There's nothing wrong with admiration, it's a perfectly natural thing. I too admire handsome men, beautiful women, beautiful pictures, etc. Johanna's point, I believe, was a) to contradict the notion that women don't have to deal with competition; b) that it is discrimination to hire somebody based on their looks. It's just as wrong as judging somebody by their skin.Originally Posted by Martin Miles
eta: Besides it's good to remember that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
I can add that if you don't understand women all you have to do is read John Grey's "Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus" (just kidding)He does have some good points, though. He'll tell you that women value compassion most of all, and surely that's a good quality to spread around the world. The bad thing about the absence of women in politics is that it makes the world unbalanced. Men often start wars, which I for one don't agree with. What was the point of Afganistan? I mean the Soviet-American conflict? Well, I haven't studied the question and I'm no historian, so perhaps there was some sort of obscure reason, but the point is that I want my views to be represented in politics! I am yet to live in this counrty. If ever I have a son, I wouldn't want him to die because some idiot has come to power and decided to send troops to Kuala-Lumpur!
eta: Also, the best times in the English history were when queens were on the throne: Elizabeth I and Victoria. I think that's saying something. In Russia it's Catherine the Great.