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Thread: London terror attack, yo. :O

  1. #21
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    Its really sad for the dead and hurt civils and inconnect people in London, but Bush & Blair deserved that, especially Mr.Blair.. I got sick when I listened today to Blair and his ironic sentences like this one: "They dont respect human lifes".. Does he respect human lifes? Does he respected human lifes in Iraq, Afghanistan or even in Serbia six years ago? Serbian children listened to Tomahawks 78 days and nights, but nobody was crying and thinking of them (excluding our Greek and Russian friends/brothers) like the whole world is doing today for London.. On the other hand, this attacks could be also positive for the Blair-Bush side and they have also a new reason for a new "preventive" war.. I am sure there will be a new war very soon so we can expect a lot of propaganda at CNN and Euronews which will strength the seats of B&B, and the world must be prepared when the next shit starts.. Maybe Iran is the next? I hope this will stop one day, but it wont.. Blair really deserves things like this one today, but dont think that I am supporting terrorists, I am against them.. Terrorism must be exterminated! But we have also to try to understand why they are doing such a things?! Maybe this is a way (maybe wrong, maybe the only one) to fight against the new World Order?! Anyway, the politicle heading in London deserved more than six bombs I think, but not the inconnect people.. But its sad that the same inconnect people will go tomorrow and vote for Blair and his British way of life at the next fucking elections.. On the other hand, the biggest mistake of these terrorists is that they kill always people that arent doupt for anything that happens in Iraq and Afghanistan, they should try to get the millitary and politicle heading of the United States and UK, but they are too stupid for to do such a thing and its easier for them to kill inconnect people.. I hope you understand that I am not supporting stupid terrorists and I never did, but its truly sad that a life of a British and an Iraqi child arent equivalent worth in the 21 centenary and thats the problem.. This shit happens everyday in Iraq, but nobody opens special topics for and that hurts me.. When an Iraqi is killed its not murder, its collateral damage for them, but when a British is killed, the whole word has to mourn.. You know, when Chechenian idiots, extremists, terrorists (call these pics however you want) attacked buildings in Moscow or when they took hostages in the theatre, nobody was shocked in Western Europe for Moscow, like you are for them, nobody.. They were laughing at you.. I have no reason to support mujahideens and muslims in general, they went to Bosnia in the '90ies, raped and killed Serbian woman and childs, cut down heads of men etc.. I should hate all muslims from the deepest point of my heart, but I dont do it, I like justice and truth, thats the reason why I am saying all that.. I dont support any side here, becouse both sides are wrong and both are bad.. Anyway, lets pray for the inconnect people in London and not write too much, because it doesnt change anything.. Greetings, brothers!

  2. #22
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    BTW, the only american mariner, who I know personally told me once: The war in Iraq is good even for one reason, a lot of muslim are being killed.

    I do not want to make any point out of that, but I really felt emberraced that I was sitting at the same table with such an a$$hole.

  3. #23
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    Re: poor London

    Quote Originally Posted by Dobry
    The difference is this...the deaths of innocents caused during the bombing campaigns were not intentional (absolutely accidental) ...the deaths today of innocent civilians were intentional and not accidental.
    I agree with Pioner

    If your brother, father or child has just been blown apart by a stray US missile, you're not going to be concerned about whether it was intentional or accidental, you're going to be angry and in a mood for revenge, particulary if you're a young male. Some fundamentalist comes to your village looking for fighters, there's a good chance you'll join up. In ordinary circumstances, you might never even dream of having anything to do with the al-Qaeda movement, but brutal experiences like that can change people. The murderous maniacs like al-Zarqawi love this, it provides them with a steady stream of recruits. I'm not saying that because of this you can never undertake military action, but it really has to be the last resort because this type of situation can develop.

    I accept the US army, more than most armies, really does try to minimise casualties, but at the end of the day, it's an army, and civilians will always die in military engagements in populated areas. The terrorists know this too and will deliberately choose these areas to fight, thus making the problem worse.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dobry
    Unfortunately I must agree with DDT. We could be the kindest, most benevolent, sweetest people on earth...and it would make no difference to the militant terrorists.
    I'm not saying that by being nice and kind and sweet to people like Bin Laden or the bombers today, you're going to stop them from doing what they do. That would be ridiculous. They're too far gone down that road to insanity, but you have to address intelligently the issues that will lead the children and teenagers of today into joining the movement and becoming the next wave of suicide bombers. Just describing them as evil and leaving it there doesn't advance things much. It might make you feel better, for having such a nice simple explanation but it doesn't even come close to really dealing with the problem.

