вопросов (Silly Questions Topic)

    Awesome site... thanks! But there is nothing in English there, right? The thing is -- I need it in English ALSO, so that I can do parallell reading according to the "Ilya Frank method" (or something like that). It is too difficult for me to read it only in Russian. At least I think so. I would only be able to read on sentence a minute....

    Damn these greedy scumbags!! It used to be possible to put in fake US addresses as long as you could find a place that had the same name as the European city you live in..... I just tried it, but it doesn't work anymore...

    EDIT: I have now bought this ebook for $13...
    Mobile eReader believes that I live in Richmond, Virginia, United States.... That's not quite true.
    Trying to work out how to strip out the DRM (copyright protection) from the file so that I can use the text for a parallell book.

    The more I encounter DRM, the more determined I get to circumvent it and sabotage for those who use it. When I am finished I will set up a book club or something here, so that more people can enjoy the text.

    More to follow.

    EDIT 2: I stripped the DRM and I now need to convert the file to a useful format (mobipocket is no good).

  5. #3685
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Re: Тема для глупых вопросов (Silly Questions Topic)

    Optical Recognitions software such as Fine Reader can read the contents of a PDF (well, technically, they 'recognize' it). But it's only a last resort method when everything else fails.
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  6. #3686
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    Re: Тема для глупых вопросов (Silly Questions Topic)

    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil
    Optical Recognitions software such as Fine Reader can read the contents of a PDF (well, technically, they 'recognize' it). But it's only a last resort method when everything else fails.
    Fine Reader won't read a copy-protected PDF.
    Налево пойдёшь - коня потеряешь, направо пойдёшь - сам голову сложишь.
    Прямой путь не предлагать!

  7. #3687
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Re: Тема для глупых вопросов (Silly Questions Topic)

    Quote Originally Posted by Полуношник
    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil
    Optical Recognitions software such as Fine Reader can read the contents of a PDF (well, technically, they 'recognize' it). But it's only a last resort method when everything else fails.
    Fine Reader won't read a copy-protected PDF.
    Besides... there are cracks.
    1 second of search revealed this: ... +pdf+crack

    Fine Reader can be cracked too. And... you can always run OCR on screenshots.
    Send me a PM if you need me.

  8. #3688

    Re: Тема для глупых вопросов (Silly Questions Topic)

    It is driving me mad that I can't figure out how to convert this file from "mobi format" - .prc to something more useful, like Word, RTF or PDF.

    The file I have is for "Пелагия и белый бульдог" in English. It's the book about the detective nun - by B. Akunin.

    I posted in a Mobile reader forum to ask them for advice because I can't think what more to try...

    Haven't tried the "text extraction" with Fine Reader or similar yet. It shouldn't be necessary... I've worked in IT for ten years. I really ought to be able to figure out how to convert a simple text file...

    ----------------------------- EDIT--------------------
    Is anyone interested in having a go? I'll upload it to Rapidshare in case anyone feels inspired....

    EDIT: I have uploaded the DRM free file to Rapidshare. It displays fine in the "official" reader called "MobiPocket Reader". But it doesn't display anywhere else. When I try to convert it to Word or HTML I only get garbage -- you know: "&@:ÖL&^()(^^%^*("

  9. #3689
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Re: Тема для глупых вопросов (Silly Questions Topic)

    Quote Originally Posted by
    This file can only be downloaded by becoming a Premium member.
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  10. #3690
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    Re: Тема для глупых вопросов (Silly Questions Topic)

    Quote Originally Posted by
    This file can only be downloaded by becoming a Premium member

    There are no more download slots available for free users right now. If you don't want to become a premium member, you might want to try again later.
    If you have problems with both posting new messages and sending PMs, you can send an e-mail to the Forum Administrator here:
    У меня что-то с почтой, на ЛС ответить не могу. (

  11. #3691

    Re: Тема для глупых вопросов (Silly Questions Topic)

    Thanks so much for having a go!
    Ok, I uploaded here too:

  12. #3692
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Re: Тема для глупых вопросов (Silly Questions Topic)

    As far as I could research there are no converters for this file format yet (DRMed I mean). You can dedrm it if you know some mysterious PID (I have no idea what is it). But copy-paste works fine with Mobipocket reader. It's not a perfect solution but is better than nothing.

    About DeDRMing - there is a python script called 'mobidedrm' that supposedly is able to dedrm it but it requires that mysterious PID number.
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  13. #3693

    Re: Тема для глупых вопросов (Silly Questions Topic)

    Thanks for checking!
    Actually, I DID already use the mobidedrm script. According to the script and the file properties, the DRM was removed... But maybe I did something idiotically wrong and they are still there for some reason. It would explain the situation...

    Please, please would you check it too if you have it installed on your machine? Code = (see screenshot, top right), or at least that's what I was using - it is legitimate, I paid for it... However, their system might be so smart that it already knows that this PC has been activated. In that case it won't work for you. But I can get another one, I think.

    I just put the mobidedrm files in the Python directory and ran them from there in a command window.
    The syntax I used was [name of mobiddrm file] [original prc] [output prc] [pin number]

    There are several versions of these files floating about. The later are not necessarily better than the newer apparently. I tried 3 and 2 claimed to be successful, one did nothing.

  14. #3694
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Re: Тема для глупых вопросов (Silly Questions Topic)

    Have you tried the converters after this? This script only removes protection but nothing else.
    Send me a PM if you need me.

  15. #3695

    Re: Тема для глупых вопросов (Silly Questions Topic)

    Yes I tried the converters and that's where it fails.
    It doesn't seem be possible to convert it - everytime I try I just get silly characters, not real text.

  16. #3696
    SAn is offline
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    Re: Тема для глупых вопросов (Silly Questions Topic)

    Скажите, как правильно писать: «безкультурный» или «бескультурный»?
    В словаре я нашёл первый вариант: , но всё равно терзают сомнения.
    Скажите, какое правило в этом случае?

  17. #3697
    Завсегдатай BappaBa's Avatar
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    Re: Тема для глупых вопросов (Silly Questions Topic)


  18. #3698
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    Re: Тема для глупых вопросов (Silly Questions Topic)

    "Бескультурный" - правильно.
    Правило касается приставок, оканчивающихся на -з/-с (-без/-бес, -воз/-вос, -раз/-рас и т.п.)
    "З" пишется перед гласными и звонкими согласными, "с" - перед глухими (Ч, Щ, Ц тоже считаются глухими)

    Бесчеловечный - безродный, восторжествовать - воздыхатель, и т.п.

  19. #3699
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    Re: Тема для глупых вопросов (Silly Questions Topic)


  20. #3700
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    Re: Тема для глупых вопросов (Silly Questions Topic)

    У кулинарной фольги одна сторона матовая, а другая блестящая. Одна из них отражает тепло, а другая аккумулирует (или что-то в этом роде).
    Какой стороной ее надо класть на противень, а какой к продукту??? Есть об этом какое-то правило, но я его не помню..

    // SAn, на здоровье. )

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