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Thread: Help with Russian homework

  1. #1
    Новичок nobody knows's Avatar
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    Help with Russian homework

    Assignment is to write a short biography.
    I am in my first semester of bring all THE RAGE!!!
    Моня зовут Гильермо, и Я студентюю.
    Я не рабтю.
    Я жову в Texas. Я жову в серыи домею.
    Я родился в июне.
    веснои и летом я любю гуляю.
    BRING ON THE RAGE and help

  2. #2
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    Моня зовут Гильермо, и Я студентюю.
    Я не рабтю.
    Я жову в Texas. Я жову в серыи домею.
    Я родился в июне.
    веснои и летом я любю гуляю.
    Try to read something in a textbook one more time: too many mistakes, and some of them are stupid, like моня instead of меня.

  3. #3
    Новичок nobody knows's Avatar
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    thanks, the "ю" is also the "." on my keyboard
    and I was switching between english and russian version.
    any other suggestions?

  4. #4
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Моня зовут Гильермо, и Я студентюю. = МЕня зовут Гильермо и я студент(студент without ending in this case +and in Russian you should write I as я not a capital letter (if this is not a start of sentences).

    Я не рабтю. = Я не рабОтАю.

    Я жову в Texas. = Я жИву в ТехаСЕ.

    Я жову в серыи домею. = Я жИву в серОМ домЕ (without ю)

    Я родился в июне. = perfect

    веснои и летом я любю гуляю. = весноЙ и летом я любЛю гуляТЬ

    good start!

  5. #5
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marcus View Post
    Try to read something in a textbook one more time: too many mistakes, and some of them are stupid, like моня instead of меня.
    Хорош троллить!
    Смысл этого сообщения вообще каков?
    Хочешь помочь = помоги.. Не хочешь = просто пропусти тему! Нахрена выделываться?

  6. #6
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    Хорош троллить!
    Смысл этого сообщения вообще каков?
    Хочешь помочь = помоги.. Не хочешь = просто пропусти тему! Нахрена выделываться?
    Я не троллю и, вообще, много помогаю на этом форуме. Затем, чтоб человек тоже подумал. Мне даже интересно стало, где человек взял такие формы и откуда взялось "любю гуляю"? ("любю" - понятно, такую ошибку легко сделать: все спряжения сразу не упомнишь, "люблю гуляю" -это как?)

  7. #7
    Завсегдатай Throbert McGee's Avatar
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    Marcus -- To me, the mistakes that Гильермо makes are clear proof that he's doing the work himself with his own brain, rather than simply being lazy and plugging English expressions into Google Translate or Babelfish!

    For example, Google Translate would never give you Моня зовут, but that's a totally natural error for an English speaker who's just beginning with Russian, because in English we don't make a distinction between "hard consonants" and "soft consonants".

    (I can't count the number of times I've seen beginners trying to "fake it" on Russian forums with machine translations -- this does NOTHING to help you learn, and it's so much better to do the work yourself and not be embarrassed about making mistakes!)

    P.S. Although люблю гуляю is wrong -- like kozyablo said, it should be люблю гулять, with a plain old infinitive after the verb "I love" -- it strikes me as somewhat similar to constructions like пойдём пообедаем (literally, "let's go let's have lunch", instead of пойдём пообедать, "let's go to have lunch"). You can also compare it with the totally normal English "try and stop me!" (instead of "try to stop me").

    So, although люблю гуляю ("I love I am strolling") is grammatically incorrect, it's not a very strange mistake to make, in my opinion.

  8. #8
    Завсегдатай Throbert McGee's Avatar
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    Между прочим, Гильермо (by the way, Guilermo) -- may I suggest that you make a habit of using underline or bold or whatever you prefer to mark the stressed vowels in your sentences?

    It's good practice for your pronunciation to put in the stress when you write Russian, and it gives native speakers here (not me!!) an opportunity to correct you if you have the stress wrong. (If it's faster for you, you can also put an apostrophe after the stressed vowels in a sentence, like я' роди'лся в ию'не, or capitalize the stressed vowels -- whatever you find the easiest. Unfortunately, putting actual stress marks over the vowels is rather inconvenient to do in an online forum, so a lot of people use apostrophes or underlines instead.)

  9. #9
    Новичок nobody knows's Avatar
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    Alright thanks, the spelling mistake are from getting used to the russian key board (I hope).
    Others are due to me not pain attention in class. Thanks for pointing that out.
    Большо'е спаси'бо!!!

  10. #10
    Завсегдатай Throbert McGee's Avatar
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    I'm impressed that you're already learning to type in Russian -- I assume you mean that you're using an actual physical клавиату'ра ("keyboard"), rather than a "virtual keyboard" online where you click on letters with a mouse?

    I started studying Russian кодга' Бу'ш ста'рший бы'л в Бе'лом До'ме ("when Bush Sr. was in the White House"), and I didn't learn to type on a Cyrillic keyboard until 5 or 6 years later... back in the early '90s, there wasn't as much software support for Cyrillic.