    Quote Originally Posted by DDT
    It is already known that terrorists operate within the local muslim community. This is why agencies such as FBI place high proirity on recruiting people who speak Arabic. So far the local muslim community has done little to report these bad apples among them to proper athorities. There needs to be some incentive given to those who may see suspicious activity or hear of plots to kill innocent people in our country. To do nothing and just hope that someone will do the right thing is just nuts.
    I don't think I ever said we should do nothing and just hope someone does the right thing. That's where I think the real effort and cooperation among governments has to go - into intelligence gathering and tracking down the terrorist cells. I just think it's better to have the majority of the Muslim community on your side, if you can. But you seem quite suspicious and distrustful of the entire Muslim population. I suppose that attitude is, perhaps, understandable given what's happening but I believe there is no basis in reality to justify it.

  4. #24
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    Re: poor London

    Quote Originally Posted by Cyphyr
    But you seem quite suspicious and distrustful of the entire Muslim population. I suppose that attitude is, perhaps, understandable given what's happening but I believe there is no basis in reality to justify it.
    You must keep in mind that they were killing us BEFORE the US went into Iraq. So it is not like we have brought this attack on ourselves as someone has said.

    Yes I do have a mistrust for muslims. I have read enough of the Koran to know that it clearly calls for the conversion or death of unbelievers. Saying that true Islam is benign is the same as saying true Christianity accepts homosexuals. Many people call themselves Christians but they have never read the bible and don’t know much about their religion. As you can imagine many muslims appear to have the same poor study habits. Muslim terrorists do have good study habits and are simply taking the Koran literally. That’s why they are so eager to die for their cause.

    I have also seen hours of footage of “sermons” being preached in mosques in the West calling for holy war against their host countries. It has been reported that muslim communities had prior knowledge of the 9 11 attack. Just one example: A week before the attack one muslim kid, in a school in New York told his teacher and class, as he looked out the window towards The Twin Towers, “See these buildings? I tell you they won’t be there in a week.” After the attack his teacher went to the FBI but the boys father had already disappeared unexpectedly back to the Middle East.

    You had better understand that this IS a religious war and it will not stop until Israel is no more. If at all..

    But I suppose that you all will just keep saying that “we brought it on ourselves”.
    Let me be a free man, free to travel, free to stop, free to work, free to trade where I choose, free to choose my own teachers, free to follow the religion of my fathers, free to talk, think and act for myself. - Chief Joseph, Nez Perce

  5. #25
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    Re: poor London

    Quote Originally Posted by DDT
    Quote Originally Posted by Cyphyr
    But you seem quite suspicious and distrustful of the entire Muslim population. I suppose that attitude is, perhaps, understandable given what's happening but I believe there is no basis in reality to justify it.
    You must keep in mind that they were killing us BEFORE the US went into Iraq. So it is not like we have brought this attack on ourselves as someone has said.
    who? Iraqies were killing americans? on 9/11, or there was other terroristic attacks I am not aware of? Most of hijackes on 9/11 were saudies, why we attacked Iraq instead of Saudi Arabia?

    Yes I do have a mistrust for muslims. I have read enough of the Koran to know that it clearly calls for the conversion or death of unbelievers.
    Do you want I give you quotas from Bible declaring exactly the same thing? About killing unbelievers and wrong believers? Or that raping a woman is totally acceptable thing? There are many of them in the Bible.

    I have also seen hours of footage of “sermons” being preached in mosques in the West calling for holy war against their host countries. It has been reported that muslim communities had prior knowledge of the 9 11 attack. Just one example: A week before the attack one muslim kid, in a school in New York told his teacher and class, as he looked out the window towards The Twin Towers, “See these buildings? I tell you they won’t be there in a week.” After the attack his teacher went to the FBI but the boys father had already disappeared unexpectedly back to the Middle East.
    Or, I can give you a lot of Ubran Legends. More then that, I can even write of them myself if you want. In Russian we call in OGS sourse. One Grandma Said. Or One Bloke in Bar told me. Do not read pulp fiction.

    You had better understand that this IS a religious war and it will not stop until Israel is no more. If at all..
    Yes, and it was Bush who declared Crusade on that. And then he never mentioned that again ever, do you know why?

