Originally Posted by kalinka_vinnie
Originally Posted by kalinka_vinnie
In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.
Открой капот у любого нового фокуса и найди любой электрический кабель который ни к чему не подсоединён. Они все не то что не заглушены даже изолентой незакреплены.Originally Posted by ReDSanchous
Главное чтобы это эксплуатации не мешало. А вообще это не дело.Originally Posted by Alware
"A classic is something that everybody wants to have read and nobody wants to read"
Mark Twain
American author/essayist (1835-1910)
Ну если фары на ходу гаснут, то это не должно сильно мешать эксплуатации.Originally Posted by ReDSanchous
вот не самые плохие отзывы
набери в яндексе "ford focus отзыв" и увидишь рейтинг этого автомобиля (сайты автомагазинов по понятным причинам не в счёт)
а то что за ними очередь говорит о том что госрегулирование данной отрасли не совсем удачное в России
и я после того как поездил на том что у меня сейчас, платить за машину (классом ниже, имхо) ктомуже непонятно как собранную (того и гляди что-нибудь отвалится) на $2000-$3000 больше точно не стану
Да и смысл поста SSSS был я думаю в том что как раз машины, которые далаются в японии для ВНУТРЕННЕГО рынка очень надёжные (надёжнее европейцев) что подтвердилось практикой на востоке России.
Те отзывы, которые ты дал, ничего не показывают. В первом мужики раскритиковали первый пост подростка. Во втором реальных отзывов нет - только вопросы и плюс качество музыки.
Да зачем мне читать? Мы можем и более дорогую машину купить, если надо будетСреди знакомых, у которых ФОКУС, пока особых проблем нет, но время покажет. Ещё есть Меган 2, там тоже есть проблемы у некоторых машин с автоматом. А про японские машины ничего плохого не могу сказать. Я думаю, что и те машины, которые сюда везутся из Японии, тоже отличаются очень хорошей надёжностью.
Хотя вот у нас 5 лет была это ЛАДА 2111, прошла 80.000 и практически никаких существенных проблем, какие раньше были с копейкой, семёркой не было. За 5000 (а она столько стоила 5 лет назад), машина себя оправдывает полностью.
"A classic is something that everybody wants to have read and nobody wants to read"
Mark Twain
American author/essayist (1835-1910)
Это не САМЫЕ ПЛОХИЕ. ХОРОШИЕ я нашёл только в рекламе автомагазинов.Originally Posted by ReDSanchous
Вопрос не в этом. А втом что за $12 000-15 000 можно получить машину с которой долго не будет проблем. Что североамериканский и европейский рынок сейчас редко могут предложить.Originally Posted by ReDSanchous
за 5000 хороших машин не бывает. Ну и в случае с 2111 надо забыть про комфорт и безопасность.Originally Posted by ReDSanchous
Это да. Приходиться мириться.за 5000 хороших машин не бывает. Ну и в случае с 2111 надо забыть про комфорт и безопасность.
Это уже каждый решает сам. Кому-то нравится очень то обстоятельство, что машина новая и значит с гарантией, потом то, что у неё обычно более современный вид и всё-таки они уповают на то, что она вполне надёжна. Мало кому хочется ездить с правым рулём, хотя, как говорят, к этому очень быстро привыкаешь и не имеешь никаких проблем в будущем.Вопрос не в этом. А втом что за $12 000-15 000 можно получить машину с которой долго не будет проблем. Что североамериканский и европейский рынок сейчас редко могут предложить.
А кто-то более рационален и готов купить поддержанную машину. Я знаю, например, людей, у которых, скажем, мягко очень много денег, но это не мешает им ездить на поддержанных 3-летних машинах стоимостью в ~$45.000.
"A classic is something that everybody wants to have read and nobody wants to read"
Mark Twain
American author/essayist (1835-1910)
Дело вкуса естественно. Но если машина которую ты хочешь и можешь купить не экспортируется и не производится там где ты живешь, выхода другого нет. (В моём случае я хотел что-нибудь вместительное надежное и оригинальное в пределах 15000)Originally Posted by ReDSanchous
BTW что это должно значить в данном контексте??Originally Posted by ReDSanchous
Originally Posted by kalinka_vinnie
a french car.I've got one....
"вошь ли я? или человек?" Раскольников .Достоевский
I'm in a deep mess,some one looked in my profile and found out that I can speak some Russian (very little) anyway they emailed me and all that(not bad looking girl if I do say myself)
but anyway i mentioned that i can go to school there and i think she thinks that I am going there(i truied to tell her theres no absolute way to be sure but her english doesnt hold up too well) ,but theres a catch I might be moving to missouri if this happens then I wont be able to go until later and since i am in a differnt district (very small town)they might only have spanish foregin travel.
I'm trying to explain that there s no garentee that Ill go to Russia, but Ill work on it,so I could I get a quick translation cause all my dictionaries suck and my words are limited.
"" hey good to hear from you, I will try to turn my papers in for the mission on september 1st, it takes about 3 months to get accepted and If everything works out I'll be out there about december.there is no garentee that this will happen, for all I know I could get sent to a military camp to learn ""
Any improvisions pleasePS if at all possible come off friendly and polite (to not piss her off)
I checked the school thing by sending one of my friends on it she got sent to Russia but te catch is you could get sent to NJ to learn and eventually get sent to Russia and its at thier time of choosing(I could be 55yrs old or something when that happens but highly unlikely)
im trying to figure this out my personal study was going well until i hit "go" it seems they re many froms of go is there any easy to clearify these?
