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Thread: If I was to take a trip to Russia

  1. #161
    Join Date
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    anything else - что-нибудь ещё?
    come back soon - приходите ещё
    you owe... (I think "vi dozhn" sounds weird "you must"?)
    с вас ... ( for example: you owe a dollar - с вас доллар)
    do you ever miss home? - вы скучаете по дому?
    have fun - счастливо повеселиться
    good luck with work - удачи с работой
    is that everything? - это всё?
    In my opinion... - по моему мнению
    what is your favorite... - какой ... у вас самый любимый or какой ... вам нравится больше всего (for masculine gender, you have to change the endings for other genders)
    do you like America so far? vom naravetsah Amerika ??(so far?) - вам пока нравится Америка?
    Drive safe - осторожно на дороге
    If you dont mind me asking? - Вы не против если я спрошу вас or
    Вы не возражаете если я спрошу вас
    what made you decide to come to America? - из-за чего вы решили приехать в Америку?
    that 's my boss... - это мой босс (начальник)
    I must get to work - я должен вернуться к работе

    my friends Call me Alex why does some of them call me Sasha?isnt that a womans name? I thought they were being insultting but thay say its slang or something.
    Sasha is both a masculine and a feminine name, it's diminutive from Александр and Александра. It's not offensive at all.
    "Happy new year, happy new year
    May we all have a vision now and then
    Of a world where every neighbour is a friend"

  2. #162
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Krist
    Cool this works for now...
    I am curious does anyone have the lyrics in english and Russian for Ddt "last fall"?

    I've begun to notice this, but it seems that every russian I meet they like to talk about history, I dont mind at all just they give better history lessons than some of my teachers do.It's actually funny how our school books have differnt dates for things than they do, but then again our books are now 11 years old.

    can some on explain what the word "bi" means as in shto-bi, my books says its to wish or in order or to command. I just use it and not really know why.

    I'v e also noticed that some Russians dont like me speaking to them in Russian. while most are very please that I even tried to learn the language.

    Im going to think of some phrases I use at my work place to speak. I am currentally a cashier and the one I know is ... "kak ya mongu vom pomoch"

    I just wanted to know stuff like:
    anything else
    come back soon
    you owe... (I think "vi dozhn" sounds weird "you must"?)
    do you ever miss home?
    have fun
    good luck with work
    is that everything?
    In my opinion...
    what is your favorite...
    do you like America so far? vom naravetsah Amerika ??(so far?)
    Drive safe
    If you dont mind me asking?
    what made you decide to come to America?
    that 's my boss...
    I must get to work
    dont worry I work graveyard so I can get away with many things...

    my friends Call me Alex why does some of them call me Sasha?isnt that a womans name? I thought they were being insultting but thay say its slang or something.

    wheres Dorby he's cool.
    thats all for now I'll be back
    1. It's Вам (Vam) not Vom.
    2. It's Чтобы (Chtoby), there is no hyphen. ЧТобы - in order to.

    Я жить means nothing.

    I will live = Я буду жить
    I will survive = Я проживу
    Ingenting kan stoppa mig
    In Post-Soviet Russia internet porn downloads YOU!

  3. #163
    Moderator Lampada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Krist
    ... I am curious does anyone have the lyrics in english and Russian for Ddt "last fall"? ...
    Не нашла по-английски. ... 20Fall.mp3

    В последнюю осень

    В последнюю осень ни строчки, ни вздоха.
    Последние песни осыпались летом.
    Прощальным костром догорает эпоха,
    И мы наблюдаем за тенью и светом

    В последнюю ...
    В последнюю осень

    Осенняя буря шутя разметала
    Всё то, что давило нас пыльною ночью,
    Всё то, что играло, душило, мерцало
    Осиновым ветром разорвано в клочья


    Ах, Александр Сергеевич милый,
    Ну что же Вы нам ничего не сказали,
    О том, как держали, искали, любили.
    О том, что в последнюю осень вы знали.


    Голодное море шипя поглотило
    Осеннее солнце, и за облаками
    Вы больше не вспомните то, что здесь было,
    И пыльной травы не коснётесь руками.

    Уходят в последнюю осень поэты,
    И их не вернуть, заколочены ставни.
    Остались дожди и замёрзшее лето.
    Осталась любовь, и ожившие камни.


    В последнюю осень...
    "...Важно, чтобы форум оставался местом, объединяющим людей, для которых интересны русский язык и культура. ..." - MasterАdmin (из переписки)

  4. #164
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lampada
    Вы больше не вспомните то что здесь было,
    И пыльной травы не коснётесь руками.