    But I suppose that you all will just keep saying that “we brought it on ourselves”.
    Well, one small question, who was sponsoring Osama in 1980-s? Who paid islamic extrimists when they were killing Russians in Afganistan? Osama wanted 2 things from USA, that american troops to be withdrown from Holy Land - Saudi Arabia, and that Saddam is taken out of power. And Bush done that. Good Job. Now there are more volunteers to join Al Queda. They go to England, Europe, USA and kill inocent people. then we go back and kill not those who kill our people, but just inocent people as well. What is that? Holy Revenge?

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  7. #27
    Завсегдатай Scorpio's Avatar
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    I want to express my condolences to victims of terror attack in London.

    However, I have *no* condolences to Blaire and his government, neither sympathy to them. Not only they lured their country into the dirtiest colonial war of the new century, they are also themselves sheltering terrorists (Zakayev) as well as sponsors of the terrorism (Berezovskiy).
    Кр. -- сестр. тал.

  8. #28
    DDT is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pioner
    who? Iraqies were killing americans? on 9/11, or there was other terroristic attacks I am not aware of? Most of hijackes on 9/11 were saudies, why we attacked Iraq instead of Saudi Arabia?
    Who? Muslims. Muslims have been killing us who are not Muslims for long before 911. Suicide bombers are quite common in Isreal or did you forget? It has always only been a matter of time before bombs went off in Britain, Australia and USA.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pioner
    Do you want I give you quotas from Bible declaring exactly the same thing? About killing unbelievers and wrong believers? Or that raping a woman is totally acceptable thing? There are many of them in the Bible.
    You're stepping in a deep hole here buddy boy. Yes I do want you to give quotes. And while you're looking for them I will have time to become fluent in Arabic and Chinese because you won't find any.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pioner
    Or, I can give you a lot of Ubran Legends. More then that, I can even write of them myself if you want. In Russian we call in OGS sourse. One Grandma Said. Or One Bloke in Bar told me. Do not read pulp fiction.
    A prudent man will do a little research before he dismisses that which displeases him. You must have no knowledge of Frances problems with their muslim community. They have had to kick out countless radical muslim clerics.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pioner
    Yes, and it was Bush who declared Crusade on that. And then he never mentioned that again ever, do you know why?
    Yes. Because he doesn't have the guts.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pioner
    Now there are more volunteers to join Al Queda. They go to England, Europe, USA and kill inocent people. then we go back and kill not those who kill our people, but just inocent people as well. What is that? Holy Revenge?
    It's war . What's your solution? ......or did you just want to use this London Bombing as an opportunity to bash Bush?

    Its time for us to get over political differences and find a way to put an end to terrorism.
    Let me be a free man, free to travel, free to stop, free to work, free to trade where I choose, free to choose my own teachers, free to follow the religion of my fathers, free to talk, think and act for myself. - Chief Joseph, Nez Perce

  9. #29
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    @ DDT, I can
    blame Canada

  10. #30
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    Toto, we're back in Kansas! Oh, Crap!!!
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    (heavy sigh)

    "He who is without guilt may throw the first stone."

    This is a fundamental principle of my faith.

    Has America done wrong? Yes.
    Has Russia done wrong? Yes.
    Has Iraq done wrong? Yes.
    Has France done wrong Yes.
    Has Germany done wrong? Yes.
    Has U.K. done wrong? Yes.
    Has Spain done wrong? Yes.

    ...and the list goes on and on.

    No nation is clean and blameless. Are you arguing, then, that "terrorists" are justified? No, I don't think this is your argument.

    It pains me as an American, living in Europe, to constantly be told.."The U.S. is bad, and deserves to be hurt." Or, "The U.S. has caused most (or all) of the World Problems.

    Every nation has blame. And terrorists are evil, in my opinion.

    The U.S. is not perfect...and it never will be. But most Americans are normal, nice, kind, and decent people...same as Russians, French, British, Spanish, etc....who do not deserve to be blamed for everything wrong in the world, and all of the problems.

    Does anyone here really believe that most Americans sit at home, watching ther children play, or reading a book, or spending time with friends...and also are wishing non-Americans to die, or to suffer tragedies???

    Anyone believing that knows very little of the American people.