  11. #11
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    or capitalize the stressed vowels
    Not a good suggestion because capital letters are used for other purposes.

  12. #12
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    after the verb "I love"
    The verb means "I like" here.

  13. #13
    Новичок nobody knows's Avatar
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    we are talking about this one right?

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marcus View Post
    Я не троллю и, вообще, много помогаю на этом форуме. Затем, чтоб человек тоже подумал. Мне даже интересно стало, где человек взял такие формы и откуда взялось "любю гуляю"? ("любю" - понятно, такую ошибку легко сделать: все спряжения сразу не упомнишь, "люблю гуляю" -это как?)
    It's quite easy my friend, imagine yourself being a native English speaker who's never gotten into Russian, and try translating "I like strolling" into Russian (hint: beginners quite often do a word by word translation).

  15. #15
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    and try translating "I like strolling"
    Я люблю гуляние.

  16. #16
    Завсегдатай Throbert McGee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marcus View Post
    The verb means "I like" here.
    There's not always a clear distinction from the perspective of an English speaker. I mean, in theory, "love" is stronger than "like," but in actual practice, "I like to go on walks" and "I love to go on walks" are often exactly synonymous, and therefore can be used interchangeably as translations of Я люблю гулять.

    Similarly, "I love strawberry ice cream" isn't necessarily different from "I like strawberry ice cream". (Unless a speaker deliberately chooses to emphasize the difference, as by saying, "Do I like strawberry ice cream? No, I don't like strawberry ice cream; I love it!!!")

    But note that "I like you" and "I love you" are NOT synonyms -- in contexts like that, where you're describing your feelings about another person (rather than your feelings about ice-cream), "love" is ALWAYS understood to have greater intensity! (And the stereotype is that men are more bashful about using the "love" word than women are: "Oh, John, I love you!" -- "Oh, Mary, I really really really really like you!")

    On the other hand, with an interrogative sentence like Любишь ли ты гулять? the translation "Do you love to go on walks?" sounds slightly uncolloquial, and "Do you like to go on walks?" is much more natural.
    Marcus likes this.
    Говорит Бегемот: "Dear citizens of MR -- please correct my Russian mistakes!"

  17. #17
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    Thank you, Throbert.

  18. #18
    Увлечённый спикер
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    If it is a matter of keyboard errors, please learn to proof read. (I have learned from typing braille cells on the computer that it is very easy to make stupid mistakes, but also very easy to go back and fix them.)

  19. #19
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Quote Originally Posted by Throbert McGee View Post
    Marcus -- To me, the mistakes that Гильермо makes are clear proof that he's doing the work himself with his own brain, rather than simply being lazy and plugging English expressions into Google Translate or Babelfish!

    For example, Google Translate would never give you Моня зовут, but that's a totally natural error for an English speaker who's just beginning with Russian, because in English we don't make a distinction between "hard consonants" and "soft consonants".

    (I can't count the number of times I've seen beginners trying to "fake it" on Russian forums with machine translations -- this does NOTHING to help you learn, and it's so much better to do the work yourself and not be embarrassed about making mistakes!)

    P.S. Although люблю гуляю is wrong -- like kozyablo said, it should be люблю гулять, with a plain old infinitive after the verb "I love" -- it strikes me as somewhat similar to constructions like пойдём пообедаем (literally, "let's go let's have lunch", instead of пойдём пообедать, "let's go to have lunch"). You can also compare it with the totally normal English "try and stop me!" (instead of "try to stop me").

    So, although люблю гуляю ("I love I am strolling") is grammatically incorrect, it's not a very strange mistake to make, in my opinion.
    Throbert, as a former faker (you know it!), I'd just like to mention how terribly bad google perevodchik is... recently i've seen it translate "vtornik" as -- Friday? That almost seems like purposeful sabotage.. One might be better off to guess at Russian words by watching rocky and bullwinkle, than to trust google perevodchik..

    But if you're going to use a perevodchik (I know *you* won't, but some of us intractibly lazy learners will) I would suggest PROMT (www dochka online-translator dochka com) .. in addition to MUCH cleaner translations (though far from perfect) it also gives detailed dictionary entries for words whose definition is not clear-cut.. which is nice for me because as I'm trying to increase my vocabulary, I find a LOT of russian words that don't exactly fit under one definition... anyway, this is digression but i thought it might be helpful..
    Грязные башмаки располагают к осмотрительности в выборе дороги. /*/ Muddy boots choose their roads with wisdom. ;

  20. #20
    Moderator Lampada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marcus View Post
    Я не троллю и, вообще, много помогаю на этом форуме. Затем, чтоб человек тоже подумал. Мне даже интересно стало, где человек взял такие формы и откуда взялось "любю гуляю"? ("любю" - понятно, такую ошибку легко сделать: все спряжения сразу не упомнишь, "люблю гуляю" -это как?)
    Я, например, не думаю, что ты троллишь, но твои ответы часто звучат неожиданно невежливо и даже иногда какой-то агрессией отдаёт.
    Может быть, постараешься смягчить свой тон? Заранее спасибо!

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