  5. #165
    Почётный участник
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    I saw the movie Idi I Smotri it was very difficult to follow, What is going on with him(floya) when after the bombs drop?(shellshock?) the movie was great in the begining and the zhenzhina was a stress relief of sorts. I thought they would get married or something cause she seems to be the only only one who can understand him. i think this where he feels all is completely lost, she is found blowing a whistle and covered in blood...running down her legs!? which suggest that she had a weird injury or was severly raped.although the movie had some really good parts it kind of draged some parts out.
    although over all an ok movie, but it wasnt worth $22.

    In the end is he an old man or dehydrated?

    At the end of this month I can try to apply for this school and I will look with an eye open wide for any tricks.

    In Russia do you have pizza, doughnuts, a burger joint other than Mcdonalds?

    How much money do you think you would spend in a month there?(I heard $300 a month was adverage)

  6. #166
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Krist
    In Russia do you have pizza, doughnuts, a burger joint other than Mcdonalds?
    If you're worried about missing out on your pizza and Krispie Kreams already, then maybe you shouldn't leave home...
    Заранее благодарю всех за исправление ошибок в моём русском.

  7. #167
    Завсегдатай kalinka_vinnie's Avatar
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    Just go to BlinDonalts to get your Russian fastfood!
    Hei, rett norsken min og du er død.
    I am a notourriouse misspeller. Be easy on me.
    Пожалуйста! Исправляйте мои глупые ошибки (но оставьте умные)!
    Yo hablo español mejor que tú.
    Trusnse kal'rt eturule sikay!!! ))

  8. #168
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    I'm not worried just curious on what to eat for a once in a while party.

    I rarely eat out in America, gas prices are too expensive for it .
    but Russian fast food sounds funny, as well as a "must try".

    In Russia are you allowed to have some sort of dicipline on your kids? my friend was asking this cause he wants to send his jail time kid there for some sort of a military school.

  9. #169
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Krist
    I'm not worried just curious on what to eat for a once in a while party.

    I rarely eat out in America, gas prices are too expensive for it .
    but Russian fast food sounds funny, as well as a "must try".

    In Russia are you allowed to have some sort of dicipline on your kids? my friend was asking this cause he wants to send his jail time kid there for some sort of a military school.
    Who decides not to go out because of gas prices? Compared to the rest of the world, America has very low gas prices anyway. You're lucky you don't live in the UK or you'd never leave the house.
    Ingenting kan stoppa mig
    In Post-Soviet Russia internet porn downloads YOU!

  10. #170
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    Quote Originally Posted by TATY
    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Krist
    I'm not worried just curious on what to eat for a once in a while party.

    I rarely eat out in America, gas prices are too expensive for it .
    but Russian fast food sounds funny, as well as a "must try".

    In Russia are you allowed to have some sort of dicipline on your kids? my friend was asking this cause he wants to send his jail time kid there for some sort of a military school.
    Who decides not to go out because of gas prices? Compared to the rest of the world, America has very low gas prices anyway. You're lucky you don't live in the UK or you'd never leave the house.
    Oh no. I know he didn't just start the inevitable flood of these comments by non-Americans who are going to groan about our collective groaning. I blame Putin.
    Заранее благодарю всех за исправление ошибок в моём русском.

  11. #171
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    What's "jail time kid"? Is he some juvenile offender or just a problem child? And military school in Russia... Isn't it too extreme?

  12. #172
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    Quote Originally Posted by TATY
    Quote Originally Posted by "Sir Krist":18mkycc9
    I'm not worried just curious on what to eat for a once in a while party.

    I rarely eat out in America, gas prices are too expensive for it .
    but Russian fast food sounds funny, as well as a "must try".

    In Russia are you allowed to have some sort of dicipline on your kids? my friend was asking this cause he wants to send his jail time kid there for some sort of a military school.
    Who decides not to go out because of gas prices? Compared to the rest of the world, America has very low gas prices anyway. You're lucky you don't live in the UK or you'd never leave the house.
    Oh no. I know he didn't just start the inevitable flood of these comments by non-Americans who are going to groan about our collective groaning. I blame Putin.[/quote:18mkycc9]
    I think that the problem here is that Americans are too fond of huge and powerful cars. Such cars consume lots of gasoline and pollute the environment. I suggest that Americans start driving cars like Nissan Smart or Пежо 206 (I wrote Пежо in Russian because I don't have a clue how to spell it in English/French).

    In Russia are you allowed to have some sort of dicipline on your kids? my friend was asking this cause he wants to send his jail time kid there for some sort of a military school.
    It depends what sort of discipline you mean. If the friend of yours wants his son to go to a military school, this is, most likely, quite possible. But if he wants to impose iron discipline on his son, he'll have to appeal to 'someone special'. I think that Russia's not the best place to send your son to.
    I've no idea about military schools in Russia. I guess there are some but I'm not sure that they enrol foreigners. Offer your friend to do a search on the Web.
    "A classic is something that everybody wants to have read and nobody wants to read"
    Mark Twain
    American author/essayist (1835-1910)

  13. #173
    Завсегдатай kalinka_vinnie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ReDSanchous
    I think that the problem here is that Americans are too fond of huge and powerful cars. Such cars consume lots of gasoline and pollute the environment. I suggest that Americans start driving cars like Nissan Smart or Пежо 206 (I wrote Пежо in Russian because I don't have a clue how to spell it in English/French).