  11. #31
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    Re: poor London

    Quote Originally Posted by DDT
    Yes I do have a mistrust for muslims. I have read enough of the Koran to know that it clearly calls for the conversion or death of unbelievers. Saying that true Islam is benign is the same as saying true Christianity accepts homosexuals. Many people call themselves Christians but they have never read the bible and don’t know much about their religion. As you can imagine many muslims appear to have the same poor study habits. Muslim terrorists do have good study habits and are simply taking the Koran literally. That’s why they are so eager to die for their cause.
    I'm guessing from your comments, you're Christian and take your religion very seriously. Thankfully, I'm not religious and don't see this conflict in the same black and white, good and evil, apocalyptic terms. But if you're coming at it from that perspective then I don't think there's anything I can say that will change your view of things. Your understanding of the conflict is closely tied up with your religious beliefs.

    Quote Originally Posted by DDT
    It has been reported that muslim communities had prior knowledge of the 9 11 attack. Just one example: A week before the attack one muslim kid, in a school in New York told his teacher and class, as he looked out the window towards The Twin Towers, “See these buildings? I tell you they won’t be there in a week.” After the attack his teacher went to the FBI but the boys father had already disappeared unexpectedly back to the Middle East.
    Could you please direct me to the source for this information. Just casually saying 'It has been reported...' isn't good enough for a story like that.

    Quote Originally Posted by DDT
    You had better understand that this IS a religious war and it will not stop until Israel is no more. If at all..
    Israel is a regional superpower with nuclear weapons. Oh, and by the way, it's not just an innocent victim who has never done anything wrong. It continues to pursue an aggressive policy of settlement and expansion in the West Bank (regardless of what's happening with the Gaza strip) but I suppose you believe the Palestinians have no right to be there anyway as God gave all the land to the Jews.

  12. #32
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    Dobry, in every nation are individual pupils who are nice and who are bad.. Nobody can say that all Americans are bad, or that all Iraqis are good, and nobody can say that all Americans are good, or all Iraqis bad.. But the point is that at the moment (and in the last 16 years) America is maybe the badest country in the world or one of them.. In times of the cold war you had a rival country, but now you are doing alone and you do only bad things.. The EU isnt better too, they have same ideologies like your country (conquer, conquer and conquer for interests), but they are doing it in a diplomatic way.. I agree with you that all countries have made wrong things, but not all were blamed in the same way.. I dont want to add again facts about my country, but its true that the U.S. are the world policeman since the SU doesnt exit anymore and that you did many many bad things, but you wernt blamed as far as it was Serbia for and Serbian people (for example) in the times of the civil war in Yugoslavia.. I can imagine how you feel when people are telling you about your country, but dont forget that your country made me feel sick 10 years of my life during the war in Yugoslavia.. I think I felt far bader than you, and it pains much more when your uncle is on Kosovo fighting against Albanian terrorists during your older brother is shooting on your jets which are bombing Serbian children (you are going on the other side of the world to fight against terrorism, but we are allowed to fight against it in the own country).. Sorry that I say it, but in these 16 years, your country made the wars in Yugoslavia, you made the first and second Golf-War, you made a war in Afghanistan, you made some more little conflicts and you put economic embargos on several countries in the world, your country did only bad things, so you shouldnt expect that someone like the U.S... I believe that mostly Americans are nice people, and I dont attack you personally, but your country is a bad one in these new times..

  13. #33
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    Toto, we're back in Kansas! Oh, Crap!!!
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    I understand, and I'm sorry for your pain in Yugoslavia. Very sorry. And I find myself apologizing often for the U.S.

    Often, a person tries to do a good thing, and it turns bad. Good intentions, bad results. Unfortunately, this is part of life. Each of us suffer this, even me. I know I cannot feel your pain from those years in Yugoslavia...but I also have my own pain, and troubled past which you also cannot understand. My past years also have much pain.

    The U.S. could stay completely away from the rest of the world...isolate ourselves, and allow other nations to fight and solve their conflicts. By your debate, the U.S. should not have entered World War II/ The Great War.

    Nor, the U.S. should have not, and should not, provide hunger relief or aid in the world? Should we avoid U.S. aid to other countries?

    My ex-sister-in-law works for U.S. Aid to assist Eastern European countries to establish new businesses, to give EE citizens help for work and earning money. She is Belarussian, and she is very proud that she is seeing EE happy and earning money, and living better than in Soviet times. This is one of the U.S.'s "involvements" in other countries. And this is a good thing for the FSU satellite countries, now independent countries. Many happy EE citizens.

    I am very sorry for Yugoslavia. But please try to remember that there are also good things done by the U.S. Not everything from the U.S. is bad.