Sir Krist,Originally Posted by Sir Krist
We'll help you as much as we can... but I'm not understanding on what you're asking us to do? What is the "deep mess"?? And, I'm not sure what you're plans are... I don't remember. But, are you interested in a sincere, possibly serious, relationship with this girl, that you've had some messages with? I'm simply asking.
You're message is not clear of your intentions, or your plans, about this girl. But you must be honest and straight with her. I got a headache reading your post... maybe because of me eating hot wings and drinking beer tonight.Maybe because I recommend that you work on improving your vocabulary, spelling and grammar... please, sincerely, I'm not criticizing, but I'm giving you a "solid"... I'm being straight with you, to help you very much in your travels, and future communications.
And I'm not clear what you want us to do to help you with this girl. And I'm not clear on understanding the message that you want translated.
But where is an alpenstock (ice-axe)?Originally Posted by Dobry
Wowik,Originally Posted by Wowik
Obviously you haven't seen the previous posts..kalinka-vinnie probably explained it best.![]()
And I've been partying too much, tonight, to explain it further.
(something tells me that I should change my signature!)
Отмодерировано. Л.
I was in a rush cause I had to go apply for a job and was checking this message so I can't type to save my life.
I write terribly, so poorly that its my lowest score. although reading is my highest so I'll never figure what happened(weird huh they should go hand and hand or at least my father says so and he teaches english!)
""" I'm being straight with you, to help you very much in your travels, and future communications. """
It would be rude to not tell me!Thankyou for being strait up.
anyway I just wanted to explain to her-
hey good to hear from you, I will try to turn my papers in for the mission on september 1st, it takes about 3 months to get accepted and If everything works out I'll be out there about december.there is no garentee that this will happen, for all I know I could get sent to a military camp to learn ""
my intentions are strictly honorable if thats what you re getting at.I am just friends with her,I first explaining that s there is not a chance that I will not be going she thinks I'll be going to see her in Russia,so I'm not lying to her at all and doing my best to explainthis situation- perhaps she just hopes the best and that I can learn Russian over there.
(sorry for mistakes in on the run to lunch bye bye bye for now.)
good to see you, Dobry long time no see eh
as for accomodation (no idea if you're still looking for some but the thread is far too long for me to read it all):
accomodation in moscow is horridly expensive (there's only one youth hostel i guess). so expect to spend some 30 to 50 dollars a day in that minimum. in st-petersburg, things are hardly better.
a room at a babushka's would be 10 to 20 dollars a night, i guess.
as for other cities, i don't really know but i guess old soviet hotels are not over expensive -but also terrible and depressing.
russia, as opposed to almost all countries in europe has a very bad infrastructure for tourism. they clearly make a lot for rich expats and wealthy tourists and obviously don't care about backpackers and other visitors. i hope it will change in years to come.
the visa also is a huge problem when you want to stay more than 2 weeks in the country and travel around a bit (registration is officially the worst pain ever but i know authorites are getting a bit cooler and lenient now).
things are improving...slowly. apart from that (but that is a big issue), the country's great and people usually are extra nice when to get to know them except for some sellers who simply don't give a damn about you. i remember once when i was at one of these big train stations in moscow(leningradskiy or kazanskiy), i almost had to apologize to the lady at the counter because she didn't want to give me information on the pskov-riga train!!!
my apartment in paris : http://vacation-paris-apartment.com/
"Извините (or прошу прощения), когда из Пскова отправляется поезд до Риги?"Originally Posted by possopo
"Извините"/"прошу прощения" - are standard forms to attract somebody's attention.
I think Sir Krist's accomodations may already be arranged, part of his travel program... but I agree with your thoughts. There are several reliable contacts, "homestays" and apartment-situations in Moscow and Petersburg that I personally vouch for, but I don't think I can transmit the names/contacts over the forum because of board rules. I think I offered that option to Krist to privately message me, before in another post, if he needs assistance. And yes, Krist should stay away from the old "soviet" hotels. Good advice. I remember my very first night in one of these "traditional soviet" hotels... I won't give the sordid details.![]()
Also, you give good advice on how to speak with clerks... but it doesn't always work. Sometimes, the best tactic for me has been playing the stupid American (often true) who needs help from the much more intelligent Russian clerk... which is usually true...and tak, I am sincere, and then I receive much help. But sometimes I must be forceful, and act important and demanding. Depends on the situation and the clerk.
And certainly, my opinion, Russian people are often the kindest people on Earth, once you pass through the "initial barrier." I possess only a handful of "true friends" whom I literally trust with my life. And most of them are Russian.
Sir Krist,
Good to hear from you also! I'm glad your plans on going to Russia are forming. I'm reluctant to translate your message... I think it should be translated by a native Russian woman speaker... it sounds as though this girl may be someone special for you in the future... so I hope one of our native Russian women-members could give it a much better, and more tender translation.
And maybe my best advice, for any American (this is not pointed at you, Sir Krist, no... it's pointed at all of us Americans), traveling anywhere overseas... be careful to not act or appear as an arrogant American... it "pisses" everybody off! I am embarrassed by things I've seen some Americans say and do in other countries, and the countless times I've had to "step into" situations to solve and make peace.
A general travel tip for all of us.
Safe journeys, and keep us posted.![]()
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