Quote Originally Posted by Doomer View Post
I guess the joke didn't work

That was precisely my point
Not every kid can get a J-1, so the Russian kids you see are probably above average. Don't underestimate American kids and don't overestimate Russian kids, in general
I know I get "The Cream of the Crop" Russian kids. I have a couple schools that "feed" me good candidates.
It's not as bad as it sounds. I want good employees. It's a process. A friend's daughter is being groomed for future employment. It's her ticket to the USA

American college students go to University because they are too stupid to flip burgers.
The "Top of the Class" Hospitality Major can't find Kansas or Antarctica on a map. Thinks Africa is a country. "How do I call 911?" Can't add, subtract, multiply or divide without a calculator and is attached to a phone 24/7.

Sorry about the rant, but welcome to my life.

In general.
My boss has also hired a Lifeguard that couldn't swim.