  14. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dobry
    (heavy sigh)

    "He who is without guilt may throw the first stone."

    This is a fundamental principle of my faith.

    Has America done wrong? Yes.
    Has Russia done wrong? Yes.
    Has Iraq done wrong? Yes.
    Has France done wrong Yes.
    Has Germany done wrong? Yes.
    Has U.K. done wrong? Yes.
    Has Spain done wrong? Yes.

    ...and the list goes on and on.

    No nation is clean and blameless. Are you arguing, then, that "terrorists" are justified? No, I don't think this is your argument.
    You're right, I would never argue that those attacks are justified. I'm arguing that there are more complex reasons behind the conflict than just "they're evil". That's not the same thing as saying the actions are justified.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dobry
    It pains me as an American, living in Europe, to constantly be told.."The U.S. is bad, and deserves to be hurt." Or, "The U.S. has caused most (or all) of the World Problems.
    I am sorry that you are meeting people who say the USA deserves to be hurt. I don't think those kind of attitudes are helping any of us. I have never said anything like that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dobry
    Every nation has blame. And terrorists are evil, in my opinion.
    I'm happy to use the term evil to describe these movements and what they are doing but what I'm saying is there are real political issues which they are manipulating and exploiting to fuel the conflict. In the same way that there were political issues and circumstances which allowed a virus like Nazism to flourish in German society in the 1930s. To think that evil just springs up out of nowhere and thrives without any causes just doesn't make sense in my view.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dobry
    The U.S. is not perfect...and it never will be. But most Americans are normal, nice, kind, and decent people...same as Russians, French, British, Spanish, etc....who do not deserve to be blamed for everything wrong in the world, and all of the problems.

    Does anyone here really believe that most Americans sit at home, watching ther children play, or reading a book, or spending time with friends...and also are wishing non-Americans to die, or to suffer tragedies???

    Anyone believing that knows very little of the American people.
    You said earlier you agreed with DDT. Do you still agree with DDT and his opinions on Muslims in general? I'm afraid that many people in America do, I think people with those views are making the wrong decisions in these difficult times.

  15. #35
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    Of course, the United States did a lot of good things in the past, but I am talking about the last 16 years.. You went back to the 2nd WW.. As far as I know the U.S. were also attacked by Hitlers submarine and you didnt entered the war ONLY because you wanted to help Europe.. I dont think that a conquered Europe was in Americas interests in this times and after the war you earned also money by the Marshal-Plan and you could take over the domination in the world.. Anyway, your army has got a lot of honour in the 2nd WW which will be never forgotten by the remaining world.. On the other hand you are talking about the help which EE countries get of the U.S.. Dont forget that your companies are coming to the same EE countries and buy big companies of the communist times very very cheap and later they earn millions of that when those firms start to grow.. The people will live better, but their children will work for the Americans and wont be free again, like in the Soviet times.. The EU is doing the same things.. Anyway, I agree that the U.S. arent the badest thing that ever happened to this world and I think that you got my point.. At least I must say: Thank you for your apology and respect that I could feel in your sentences! I also excuse me if I was a bit unrespectful to you, but I have mixed feelings when I remember all the shits that happened in the '90 and that are still happening.. I think that at least I can understand also your pain (which isnt small for sure, each pain is big for a human who has a soul).. I am also sorry for bad things that happened to you personally and I hope that all these bad things will stop one day.. And this will happen when the globalisation of the social world starts I think, but we have to go a hard way till this happens.. Greetings my friend! PS: Dont be sad, better times will come!