    Well, american cars might be gas-guzzlers, but I don't think the Russian ladas are very enviromentally friendly either!
    Hei, rett norsken min og du er død.
    I am a notourriouse misspeller. Be easy on me.
    Пожалуйста! Исправляйте мои глупые ошибки (но оставьте умные)!
    Yo hablo español mejor que tú.
    Trusnse kal'rt eturule sikay!!! ))

  14. #174
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    Thanks for the correct English spelling!

    You're right about the Russian ladas. In my opinion, though, the principal problem with all Russian cars is they have no air bags. A car can be as environmentally unfriendly as possible but it has to be safe.
    "A classic is something that everybody wants to have read and nobody wants to read"
    Mark Twain
    American author/essayist (1835-1910)

  15. #175
    Увлечённый спикер
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    Quote Originally Posted by Барбмалей
    Oh no. I know he didn't just start the inevitable flood of these comments by non-Americans who are going to groan about our collective groaning. I blame Putin.
    But why on earth Putin? Wasnt it mr Bush, who starded the Iraq campaign? Isnt it due to him that Iraq doesn't sell oil anymore and, moreover, has to IMPORT oil from other countries?
    Будьте здоровы!

  16. #176
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ReDSanchous
    Thanks for the correct English spelling!

    You're right about the Russian ladas. In my opinion, though, the principal problem with all Russian cars is they have no air bags. A car can be as environmentally unfriendly as possible but it has to be safe.
    Lada is a meccano (do it yourself).
    You get a pre-assembled version of the would be car and then trying to get it moving.

    It's a healthy entertainment. You may spend days under its hood. The good part is that almost everything may be fixed with improvised means. I've used once female pantyhose as a generator belt on my VAZ 21063.
    Alas. I drive Audi today and miss all that fun.
    Send me a PM if you need me.

  17. #177
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    The trouble is that most Russians aren't rich and can't afford to buy overseas cars. It's good that you own an Audi but I guess you know that Audi's very expensive as far as maintenance and operation are concerned, not to talk about its initial price. I mean new cars. There are loads of old second-hands Audis in Moscow.
    I don't have a car because I'm not allowed to drive yet - I turn 18 in November and can't get a driving licence now.
    "A classic is something that everybody wants to have read and nobody wants to read"
    Mark Twain
    American author/essayist (1835-1910)

  18. #178
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Quote Originally Posted by kalinka_vinnie
    Quote Originally Posted by ReDSanchous
    I think that the problem here is that Americans are too fond of huge and powerful cars. Such cars consume lots of gasoline and pollute the environment. I suggest that Americans start driving cars like Nissan Smart or Пежо 206 (I wrote Пежо in Russian because I don't have a clue how to spell it in English/French).

    Well, american cars might be gas-guzzlers, but I don't think the Russian ladas are very enviromentally friendly either!
    Well new Ladas are pretty good in that matter. I was amazed when I had to drive 2111 recently. And they became quite economical. I myself drive toyota though.

  19. #179
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    One friend of mine said that prices for all cars are the same. The difference is whether you pay all at once or step by step

    When you buy LADA, for example, you pay a minimum but then you have to pay over and over again stalking the car services and considering wouldn't be cheaper to live right there. Money is not all you have to pay. You also pay with your time and with your nerve when you buy LADA.
    Send me a PM if you need me.

  20. #180
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alware
    Quote Originally Posted by kalinka_vinnie
    Quote Originally Posted by ReDSanchous
    I think that the problem here is that Americans are too fond of huge and powerful cars. Such cars consume lots of gasoline and pollute the environment. I suggest that Americans start driving cars like Nissan Smart or Пежо 206 (I wrote Пежо in Russian because I don't have a clue how to spell it in English/French).

    Well, american cars might be gas-guzzlers, but I don't think the Russian ladas are very enviromentally friendly either!
    Well new Ladas are pretty good in that matter. I was amazed when I had to drive 2111 recently. And they became quite economical. I myself drive toyota though.
    I drove 2111 last weekend lol ))) The reason I drove it is that if I can drive a car like that, passing a driving exam will be downhill all the way.
    Do you have a toyota because you live in Siberia. I mean that Siberia is relatively close to Japan... I know that there are very few Russian cars in Vladivostok. They all own second-hand Japanese cars.
    "A classic is something that everybody wants to have read and nobody wants to read"
    Mark Twain
    American author/essayist (1835-1910)

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