  16. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Партизан
    Dobry, in every nation are individual pupils who are nice and who are bad.. Nobody can say that all Americans are bad, or that all Iraqis are good, and nobody can say that all Americans are good, or all Iraqis bad.. But the point is that at the moment (and in the last 16 years) America is maybe the badest country in the world or one of them.. In times of the cold war you had a rival country, but now you are doing alone and you do only bad things.. The EU isnt better too, they have same ideologies like your country (conquer, conquer and conquer for interests), but they are doing it in a diplomatic way.. I agree with you that all countries have made wrong things, but not all were blamed in the same way.. I dont want to add again facts about my country, but its true that the U.S. are the world policeman since the SU doesnt exit anymore and that you did many many bad things, but you wernt blamed as far as it was Serbia for and Serbian people (for example) in the times of the civil war in Yugoslavia.. I can imagine how you feel when people are telling you about your country, but dont forget that your country made me feel sick 10 years of my life during the war in Yugoslavia.. I think I felt far bader than you, and it pains much more when your uncle is on Kosovo fighting against Albanian terrorists during your older brother is shooting on your jets which are bombing Serbian children (you are going on the other side of the world to fight against terrorism, but we are allowed to fight against it in the own country).. Sorry that I say it, but in these 16 years, your country made the wars in Yugoslavia, you made the first and second Golf-War, you made a war in Afghanistan, you made some more little conflicts and you put economic embargos on several countries in the world, your country did only bad things, so you shouldnt expect that someone like the U.S... I believe that mostly Americans are nice people, and I dont attack you personally, but your country is a bad one in these new times..
    You are however biased. The UN bombed Serbia because Serbia was murdering Albanians in Kosovo. And don't forget the Bosnians in the early 90s. Let's not have to compare the small number od deaths the UN caused in Serbia with the hundreds of thousands of dead Kosovans and Bosnians.
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  17. #37
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    Партизан, have you seen the video that was shown recently on Serbian TV of the Scorpions murdering young Muslim men at Srebrenica in 1995? I believed they showed the men being shot but I don't know if they showed the full film where the last remaining two had to carry the bodies of their friends away and then were tortured to death by these sick monsters.

  18. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by TATY
    You are however biased. The UN bombed Serbia because Serbia was murdering Albanians in Kosovo. And don't forget the Bosnians in the early 90s. Let's not have to compare the small number od deaths the UN caused in Serbia with the hundreds of thousands of dead Kosovans and Bosnians.
    The history of Serbia, the Serbian nation and Kosovo is very long and hard to understand for people who are far away like you.. First of all, the NATO bombed Serbia and not the UN.. If you would know anything about politics, you would know that the UN isnt a millitary pact.. UN troops are now in Kosovo because the Serbian heading didnt want NATO troops in our country, so UN troops came to Kosovo after the resolution 1244 was sign.. On the other hand, they should save the freedom and peace, they didnt, 260.000 serbs became fugitives and left their homes in Kosovo, 2.000 were killed and over 200 churchs (a lot were over 600 years old) were destroyed by Albanian terrorists.. And I must inform you that the reason for the war wasnt that Serbs are killing Albanians, the reason was that we fight against terrorism.. As I said, the U.S. are going on the other side of the world to fight against terrorism, and we werent allowed to do it in the own country.. I told you before, the history of Kosovo is long and difficult to understand, especially for people like you.. I least I will tell you some more fact.. First of all, Kosovars and Bosniacs doesnt exist! The so called Kosovars are Albanians who emigrated to Serbia (Kosovo) in and after the 2nd WW when the Albanian fashists exclaim the republic of GREAT ALBANIA which included Albanian (today), parts of Montenegro, parts of Macedonia and whole Kosovo.. After the 2nd WW in Kosovo lived 240.000 Albanians and from 1946 to 2006 (60 years) this number grew to over 2 million.. Mostly of them emigrated in the times of Tito when the borders between Yugoslavia and Albania were opened, lots were born in Kosovo and grew up there.. They had an authonomy from 1968 and almost a republic after the constitutional law from 1974.. This law was also one of the reason for the civil war in Yugoslavia and it was maden to make the Serbian influence in Yugoslavia smaller after Titos death.. In the period between 1968 and 1998 near 600.000 serbs left Kosovo (while 2 million Albis emigrated).. After 1968 (and the first authonomy), serbs started to flee from Kosovo because of Albanian "forces" which raped woman, hurt young boys, and had something like a war with everything that was Serbian.. Albanians had everything in Yugoslavia, schools on Albanian language, universities on their language, radio and tv stations on there language.. Kosovo was only on the paper a part of Serbia and Yugoslavia.. When the so called Kosovars jumped over all possible borders and Slobodan Milosevic came on the seat in Belgrade (1989) their illegal republic was dissolved and their authonomy was brang back to the law of 1968 (which was very good, they still had school, unis, tv, etc etc etc).. But such an authonomy wasnt enough for making a new great Albania like in the 2nd WW (which is the main idelogy of all Albs), so they started to force the terroristic group UCK (which was born already 1980).. In the next eight years (1990-199 nobody took even one hair of an Albanian civil in Kosovo, and Serbs could live again better.. But when the wars in Croatia and Bosnia ended and the ecnomic embargos were relaxed the Albanian terrorists started their senseless ofense against Serbian police stations and civils (again).. After one year of a little war between our police and Albanian terrorists (only terrorists), the European partnership and the U.S. put their hand in the mental matters of Yugoslavia (or that what remained of this great country).. We killed a lot of terrorists, and I say it open, but not civils.. The NATO searched for a reason to bomb us, but couldnt find anyone.. The OSCE was also on Kosovo, and they said that all human right are respected in Serbia.. So, after the conflict between our police and some UCK extremists in Racak, the Albanians put the inuforms of the dead terrorists down and dressed them in civils.. The whole word was talking about a masacre, but the OSCE prooved that the dead men were UCK terrorists.. Anyway, nobody recognized that in Western Europe and the U.S. and on the 24.03.1999 started a big genocid against the Serbian nation.. In the bombadements were destroyed only civils object and cilled thousends of people.. Nearly no millitary object was destroyed, only civil targets.. Hospitals, towers, firms, bridges etc.. You killed also Albanian civils that were fleeing from the bombs.. Its prooved that our army didnt force the Albanian civil to flee from Kosovo, they started it firstly when the bombs came over Kosovo.. I can show you hundrets of pictures.. After 78 days of killing Serbs, our army and the NATO found an agreement (resolution 1244) about the so called armistice.. Today, six years later, nearly no serbs are living on Kosovo, and those who try to live there, live without human right, always in danger, without fresh water, storm or fresh foot.. St.Petersburg in 2nd WW was a joke for Kosovo today.. Serbs are on circle there and live very bad, but nobody talks about this.. The resolution 1244 in which is standing that our police must come bach to the borders and to Serbian cities in Kosovo is respected by the UN.. I hope you learned now a little bit about Kosovo.. I could tell you much more, but I am not sure if this can stand in your little head TATY.. Ciao!

  19. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyphyr
    Партизан, have you seen the video that was shown recently on Serbian TV of the Scorpions murdering young Muslim men at Srebrenica in 1995? I believed they showed the men being shot but I don't know if they showed the full film where the last remaining two had to carry the bodies of their friends away and then were tortured to death by these sick monsters.
    First of all, this wasnt Srebrnica on the video.. It was a city 60km far from Srebrnica.. I saw this, and it was a crime, but an individual one.. These pay for their acts.. But on the other hand, you cant say that only Serbs did bad things.. Muslims also killed Serbs and raped our woman, Croats did the same with muslims etc etc.. It was a civil war, and a civil war is far different from a normal war.. Our army didnt come from Serbia and fighted in Croatia and Bosnia.. There were special paramillitary groups which fighted and made war crimes.. The JNA (Yugoslav National Army) never did such things.. And dont forget that there were also Croats who killed muslims, not only Serbs killed 200.000 muslims in that war.. But there were also mujahideens who came to fight for their muslims in Bosnia and they did far bader crimes.. I have videos and pics how they cut down heads of Serbian hostages and carry the Koran in the other hand.. Dont tell me that only Serbs did bad thing.. Also about Srebrnica, nobody said that between 1.400 and 1.600 serbs were killed in the villages arround Srebrnica before our army came into this city.. Nobody said that muslim soldiers were in Srebrnica, and that the UN saved them.. Nobody said both sides of view, only serbs are bad and only we made war crimes, all other are angels and very very fine people.. hehehe.. Dont lie yourselves.. I am happy and proud to be a serb.. We stay behind our mistakes and we are open for the truth and justic, we try to talk about our mistakes.. We arent shy to say that we made mistakes, but others are.. Others doesnt admit that they did the same crimes like these "scorpians" on the video.. There is a big difference between Serbia and the cowards arround, trust me.. People that know history will understand what I am talking about.. Greetings!

  20. #40
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    Bye the way, can someone explain me the reason for the 1 million dead Serbs, Gypsies and Jewish in Jasenovac (Croatia) in the 2nd WW.. This is a far bigger war crime than all crimes in the '90 together, but nobody punished Croatia for this genocid (and this is genocid, believe me).. I think that there is no truth and especially no justice in the world, so I can only laugh when I read your arguments.. Try to find a point of view from both sides, and dont listen to CNN like dogs to teenager.. I think I am done with this topic and I wont answer anymore (I also dont have the time to do it).. You have your own opinion, I have my own one, nobody can change that, but only one is truth.. Justice will win one day.. Better get back to the topic, and this is about London.. Ciao

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